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@*mollie* posted:

not too bad, but still off my food and tired. thanks

hope you are well.

my next door neighbour and hubby tested +ve for covid this morning. (we hadn't been with them for ages), so it must be going around again).

AwwwwTBH I don’t think it’s gone away Mollie ….it’s just not on the news any more ….cos no one is testing ….and it’s lulled everyone into a false sense of security .

@Baz posted:

AwwwwTBH I don’t think it’s gone away Mollie ….it’s just not on the news any more ….cos no one is testing ….and it’s lulled everyone into a false sense of security .

hopefully it is milder now though.

my friend had outpatients appointment at hospital today and was amazed hardly anyone had masks on , including staff, so she took hers off. Think they only got rid of the rule on Monday here.


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