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The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie set up that scene specially for the HLs show to make Rodrigo look bad. I caught the twisted look on Charlie face's when he was pulling the mattress off Rodrigo, the temper flared, and he exposed his nasty side imo. I think that BB glossed over the violent side of Charlie in that episode and failed to address Charlie's propensity for harsh physical pushing and pulling.

But I found Rodrigo's temper tantrum in the DR hilarious. Best strop in BB ever, by far Laugh
Clapping Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
I felt the same. Poor Rodrigo Frowner

well i think he is a prat who cant take a joke if its on him n a real sad little boy who needs to get a life
Its only a joke if he found it funny too. He clearly didnt and told Charlie so more than once. Shake Head Charlie seems to thrive on annoying him at times.Some friend Shake Head

Sorry spurs but he dont take any jokes n got NSOH at all,dont like charlie at all but at least he can take a joke
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,

you have just took the words right outa my mouth Nod
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,

LOL.... and the rest of them don't and haven't. Big Grin
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie set up that scene specially for the HLs show to make Rodrigo look bad. I caught the twisted look on Charlie face's when he was pulling the mattress off Rodrigo, the temper flared, and he exposed his nasty side imo. I think that BB glossed over the violent side of Charlie in that episode and failed to address Charlie's propensity for harsh physical pushing and pulling.

But I found Rodrigo's temper tantrum in the DR hilarious. Best strop in BB ever, by far Laugh

Very well put Twee Surgeon. That's how I read
it too. I've never liked Charlie but after
tonight its gone much deeper ( I don't like using the H word).

He connived the whole thing, just like Rodrigo
figured, because he knew how hot headed he was
and to make him look bad on the h/l show.
Charlie is bricking being up for eviction and
he would stop at nothing to stay in.
Loathsome, odious creature. Mad
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
I felt the same. Poor Rodrigo Frowner

well i think he is a prat who cant take a joke if its on him n a real sad little boy who needs to get a life
Its only a joke if he found it funny too. He clearly didnt and told Charlie so more than once. Shake Head Charlie seems to thrive on annoying him at times.Some friend Shake Head

Sorry spurs but he dont take any jokes n got NSOH at all,dont like charlie at all but at least he can take a joke
It just wasnt nice to drag him from his bed. Id have been mad too. Thought Charlie would have at least apologised for causing it all. Am rapidly going off him more and more each day. Its obvious he wouldnt have done that to someone like Marcus
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Charlie was called into the DR ages after Rodrigo.

The reason for the delay was because Rodrigo was sulking on the diary room floor for nearly 40 minutes refusing to sit in the chair ...

I didn't find his episode in the DR funny ... I found it symptamatic of some real problems he obviously has controlling his anger ...

He's a tit!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks so ... Laugh

If any of my family freaked like that I'd have them in therapy.. Shake Head..thank gawd they are not like him....

I hear what you say, but quite frankly I would rather one of my family was a a bit stroppy and temperamental than crude, potty mouthed and nasty, like some of them in there. Nod
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Charlie was called into the DR ages after Rodrigo.

The reason for the delay was because Rodrigo was sulking on the diary room floor for nearly 40 minutes refusing to sit in the chair ...

I didn't find his episode in the DR funny ... I found it symptamatic of some real problems he obviously has controlling his anger ...

He's a tit!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks so ... Laugh

If any of my family freaked like that I'd have them in therapy.. Shake Head..thank gawd they are not like him....

I hear what you say, but quite frankly I would rather one of my family was a a bit stroppy and temperamental thank crude, potty mouthed and nasty, like some of them in there. Nod
Clapping Nod
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Charlie was called into the DR ages after Rodrigo.

The reason for the delay was because Rodrigo was sulking on the diary room floor for nearly 40 minutes refusing to sit in the chair ...

I didn't find his episode in the DR funny ... I found it symptamatic of some real problems he obviously has controlling his anger ...

He's a tit!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks so ... Laugh

If any of my family freaked like that I'd have them in therapy.. Shake Head..thank gawd they are not like him....

I hear what you say, but quite frankly I would rather one of my family was a a bit stroppy and temperamental than crude, potty mouthed and nasty, like some of them in there. Nod

Baz.. Valentine..I'd hate any of my family to be like any of them well apart from Hira.... Laugh
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Charlie was called into the DR ages after Rodrigo.

The reason for the delay was because Rodrigo was sulking on the diary room floor for nearly 40 minutes refusing to sit in the chair ...

I didn't find his episode in the DR funny ... I found it symptamatic of some real problems he obviously has controlling his anger ...

He's a tit!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks so ... Laugh

If any of my family freaked like that I'd have them in therapy.. Shake Head..thank gawd they are not like him....

I hear what you say, but quite frankly I would rather one of my family was a a bit stroppy and temperamental than crude, potty mouthed and nasty, like some of them in there. Nod

Baz.. Valentine..I'd hate any of my family to be like any of them well apart from Hira.... Laugh

' ello Stonks Hug I know what you mean.... I only know that if my son or daughter was on TV and carried on like say Marcus, I would pull down the blinds and be booking a ticket to anywhere that didn't get BB Laugh
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Charlie was called into the DR ages after Rodrigo.

The reason for the delay was because Rodrigo was sulking on the diary room floor for nearly 40 minutes refusing to sit in the chair ...

I didn't find his episode in the DR funny ... I found it symptamatic of some real problems he obviously has controlling his anger ...

He's a tit!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks so ... Laugh

If any of my family freaked like that I'd have them in therapy.. Shake Head..thank gawd they are not like him....

I hear what you say, but quite frankly I would rather one of my family was a a bit stroppy and temperamental than crude, potty mouthed and nasty, like some of them in there. Nod

Baz.. Valentine..I'd hate any of my family to be like any of them well apart from Hira.... Laugh

' ello Stonks Hug I know what you mean.... I only know that if my son or daughter was on TV and carried on like say Marcus, I would pull down the blinds and be booking a ticket to anywhere that didn't get BB Laugh

I'd go around the area dismantling all the dishes.... Laugh
Baz.. ..I'd hate any of my family to be like any of them well apart from Hira....

' ello Stonks I know what you mean.... I only know that if my son or daughter was on TV and carried on like say Marcus, I would pull down the blinds and be booking a ticket to anywhere that didn't get BB

I'd go around the area dismantling all the dishes....

LMAO.... me too Laugh I always knew those raids on Real's cellar would come in handy one day Big Grin
Originally posted by BBea:
Rodrigo is from a different country, a different way of life, for example his concern about the Queen was/is 100% genuine.

[When it comes to Charlie] Rodrigo clearly struggles to differentiate humour from spite.

Anyway I think he’s lovely, naÃŊve and refreshingly honest – would LOVE him to win.

Me too!
Originally posted by BBea:
Rodrigo is from a different country, a different way of life, for example his concern about the Queen was/is 100% genuine.

[When it comes to Charlie] Rodrigo clearly struggles to differentiate humour from spite.

Anyway I think he’s lovely, naÃŊve and refreshingly honest – would LOVE him to win.

Same here.....
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,


His remark "Now the public have seen this agressive side of me" was quite telling.

The boy needs to grow up!
Originally posted by JacksonB:
both of them are irritating twonks, but the thing i picked up on was rodrigo's determination not to have his fury, and he was furious, on display.
suggests to me, he knows he has an anger problem, which is much in conflict with the image he is trying to portray.

But isn't Lisa employing the same tactics?
If you talk about anger displays she comes
top of the class. Big Grin The only difference is,
being older, she has the sense (guile?) to
remove herself from conflict situations.

Rodrigo is a very young twenty something so I
can forgive him certain naiveties. Plus,I
really like him so you could say I'm biased. Smiler
Originally posted by stonks:
I think you will find it was Rodders who through down the gauntlet by shouting, "Who's man enough to get me in the pool" but he did'nt like it when Charlie won the wrestling bit.... Laugh

That's how I saw it, he seemed to be 'joining in the fun/high jinx' until then, and, like most 'fun' fights' it ended in tears. BUT for Rodrigo, the red mist well and truly came down and he temporarily forgot about his principles re 'respecting the house and BB is the boss not you.' His biggest concern seemed to be what the public would think of him and how it would impact on him given that it was the night before evictions. He did seem to regret his behaviour but tell you what he had NO CONTROL over it. Nice kid most of the time, but the boy has real anger management issues- scary
Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
both of them are irritating twonks, but the thing i picked up on was rodrigo's determination not to have his fury, and he was furious, on display.
suggests to me, he knows he has an anger problem, which is much in conflict with the image he is trying to portray.

But isn't Lisa employing the same tactics?
If you talk about anger displays she comes
top of the class. Big Grin The only difference is,
being older, she has the sense (guile?) to
remove herself from conflict situations.

Rodrigo is a very young twenty something so I
can forgive him certain naiveties. Plus,I
really like him so you could say I'm biased. Smiler
yes lisa has anger issues.
yes she is 41.
yes rodrigo is 25, i think, but i don't see the relvance of age.
I agree with your first paragraph. Clapping Well said - and everybody else who has posted along similar lines.

But Rodrigo I felt was extremely distraught and I can understand why he didn't want to sit in the chair until he felt able to as I could see he found his emotions very difficult to handle and needed time "off" camera without that full focus, just until he was ready.
Rodrigo always gets extremely highly strung and stressd out on days such as that one and anybody who was close to him should know that roughing him around as though he is their personal doll is only going to turn his distress into anger and defensiveness. He was trying to cope wih his feelings by comforting himself in the dark and would have benefitted from gentle talking if anybody wanted to show they understood and cared about him. I find it odd when people always expect other people to behave exactly the way that they would, like Charlie for instance thinking he knows best what Rodrigo wants. People's wishes should be respected however silly they might seem to others. I really thought Rodrigo was going to do some damage in the diary room.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I agree with your first paragraph. Clapping Well said - and everybody else who has posted along similar lines.

But Rodrigo I felt was extremely distraught and I can understand why he didn't want to sit in the chair until he felt able to as I could see he found his emotions very difficult to handle and needed time "off" camera without that full focus, just until he was ready.
Rodrigo always gets extremely highly strung and stressd out on days such as that one and anybody who was close to him should know that roughing him around as though he is their personal doll is only going to turn his distress into anger and defensiveness. He was trying to cope wih his feelings by comforting himself in the dark and would have benefitted from gentle talking if anybody wanted to show they understood and cared about him. I find it odd when people always expect other people to behave exactly the way that they would, like Charlie for instance thinking he knows best what Rodrigo wants. People's wishes should be respected however silly they might seem to others. I really thought Rodrigo was going to do some damage in the diary room.

Lots of good points there. Charlie should know, and probably does, when to stop. But no, he keeps on and on until Rodrigo snaps. I'll be glad when Charlie goes, and hope it's before the final.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I don't find it funny...Was Charlie called to the diary room after Rodrigo? Frowner

Yes, they got Charlie out of bed where he was asleep and called him to the diary room.

Rodriga is a humourless little prig. Maybe it's a culture thing, but he has absolutely no sense of humour whatsoever. He's like a six-year-old girl.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Why does Charlie seemingly get away with such dreadful behaviour? He should have been given a warning ages ago, he goads Rodrigo time and time again, and the other HM's know Rodrigo is tempremental so why bother him?

Lisa was actually right, in her view of how it would pan out.

She was right and Charlie should have known better, having had previous experience of Rodriga's volatility and lack of humour.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Why does Charlie seemingly get away with such dreadful behaviour? He should have been given a warning ages ago, he goads Rodrigo time and time again, and the other HM's know Rodrigo is tempremental so why bother him?

Lisa was actually right, in her view of how it would pan out.

She was right and Charlie should have known better, having had previous experience of Rodriga's volatility and lack of humour.


Part of me feels really sorry for Rod as I think he believes that his friendship with Charlie is genuine and so can't understand why he persists in winding him up and speaking to him in such a vile manner as he has done so on many occasions.

But part of me thinks that Rod is playing along..... Frowner

Although there was no doubt he was extremely upset the other night and I wanted to give him a hug.... Ninja
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
The MAIN thing that seemed to be bothering Rodrigo was the public seeing him as being aggressive, VERY telling about where his mind is, his main concern at all times seems to be how he is perceived outside the house,
he is keeping the 'real' Rodrigo firmly under control, he is a very determined little game player that one.
He really WANTS to win and has been following his own gameplan since the first night,

Completely agree OHG.
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
I felt the same. Poor Rodrigo Frowner

well i think he is a prat who cant take a joke if its on him n a real sad little boy who needs to get a life
Its only a joke if he found it funny too. He clearly didnt and told Charlie so more than once. Shake Head Charlie seems to thrive on annoying him at times.Some friend Shake Head

Sorry spurs but he dont take any jokes n got NSOH at all,dont like charlie at all but at least he can take a joke
It just wasnt nice to drag him from his bed. Id have been mad too. Thought Charlie would have at least apologised for causing it all. Am rapidly going off him more and more each day. Its obvious he wouldnt have done that to someone like Marcus

They dragged Freddie from his bed. He didn't kick up a fuss.

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