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Stupid plonker...what was he thinking of? I can imagine most of the straight male population would kill to be married to Tess Daly. 

As for these women staying with their blokes "money and lifestyle" can count for a lot. It's not "shallow" to worry about how you will manage if you split up, especially where small children are involved. I know of two friends who put up with cheating partners - even though one is head of department at a local high school - because they are scared about managing on their own. And yes, I know that John Terry is worth a packet and she'll probably get a decent packet compared to a "normal" person but it's all relative isn't it? 

I'm not saying I condone it - but I understand it. I spent 5 years too long with my ex because with two small kids and no family close by to rely on I simply didn't know where to go.
I can imagine most of the straight male population would kill to be married to Tess Daly.

Do you think so? 
I've been told by various males - ages 28 to 60, (who have had the misfortune to interrupt my SCD viewing and so have been forced to watch ) that she's got a too much of the Cissy & Ada's about her, which they find off putting.  Plus, she has no improv skills so that make her appear dull, dim and or boring.

And there was I thinking she was, as you said above, the sort that most males would kill to marry.

Men.  Confusing b*ggers at times aren't they?

PS.  Vern's a sh*thead, imho.
Cheryl should dump the dead wood once and for all imo

I wonder why she is still with him.
The thing that shocks me is that so many women are prepared to put up with these cheating rats - I mean, what is John Terry's wife thinking about.?

Perhaps she is weighing up what would be best for the children. I wonder how many women stay with an unfaithful husband for the sake of their children.
Money and lifestyle perhaps?

This is an interesting point - and one that could also apply to Cheryl with regard to status. But then again, perhaps when Cheryl, Toni and others took the vow... they actually meant it.
Cold Sweat
Reference:COLD SWEAT
This is an interesting point - and one that could also apply to Cheryl with regard to status. But then again, perhaps when Cheryl, Toni and others took the vow... they actually meant it.
I think Cheryl's status as 'national treasure' eclipses Cashley's, but not yet the amount of moola amassed. Her case is a bit different to those of Terry's missus and Lampard's partner.....(who got a massive settlement out of Frankie boy). Mrs Terry could very well get a very large slice of hubbs' cash , together with the wagtastic mansion. It all depends how betrayed and humiliated these women feel, set against the status and lifestyle they enjoy with the cheating rat they married.
Reference: Cold Sweat
But then again, perhaps when Cheryl, Toni and others took the vow... they actually meant it.
Very good point!

My sister stayed with her husband far longer than she should and she had more than enough capital to get out. She had two reasons. One was that she didn't want her daughter to grow up, as we did, with separated parents. Two, it had taken her a long time to come round to the idea of marriage so when she finally took the plunge by god she meant it! Breaking her vows was a huge deal to her. So was she wrong to try so hard?

I think it's pretty harsh to judge people by different standards just because their cheating husbands are rich. I'm sure some of the women married to these footballers care more about money and status than the state of their marriage, but there will be plenty who don't either. It's just guess work on our part when we claim they're one or the other.  Maybe, just maybe, their kids or their vows mean more to them than what the general public think of their choices.

*disclaimer.... if I was John Terry's wife or Cheryl Cole I'd have ran for my life by now.......or at least made those cheating barstewards run for theirs!.
When the John Terry story came out, I read that the other WAGS were warning their Hubbys to stay away from the Mistress 'maneater'....worried they'd have a fling with her....why is it always the other Woman that gets the blame when it's the cheating MARRIED husbands who should have more control!!!!

Cashley's 'excuse' as to how the pictures got sent to that Woman is possibly the feeblest thing I've heard in years...what a shit! I loathe the dweeb.....
The Devil In Diamante
I am totally 100% not shocked, because every single time Vernon has been on family fortunes this past year, whether it has been with a 'famous' family, or total unknowns, he has constantly flirted with every single half-decent looking female on the panel. 

One time, he was even continually making a pass at an 18 year old girl in this one family.  It was embarrassing to watch.  He was old enough to be her dad FFS.  Vernon is 'ok; looking, but I couldn't fancy him if he was the last man on the planet.

Flirting is NOT 'ok' when you are a married man with a kid, and one on the way!  If TESS had behaved in the same manner that Vernon has (continually flirting with men and eyeing them up and 'jokingly' making passes at them,)  I doubt if HE would be very pigging chuffed.  What a nob!

What the hell is wrong with these stupid men?!  They have beautiful wives, great lives, and amazing kids, and they throw it all away, by snogging or shagging some bird.  And then come out with this bullshit that they are a 'sex addict.'  What a load of bollocks!
I was quite shocked about Vernon as I always thought they had a strong relationship. What a burke he is!
Also re John Terry's wife and the lifestyle - surely she would get a very decent settlement from him to carry on with that lifestyle? Especially as they are married and she is the mother of his children.He's done it loads of times - not just the once so I really think she should sling him out now!
Tess is fit for her age (40 isn't she?), so wouldn't say no, but wouldn't go as far as saying that every straight male wants to be married to her.
Cant stand her meself. She's got a dodgy eye and has the grace of a plumber. However, if he's been messing around on her then she has my sympathies. And whatever get's dished out to the fecker is well deserved IMO. Even if that does include piercing his balls with a burning hot skewer.
I read that the other WAGS were warning their Hubbys to stay away from the Mistress 'maneater'.
Idiots!! But it's quid pro quo tbh. If you didn't have dozy women (whether single or not) willing to have relationships with married men 10 times out of ten men wouldn't get away with it. Both parties - married or not - are equally culpable.

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