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ITV has slashed Vernon Kay's pay to £900,000, a tabloid report has claimed.

According to The Sun, Kay's salary is being cut when his £1m deal ends in February.

It is reported that he may be offered another two-year contract as host of Sunday night show Family Fortunes, but at 10 per cent less.

He is quoted as saying: "I am happy where I am. ITV has all the big hitters and seems the natural home for light entertainment shows."

My heart really bleeds for him, only gettiing £900,000!, I'd say I really liked working somewhere if they paid me that much, I'd gladly take a 10% pay cut for that much, it must be sooo hard to be a celeb these days, he's crap anyway and his misses.

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What a bloody shame.  I couldn't actually give a shit if he is sacked altogether.  It would do some of these overpaid twats the world of good to be on a 'normal wage' like 15 grand a year!  Try living on that tosspot!
I like him and his wife; I do think they are overpaid, but that goes for just about everybody in public life. Mind you, he does give away £450.000 of it to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's.
cologne 1
I think some people are missing the fact that he took the paycut with good grace, rather than throwing his dummy out of the pram like others have. 
I like Vernon, and its not his fault that he gets paid more than the average person for gods sake. People bitching about their salary should be grateful they have one at all, as I'm sure Vernon is!
I don't care if he did take his pay cut in good grace.  Incidentally, I didn't get a pay rise (in other words a pay cut) last year and I took it in "good grace" so he's no saint FFS!

Considering he's in a superficial profession where perception is everything (as we all are, kind of!) I have no sympathy and let's face it, he's no great talent, which is a career advantage on ITV, as it is the home of the outdated, almost, vaudeville entertainer.
I never said he was a saint. The way people post on here is ridiculous sometimes, I merely said that the way he took it was a lot better than some other people, who do deserve the insults. My next comment was based on the fact that a lot of people didn't get a pay rise this year or last year in fact they lost their job altogether.

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