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I've noticed ever since Velma aka Monk Dave, did the task for Ben he has become cocky, also his mask is slipping. I couldn't believe he joined in with the others and trashed the bedroom. As a supposed friend to Ben, Velma has been decidedly "Booky". Anytime the HM's decide to round in on Ben, which seems to be an everynight occurance, Velma is there sticking his oar in, getting more than a few sly digs in. I keep saying Velma is on  borrowed time in that house, and it's only because BB have repeatedly saved him. I believe Ben is a much more popular HM with viewers, than Velma.

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have noticed since the task he has become very cocky and his mask is slipping, but he never had me fooled anyway
No I've never liked him especially after he totally shat all over Steve regarding "Healing" Steve legs...and the whole drunk on the Holy Spirit nonsense...Made me laugh a couple of weeks ago when he was in the diary room "Drunk" on the Holy Spirit, he was chatting about bubbly feelings in his belly...BB asked him about Noms..Suddenly he was as sober as a Judge.
Senora Reyes
Perhaps Dave is a little pissed that he had to do a task because of him. A task that for a fat chap wouldn't have been a lot of fun and knowing that your so-called best mate in the house nominated you to do it can't have helped. Perhaps he is beginning to see what others see, that Ben is all about Ben.
I understood it was the wrath of the TOT, not a task. Dave was perfectly entitled to turn it down. They didn't know there would be a reward. Keeva had to do Shabby's punishment and nobody kicked off at her for that.
cologne 1
I wasn't aware that the Christian message was to be a drunk, a bigot, a disabilist and relish people taking the mick out of your "best friend" that you love so much.
Whilst Im a sceptic and basically anti all organised religion,its unfair to say David's promoting getting drunk.He may have dodgy views,shared by the Church of England.His best friend deserves it!
pretty sure he wouldnt mind, not harming anyone is it religious ecstasy
Really? Why do so many branches of Christianity frown upon drug taking and drinking to excess then?  (genuine question)

Dave doesn't just simply claim to be full of the joy of the Lord...They actually "snort" pages of the bible mimicking cocaine abuse.  They "snort" crucifixes, they say they are "jacked up" on Jesus.  It's taking religious ecstasy and perverting it.

And yes all that stuff doesn't hurt anyone (as far as I'm aware) but his attitude towards disability does.
Really? Why do so many branches of Christianity frown upon drug taking and drinking to excess then? (genuine question) Dave doesn't just simply claim to be full of the joy of the Lord...They actually "snort" pages of the bible mimicking cocaine abuse. They "snort" crucifixes, they say they are "jacked up" on Jesus. It's taking religious ecstasy and perverting it. And yes all that stuff doesn't hurt anyone (as far as I'm aware) but his attitude towards disability does.
Yes all that stuff does hurt all those who have genuine beliefs and not this pseudo-religious claptrap peddled by Good 'Ol Dave.  They see Dave 'getting drunk on the Lord' loving everyone but finding time to stab his fellow HM's in the back, and being patronising of people with disabilities like Steve and think well if that's Christianity you can keep it
Yes all that stuff does hurt all those who have genuine beliefs and not this pseudo-religious claptrap peddled by Good 'Ol Dave. They see Dave 'getting drunk on the Lord' loving everyone but finding time to stab his fellow HM's in the back, and being patronising of people with disabilities like Steve and think well if that's Christianity you can keep it
Actually, yes, I agree and take back what I said at the end of my post.

I can see how Christians would feel as though it makes a mockery of their faith and how it could upset them.  Dave gives ammo to people who wish to take the mickey.

There is a video on youtube of Dave pretending to be a wheelchair user "for attention" laughing, thinking the whole thing is hilarious.  I cannot even begin to explain how unchristian that is.  Encouraging his friends to buy wheelchairs cheaply from ebay to do the same (potentially preventing someone who genuinely needs one accessing one affordably) .....argh just ARGH
He may have dodgy views,shared by the Church of England.
I saw a spokesman for the Cof E explaining why they wouldnt be permitting same sex marriages on BBC news so they do share some views

I dont know anything about the disability matter

Im also not really into defending Dave per se Im just interested in balanced argument
Why is it more believable that we all come from Adam and Eve and that Jesus was God's son and ascended to heaven? Just because it's not anything we know much about it's no more  hokum than any religion. If we lived in the South American jungle with no access to 'civilisation' and believed in the yucca plant, would that makes us ridiculous?
cologne 1

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