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oh goodness what a thread for a veggie!

I first and foremost love potatoes - they all have their own uses - floury for mash etc (my fav! Then there's garlic and onions that I couldn't live without or tomatoes (technically a fruit, I know - but I have tomato bowls along with fruit bowls in my house)!

Green beans, sprouts, swede,parsnips, cabbages,leeks...I can't stop! I'm in a fever when at the MIL's in Turkey and she won't let me loose in the kitchen!

I bought some lovely mushrooms (which she's not used to cooking) and was going to make a lovely soup - hubby however, let her loose with them as they had visitors and MIL just fried them in a pile for me! Yuck! I can't digest too much oil due to my stomach so I would have made a lovely soup and simultaneously introduced them to it too - didn't happen tho'

Hopefully when hubby's apartment share is built I can control the way the veg is cooked! Plus, they need to know how wonderful their veg is and can be spiced used in different ways etc.
The poster who does not like celery - What about celeriac? Not one mention of a pea although they are a tad boring.
I'm that poster. I haven't tried celeriac as it tastes like celery. I can eat cooked celery, but the astringent taste of raw celery puts me off. And if you re-read my post you will see that I did include peas.

By the way, with a name like yours, you must really get on well with Zaphod, famous for his hatred of beetroot HAWK SPIT!
El Loro

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