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Dame and everyone who have lost family and those close to them

I have lost someone very close a long time ago, and i think of them everyday. Can't bring myself to play the tributes or write about it though.
Ev (Peachy)
Dame and everyone who have lost family and those close to them I have lost someone very close a long time ago, and i think of them everyday. Can't bring myself to play the tributes or write about it though.

Me too Ev, it's too hard to listen too, too many memories 
Evelyn I know how you feel That's the first I could post since....

Sometimes it feels as if it happened in another lifetime... Thats how i cope sometimes.

Eeek i will have to post on other threads now
Ev (Peachy)
Lots and lots of love to all of you who have loved and lost, (better to have really, truly loved and lost than never to have loved at all 'though huh?) I've been to the cemetery this afternoon to put some v v beautiful flowers on my mum's grave ready for tomorrow, the 10th anniversary of her I miss her  This was her favourite hymn, one of many we sung at her funeral

We laid flowers for my grandma, as it would have been her birthday last week, and she sung that, and many others. I can still hear her voice, she had a lovely singing voice right till the end
Ev (Peachy)
We laid flowers for my grandma, as it would have been her birthday last week, and she sung that, and many others. I can still hear her voice, she had a lovely singing voice right till the end
Ev' It is sooo beautiful, it makes me cry just have to suspend whether you believe or not and just know that they  are 'always close to you' and every time you watch a beautiful sunrise, sunset  or rainbow then they are somehow there with you. A friend of mine posted a beautiful sunrise pic today....I'll try and find it to post on here
A friend of mine posted a beautiful sunrise pic today....I'll try and find it to post on here

I absolutely love sunsets and sunrises.
 I always photo the sunsets. Im drawn to them.

I cant view that pic yet though.
Ev (Peachy)

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