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Memories of good times

I know there’s already a music thread around here. But this thread’s really all about the happy memories that certain music conjures up. Do you have a song which always takes you back to that particular place in time?

I also want to say that sometimes in RL people on t'internet really ARE who they seem   - To a former Gaga FM who so generously and warmly welcomed me into her life and home as if I’m family. She’s been gone from here for well over a year now, but her lively personality and humour are still missed by many of us here because she’s unforgettable. Apart from her stunning looks, her personality alone is enough to draw people to her like moths to a flame. I’ve seen complete strangers start talking to her as if they’ve known her all their lives She really is a people magnet. The funniest thing of all is that she’s totally unaware of the effect she has on others. Anyone here who believes they ‘know’ this lady and have her sussed as an up-herself snob, really doesn’t have the first chuffing clue!   And they have no idea what they’re missing. Her only ‘sin’ is that she has bags of class and she won’t put up with any shyte in any part of her life (and why would she?  ).

I found some CD's in my case when I got home.  She'd obviously made them for me and sneaked them in when I wasn't looking.  Here’s just some of the music that instantly brings back memories of sheer luxury, sunshine, sparkling beaches, being told off (in Spanish!   by a Maria for making my own bed, warm starry Andalucian nights, Half a Larger and Mosquito dresses & Jimmeh Chew FM killer heels    , cheeky Tintos, loads and loads of laughter and fantastic company

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I cant do videos Tiddly if I could I would pick a special one for you and your special lady/friend I know who you are talking about,she is lovely classy and has charisma and has always been there for me and still is I agree with all of your post, I am so happy you both hit it off so well with each other I never doubted it any other way, you are both lovely down to earth people
I totaly agree with marge, we know we are talking about a great lady...

Now like Marge I don't have a clue how to do vids... but two that spring to mind are:

Dianna Ross, Chain Reaction, when I was 17 and with my best friend Sally, dancing and singing getting ready to go out in Great Yarmouth...

The other one is 'Don't leave me this way' The Commundards.... again around 17/18 and the love of my life didn't want me anymore...
This is mine. I was on the beach with my sister..late night in Greece. We were dancing the night away, with lots of people..fab fun! Then when this song came on we seperated ourselves from the crowd, not was automatic. We just knew. It was the end of our holiday and we sang it together, laughing and crying at the same time. Wonderful memories.

Last edited by Scotty
We had a great time thanks folks, and the purpose of this thread is to invite others with happy memories to also share good times spent with good people, in good places, and what/why certain stuff brings it all back! 
awww Tidds - sounds like you had a great time

Mine is Down Under - Men at Work

It was a party on Pagham Beach back in the early 80s, loads of people, bonfire, barbecue.  My bestest friend in the whole wide world was emigrating to Australia the next day and we sang and danced to this song over and over. Every time I hear it I remember that night

She got thrown out of Oz the following year ... but that's another story ...
Awww Tidds having seen the photo's I'm dead jealous, they are the best photo's I've ever seen that capture heat, they made me feel warm looking at them..
I have loads of songs but they normally remind me of sex....
Rexi - you talking about Oz, reminds me of my youngest (who lives there by the way, but had come home for the festive season). New Year's day/night when everybody else had gone to sleep it off bed early, her and I stood at the back door,  looking at the peak of Ben Lomond in the distance, and we saw a shooting star, the eerie thing was the music playing in the background was Vincent and starry starry night!   Oh I have goosebumps now, but in a good way!    
Reference: stonksyyyyyyy
I have loads of songs but they normally remind me of sex....
Do they make you feel warm?       Post 'em then, and share, we'll bask in the heat!   

14 years ago, I had my first son, a child I had waited my whole life for and at times didn't think I 'd have. Once all the labour and delivery stuff was over, after visitors and medical staff had gone, I was left in our sunbathed room with the most precious little swaddled bundle. This song immediately came into my head and I started to sing it to him. He stared up at me as if he knew the song, my voice - and me. This song always takes me back to all the emotion of new motherhood. Thankfully, after seven years of waiting - again - his little brother arrived. I sang it to him too. The song is called "One Shining Moment" - and I am eternally grateful that I have had the absolute privilege and gift of having had two...

14 years ago, I had my first son, a child I had waited my whole life for and at times didn't think I 'd have. Once all the labour and delivery stuff was over, after visitors and medical staff had gone, I was left in our sunbathed room with the most precious little swaddled bundle. This song immediately came into my head and I started to sing it to him. He stared up at me as if he knew the song, my voice - and me. This song always takes me back to all the emotion of new motherhood. Thankfully, after seven years of waiting - again - his little brother arrived. I sang it to him too. The song is called "One Shining Moment" - and I am eternally grateful that I have had the absolute privilege and gift of having had two.
That's lovely Triggers Mine also relates to having my first child, and is the Carpenters * Top of the World*, cos after several years of *trying*, and thinking that it would never happen, that is how I felt when he finally arrived.. It was a popular song, and  I used to  sit and sing it to him (and later my daughter) , and looking back, I wonder if that's why they cried
Reference: Triggs
Once all the labour and delivery stuff was over, after visitors and medical staff had gone, I was left in our sunbathed room with the most precious little swaddled bundle. This song immediately came into my head 
Aye......just.....aye -  it's indescribable, but you described it perfectly!    
Tiddles. I am  happy for you and our lovely friend that you have made a special friendship and have had some wonderful times together.
The song that takes me back to having my son after years and years of trying and seeing him when he was born is, "The first time, ever I saw your your face"Roberta Flack.
I can't post it at the moment as I don't know how, so I will try and find out.
Reference: Tiddly
Scotty (ma wee clootie dumplin') bet you can shut your eyes, and laugh and greet at the same time thinking about that eh?
Oh aye tiddly ( ma wee sausage roll) it was a magical moment...never to be forgotten.
Just like lhe times you had with your special friend.
I`ve seen the balconies..pool..palm!
I prefer a colder climate anyway so I`m not bothered. 
Last edited by Scotty
Reference: Ma chookie birdie
Then when this song came on we seperated ourselves from the crowd, not was automatic. We just knew. It was the end of our holiday and we sang it together, laughing and crying at the same time.
What a wonderful bond, beautifully described Scotty
Reference: Baz
Mine also relates to having my first child, and is the Carpenters * Top of the World*, cos after several years of *trying*, and thinking that it would never happen, that is how I felt when he finally arrived.. It was a popular song, and I used to sit and sing it to him (and later my daughter) , and looking back, I wonder if that's why they cried

Aww Baz that is lovely and funny all at the same time, and what an appropriate song!
Right I've got my power tool charged up and ready to tackle a very pretty new shelf unit.   Which reminds me of another song, and happy times.    Back laters peeps and peepers!   
Stonks.You are such a darling. I have been trying half an hour to get that in, but 'cos I'm useless I can't do it. Never mind, thanks chick.XXXX
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