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  I'm not convinced about that 'poll' at all....though I may be falling right into the skeptical Dub category.  I'd believe an Irish Times or Irish Independent poll, not a Daily Mail one

Ireland is in the pooper right now, and the overriding opinion seems to be, 'Vote yes this time because we'll be screwed without Europe'.  Gerry Adams and the UKIP may have a similar take on Lisbon, but I think being in 'cahoots' is pushing it. 

Whatever your take on your soveriegnty, we're in too deep to start making demands now
"Dick Roche, Ireland's Europe minister, pointed to the oddity of the referendum alliance between Farage and Gerry Adams of Sinn FÃĐin."

I couldn't pretend to understand the ins and outs, but I just thought it interesting that a distinguished politician such as Adams should be on the same side as Farrago. Or is that the other way around?
Garage Joe
They're really starting to panic now Aquarius...I have no doubt it'll be a yes vote, especially now Michael O'Leary has joined the yes campaign.  He may be an utter twat, but if he's agreeing with it, it must be necessary   In a way, I'd love if it was no because to be honest it feels like 'Now now Ireland, you got it wrong the last time, try again and do better this time', school master feel to it.  But I doubt it will be.

How do they deal with it in the UK?  You guys don't have to have a referendum do you?  Or does Gordon Brown say yes/no on behalf of you all?
How do they deal with it in the UK? You guys don't have to have a referendum do you? Or does Gordon Brown say yes/no on behalf of you all?
'Tis difficult Agent Temps. I don't mind belonging to Europe if it in some way acts as a bulwark against USA hegemony. Yet the Americanisation of Europe is underway. I thought that I had seen everything but wasn't prepared for young Germans in MuckyD uniforms with stars and everything.
Garage Joe

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