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Lori posted:

I heard something the other day about the list of potential performers who are turning down the gig...I just heard it in passing, so I have no details.

Apparently, English singer Rebecca Ferguson has been asked to perform.   She said she would so long as she was allowed to sing 'Strange Fruit'      She's still waiting for an answer I think.....


Ha, twisting and turning!



The US Congress is exploring ways to pay for a southern border wall, with payment to be sought from Mexico later.

President-elect Donald Trump made building a wall, paid for by the US neighbour, a central campaign pledge.

The businessman sparked a storm of disapproval in 2015 when he said Mexico was sending criminals and rapists north to the US through a porous border.

In a tweet on Friday, he lashed out at the "dishonest media" for saying taxpayers would foot the bill.

"Any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!"


Mr Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, insisted on Friday morning that the plan to seek reimbursement from Mexico after paying US money up-front "doesn't mean he's broken his promise".

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
velvet donkey posted:

Mind you the US has never sought to undermine another regime. Never    



Exactly. IMO there was never any question that the Russians (and possibly one or two others) tried to influence the election - that's what Secret Services do. They're there to protect the interests of their nation, and destabilizing "enemy" states, supporting potentially "friendly" politicians, and attacking potentially "hostile" ones is all part of the job. NATO security services do this all the time too ,even if we don't like to dwell on it...


The really important questions were and remain: how exactly did the Russians try to influence the election, and to what extent did it have any direct effect?

Eugene's Lair
Garage Joe posted:

One notes that the US now takes on board the idea of Putin involvement following the tip off from "six" or possibly El Loro's next door neighbours.

Given the fact that Brexit also suits Putin one can't help but wonder ......

The "next door neighbours" are GCHQ though they are several miles away, just in case anyone is wondering

El Loro
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

And Trump's riposte is a pathetic 'she's overated!'

"Overrated" was also Trump referred to the musical "Hamilton", and it appears he has form on this: it's long been his standard response to any criticism.

With such weak comebacks and lack of imagination, it looks like it's Trump's twitterfeed that's "highly overrated"...




Eugene's Lair
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Lori posted:

Yeah, I guess so:

That's another way to handle it: tell them you'll only sing a song that you know they'll never agree to. 


I foresee a number of FM's now posting songs with appropriate lyrics (depending on your stance or course). 

That's two Zappa songs with relevant lyrics that I am unable to quote on a family forum such as this one.

Garage Joe

It's not down to Buzzfeed. Most of the western security organisations appear to see some truth. However even if it is untrue you can't blame them for setting up some conspiracy to get rid. He is unfit.

Lori will know more about the 22nd than us but one would hope that the best legal brains are pouring through the small print to allow at least another year for Barry O'Barma as a caretaker pres whilst they sort things out.

Garage Joe
Garage Joe posted:

It's not down to Buzzfeed. Most of the western security organisations appear to see some truth. However even if it is untrue you can't blame them for setting up some conspiracy to get rid. He is unfit.

Lori will know more about the 22nd than us but one would hope that the best legal brains are pouring through the small print to allow at least another year for Barry O'Barma as a caretaker pres whilst they sort things out.

It's strange, in the past it was the democrats (the left) who hated and mistrusted the intelligence agencies but now it's all against Trump and trying to delegitimise his election win suddenly the left are outraged that Trump isn't a huge fan of the intelligence groups...BTW, these are the same intelligence agencies who told the world (lied) that Iraq had WMD....I find it worrying that you would be fine to see untrue smear stories to try and remove a democratically elected leader succeed.


Whatever happens to Trump Hillary Clinton and her war mongering insanity of doom should never be made president, if she was then we know democracy is truly dead...freedom of speech died years ago.


If there was a grain of truth to this latest story I'm sure it would have been verified by now.



Videostar posted:
Garage Joe posted:
Videostar posted:
Garage Joe posted:

We were planning on going ter Fatherland.

Yep, because that country doesn't have any problems do they.

They don't have a crisis of hegemony! 


But are they happy?

Yes of course they are. Well paid jobs. A sense of gemÞtlichkeit. The government (at the time of writing) is more interested in the people than vested interests. Successful economy. As our old left wing one nation PM Supermac might say, they've never had it so good!

Garage Joe
Garage Joe posted:
Videostar posted:
Garage Joe posted:
Videostar posted:
Garage Joe posted:

We were planning on going ter Fatherland.

Yep, because that country doesn't have any problems do they.

They don't have a crisis of hegemony! 


But are they happy?

Yes of course they are. Well paid jobs. A sense of gemÞtlichkeit. The government (at the time of writing) is more interested in the people than vested interests. Successful economy. As our old left wing one nation PM Supermac might say, they've never had it so good!

Terrorism, a country divided , a leader no longer popular and ignores her people with breath taking abandon, ...and so on.


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