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What will Trump do now?


First 100 days:

  • Starting process of "removing the more than two million criminal, illegal immigrants"
  • Denying visa-free travel to countries who refused to take back their citizens
  • Repealing every Obama executive order
  • Restrictions on White House officials becoming lobbyists
  • Term limits for members of Congress
  • Cancellation of all payments to UN climate change programmes
  • Using that money to fix US infrastructure
  • Label China a currency manipulator

He has also controversially vowed to build a wall on the southern border, paid for by Mexico. Right up until the campaign's final days, he has reassured his supporters this will happen, although it's not clear how or when.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

What will Trump do now?


First 100 days:

  • Starting process of "removing the more than two million criminal, illegal immigrants"
  • Denying visa-free travel to countries who refused to take back their citizens
  • Repealing every Obama executive order
  • Restrictions on White House officials becoming lobbyists
  • Term limits for members of Congress
  • Cancellation of all payments to UN climate change programmes
  • Using that money to fix US infrastructure
  • Label China a currency manipulator

He has also controversially vowed to build a wall on the southern border, paid for by Mexico. Right up until the campaign's final days, he has reassured his supporters this will happen, although it's not clear how or when.



The Trump policy which will have more impact on the rest of the world than the others above and shows that the story I posted yesterday is more than a remote possibility.

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

What will Trump do now?


First 100 days:

  • Starting process of "removing the more than two million criminal, illegal immigrants"
  • Denying visa-free travel to countries who refused to take back their citizens
  • Repealing every Obama executive order
  • Restrictions on White House officials becoming lobbyists
  • Term limits for members of Congress
  • Cancellation of all payments to UN climate change programmes
  • Using that money to fix US infrastructure
  • Label China a currency manipulator

He has also controversially vowed to build a wall on the southern border, paid for by Mexico. Right up until the campaign's final days, he has reassured his supporters this will happen, although it's not clear how or when.



The Trump policy which will have more impact on the rest of the world than the others above and shows that the story I posted yesterday is more than a remote possibility.

That was one element which stood out for me. I would like to think that today we are more enlightened than we were 30 years ago and that all nations should be doing what they can to reduce environmental impact. I read your post ^ up there and yes, could well come true. I have always believed that the planet for one reason or another "resets" itself periodically, this time humans press the button.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Listening to Radio 4 on the way home and they were reporting the comments made today by European leaders regarding the terrible thing that just happened (please don't make me say the words). Some sounded cautiously critical of that bloke (please don't make me say his name)...except for Teresa May. She was all "special relationship" this, "special relationship" that. Christ almighty.  So we dump the EU but cling to the leg of the US no matter how racist, sexist and bigoted their chosen leader is. I truly despair. 


Bit by bit we're losing every chance we have of bringing up the next generation to be respectful and compassionate.  



I reckon we all need to ship out and go and crash at Rawky's. He owes us  




Last edited by Ducky
Ducky posted:

Listening to Radio 4 on the way home and they were reporting the comments made today by European leaders regarding the terrible thing that just happened (please don't make me say the words). Some sounded cautiously critical of that bloke (please don't make me say his name)...except for Teresa May. She was all "special relationship" this, "special relationship" that. Christ almighty.  So we dump the EU but cling to the leg of the US no matter how racist, sexist and bigoted their chosen leader is. I truly despair. 


Bit by bit we're losing every chance we have of bringing up the next generation to be respectful and compassionate.  



I reckon we all need to ship out and go and crash at Rawky's. He owes us  




Soooo right Ducky    and LOL! at the Rawky bit 


I hope Rawky is readying his home for lots of company.

I'm starting to feel a teensy bit better. The truth is, I can't stay down for long--it's just not my nature. So, last night's 3-4 hours and today's 4-5 hours are all I can manage. And, after all, the sun came up this morning, despite my hand-wringing last night.

I haven't listened to He Who Shall Not Be Named's speech (not ready for THAT yet), but I heard it was "gracious", which was a surprise. 

I did listen to Hillary's speech, which made me sad all over again that she lost. She was gracious and open, and even said that we owe him our open minds.


I'm truly sorry Lori I hope you don't mind me saying 2016 can **** right off  I read a quote earlier. in June Britain left Europe, in November America left America. 


I'm trying to persuade myself all his rhetoric was showboating, but I truly have my doubts. I've not listened to any speeches and especially Tedious May, because she's another idiot and right wing bigot. I did read Ms Merkel's and I thought she spoke cautiously and with what I thought were sincere words, although when you've lived through what Germany did I would expect her to be repulsed by some of his statements in the past. 

I would get out quick before he builds the wall to keep you lot in 

Lori posted:

I hope Rawky is readying his home for lots of company.

I'm starting to feel a teensy bit better. The truth is, I can't stay down for long--it's just not my nature. So, last night's 3-4 hours and today's 4-5 hours are all I can manage. And, after all, the sun came up this morning, despite my hand-wringing last night.

I haven't listened to He Who Shall Not Be Named's speech (not ready for THAT yet), but I heard it was "gracious", which was a surprise. 

I did listen to Hillary's speech, which made me sad all over again that she lost. She was gracious and open, and even said that we owe him our open minds.

I heard He Who Shall Not Be Named (GREAT name choice btw   ) on the radio on the way into work this morning. He was surprising gracious. Or as Duds described it... "just plain weird" But he will need to be gracious for a long long time before we can forgive, or feel safe from what came before. 


When David Cameron was Prime Minister, I couldn't physically cope with listening to his voice or seeing his face...and I went to laughable extremes to avoid coming across him on TV, radio or the internet, so I know how you feel Lori  


Just bury your head in the sand. It's quite nice under here  

Sprout posted:

I'll keep an open mind.......for so long 

We don't have much choice but to give him a chance do we?  I will try and keep an open mind too and hope that once the reality of his position sinks in he will rein in the worst of it. And of course, if he doesn't...I shall pray that those that disagree with him put up a good fight! 


My open mind does not extend to allowing myself to see that ridiculous pouty face though.   

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

I'm truly sorry Lori I hope you don't mind me saying 2016 can **** right off  I read a quote earlier. in June Britain left Europe, in November America left America. 


I'm trying to persuade myself all his rhetoric was showboating, but I truly have my doubts. I've not listened to any speeches and especially Tedious May, because she's another idiot and right wing bigot. I did read Ms Merkel's and I thought she spoke cautiously and with what I thought were sincere words, although when you've lived through what Germany did I would expect her to be repulsed by some of his statements in the past. 

I would get out quick before he builds the wall to keep you lot in 

I think the reason Merkel's being so cautious at the moment is because - and I've only just discovered this myself - tonight is the anniversary of Kristallnacht.


I'll leave you to draw your own analogies.


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Ducky posted:
Sprout posted:

I'll keep an open mind.......for so long 

We don't have much choice but to give him a chance do we?  I will try and keep an open mind too and hope that once the reality of his position sinks in he will rein in the worst of it. And of course, if he doesn't...I shall pray that those that disagree with him put up a good fight! 


My open mind does not extend to allowing myself to see that ridiculous pouty face though  

Eugene's Lair posted:

I think the reason Merkel's being so cautious at the moment is because - and I've only just discovered this myself - tonight is the anniversary of Kristallnacht.


I'll leave you to draw your own analogies.




I did not know that Eugene... A very good german friend of mine is astounded at what is happening here and in the USA...her words 'If you have known fascism you can smell it in the air and I can smell it' 

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Kaytee posted:

I'm not going to say much about the election, but Americans had a poor choice of candidates.Hilary has too many skeletons rattling away....and the other one is a bigger idiot than Dubya.....surely the reps behind Trump in Congress and the Senate will keep him in line?........and that peeps is all

We can only hope......


Originally, we were saying that he can't do too much damage just by himself...but  that notion doesn't really hold water anymore, since the Executive Order has come into being. Obama did a LOT of stuff via Executive Order (a lot of which HWSNBN plans on rolling back ASAP). So, there's no telling how much trouble he can get himself into.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
Sprout posted:

I'm wondering.....will his advisors and other peeps let him get away with such things as building  a wall? 

If I remember rightly he said that the Mexicans will build it, as well as pay for it.


I think they should build it - to keep HIM out of THEIR country. Forget about keeping THEM out of America!

There's a point! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

I think the reason Merkel's being so cautious at the moment is because - and I've only just discovered this myself - tonight is the anniversary of Kristallnacht.


I'll leave you to draw your own analogies.

 I did not know that Eugene... A very good german friend of mine is astounded at what is happening here and in the USA...her words 'If you have known fascism you can smell it in the air and I can smell it' 

If it cheers you up any, tonight is also the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - something that Trump may do well to think about...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Lori posted:

Originally, we were saying that he can't do too much damage just by himself...but  that notion doesn't really hold water anymore, since the Executive Order has come into being. Obama did a LOT of stuff via Executive Order (a lot of which HWSNBN plans on rolling back ASAP). So, there's no telling how much trouble he can get himself into.



I don't know why, but that amused me greatly! It's not very catchy, but I'll be doing my best to spread the word and get it into popular use

Eugene's Lair posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

I think the reason Merkel's being so cautious at the moment is because - and I've only just discovered this myself - tonight is the anniversary of Kristallnacht.


I'll leave you to draw your own analogies.

 I did not know that Eugene... A very good german friend of mine is astounded at what is happening here and in the USA...her words 'If you have known fascism you can smell it in the air and I can smell it' 

If it cheers you up any, tonight is also the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - something that Trump may do well to think about...

Ducky posted:
Lori posted:

Originally, we were saying that he can't do too much damage just by himself...but  that notion doesn't really hold water anymore, since the Executive Order has come into being. Obama did a LOT of stuff via Executive Order (a lot of which HWSNBN plans on rolling back ASAP). So, there's no telling how much trouble he can get himself into.



I don't know why, but that amused me greatly! It's not very catchy, but I'll be doing my best to spread the word and get it into popular use

Should I trademark it? HWSNBNâ„Ē 


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