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Ultimately, no one knows, but given when key states declare, US networks will likely call the result between 4am-6am on Wednesday morning, unless it’s another Bush-Gore election from 2000 when the result wasn’t called for days. It could be earlier if Trump’s support collapses or later if the race is closer than polls suggest.


The first burst of results will emerge when polls close at 7pm (midnight, Wednesday UK time) in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia. Look for more big blasts of numbers just after 8pm (1am) and 9pm (2pm), when polls close in a combined 30 states and the District of Columbia. The 11pm (4am) batch of states includes California, with 55 electoral votes. Alaska, where polls close at 1am (6am) on Wednesday, brings up the rear.


For an early read on how things are going, keep an eye on Virginia in the presidential contest. If Clinton doesn’t get a winner’s call there by 9pm or 10 pm (2am-3am Wednesday), it could be a positive sign for Trump. Watch Indiana for an early indicator in the tug-of-war for control of the Senate.


A short story.


Trump is elected President and starts on January 20 2017. As he believes that global warming is a hoax he cancels the US agreement to the Paris Climate agreement which came into force last week. The result is that the agreement collapses.


In July 2020 the Russians and the European Space Agency launch a Russian craft to Mars with the ExoMars 2020 surface platform and the ExoMars rover. The platform and the rover land successfully on the surface of Mars in  April 2021.


Some weeks later, the rover makes the discovery of the millennium. It uncovers the ruins of what appears to have been a huge civilisation. After much work, scientists realise that many millions of years ago, there was intelligent life on Mars, and that there had been a breathable atmosphere and abundant water. But global warming had gone out of control and the atmosphere and water dissipated wiping life out. And the sands of Mars were all that was left covering what was left.


The scientists reported their findings back here but it was too late for anything to stop the warming of Earth which had reached the point that there was no turning back.


The end

El Loro
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Lori posted:

As am I. I'm thinking about storing up on alcohol, in case the worst happens and I need to drink myself into oblivion. 

Sounds like a plan Lori  

I'd advise against the alcohol, Lori - at least until after tomorrow.


Remember what I've said previously: clear head, full tank of gas and a map of all the side roads leading to the Canadian border...

Eugene's Lair

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