It'd be ok with me if his supporters waited until November 28th.
Holy cow! Just what will it take for voters to realise he's unsuitable for the job?
I think it's to some extent less to do with support for Trump and more to do with the almost insane levels of hatred towards Hillary Clinton in some quarters. You do get the feeling that some would consider voting for Charles Manson if it meant keeping her out of the White House.
Interesting (though also slightly disturbing) article today on the BBC News site about this (although it goes on to criticize both sides):
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton
In Mercieca's view, the rhetoric of this election has gone dangerously far.
"When we treat politics like sport or war, then we treat ourselves as fans or soldiers, cheering or booing or following orders," she says.
"When we treat politics like that, then those who hold differing views from us are not wrong, they are evil. They are not mistaken, they are enemies."