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Lori posted:

I must say, it's pretty awful. I can only hope that it keeps him out of the White House. 

I cannot WAIT for this election to be over.


don't think about packing up and coming here...Britain is closed unless you are a millionaire dodgy media owner or bank accounts in the cayman Islands and somehow I don't think you are...or are you 


I despair at the world Lori  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Lori posted:

I must say, it's pretty awful. I can only hope that it keeps him out of the White House. 

I cannot WAIT for this election to be over.


don't think about packing up and coming here...Britain is closed unless you are a millionaire dodgy media owner or bank accounts in the cayman Islands and somehow I don't think you are...or are you 


I despair at the world Lori  

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Tonight: Clinton vs Trump @1:35 on Channel 4.



and he will probably compare himself to Bill Clinton...only difference is Monica whatsits was a willing participant and somehow managed to keep hold of a dress for years with Clinton's DNA on it without getting it me cynical 


I'm just watching a bloke on the BBC News channel newspaper review, and he's saying exactly what I've been thinking about this. When you look at all the outrageous and offensive things that Trump has said on the record over the last couple of years It's quite extraordinary that all these Republicans such as Mitt Romney and John McCain are only now disassociating themselves with him over a private conversation made years ago.

Anyone would think that they were up for election too, and were worried that associating with Trump would damage their own chances...

Eugene's Lair
Lori posted:

I tried to watch the debate...but it was making me nauseous. 

For reasons I won't bore you with, I was still awake when the "debate" started, and yeah: I couldn't watch too. I repeatedly tried to, but kept having to switch off after a few minutes. It was pretty much a textbook definition of "unedifying".

The Channel 4 News came up with so many great lines about it that it's impossible to list them all, but probably the best was "No clear winner, but America's the loser. ".

Eugene's Lair

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