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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Not to worry, he says he MAY re-negotiate a deal. One that's better for America!

Macron: Deal cannot be renegotiated

Emmanuel Macron has spoken to Donald Trump on the phone to explain to him that the Paris deal is not something he can renegotiate, Reuters reports.

Macron invited America's climate change scientists to move to France after Trump threatened to cut funding to climate budgets earlier this year.


This is all starting to look like classic Trump:

1) He announces leaving the Paris Accord to bolster his support base and dismantle Obama's legacy;

2) He then talks about "renegotiating" a deal, to prove he's the great businessman and dealmaker;

3) ...but because he's no politician, and can't be bothered with irritating little details like the small print, he overlooks the fact that the deal's non-negotiable...

Result: everyone loses.


Eugene's Lair

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