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OK I did a flippin brilliant typo today!  I obviously cannot put on here what I actually typed, but I reckon you will all be able to guess the typo.  I was doing some invoicing for work and was meant to invoice for

1 x 5 ltrs Cut n Wax

but invoiced for

1 x 5 ltrs  (the n found it's way in between the u and t of the word cut)

It's a good job I read them again before I print them

Soooooo what's your best typo?

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sadly most of my typos are around the word I typoed in my OP.  Like I am renowned for discount being something with the c and o around the wrong way.  Then the other week in here I started a thread about having my hair CUT off and a flippin n found it's way in to the word
What is going on in my head?
i always type Cheshite instead of Cheshire on addresses
That's funny!  I had bought a dress a few weeks ago over the phone from a shop in Manchester, I had actually spelled my address out to the girl, but it still arrived (hand written address label) saying newcastle-upon-thyme   In my head Newcastle smelled better that day!
the best ever one ive seen was yours on here cinds, it was classic and ive started laughing again, how is the hair cut these days,
Hahahahahahahha I giggled for ages over that.  Although my one today had me laughing harder, I even rang Mr Cinds to tell him.  The hair CUT is great thanks, I've had it trimmed again since then.
sadly most of my typos are around the word I typoed in my OP.  Like I am renowned for discount being something with the c and o around the wrong way.  Then the other week in here I started a thread about having my hair CUT off and a flippin n found it's way in to the word What is going on in my head?
That was a classic
The Devil In Diamante
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I was a secretary at a hospital here in Brum working for the Matron (old school refused to be called Director of Nursing Services) anyhoo when people made donations to the ward fund in memory of their relative/friend we always sent a letter of condolence and thanking them for the donation.

One day I back spaced too far during a correction and a letter nearly went out condoling a man on the death of his moth instead of mother

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