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Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by mufcdiver:
Voted (local & Euros)

crikey yes. i voted too. there were 13 to choose from on our ballot paper. silly really - the protest vote will be split.
should have been a candidate representing the "protest party". they would have walked it.

damn. i just read on internet that the "jury team" was the protest party. should have done my homework before i turned up at the polling booths.
Originally posted by El Loro:
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
1. Spent ÂĢ513.25 on a book Skull
2. Poured myself a sodding big glass of Sauvignon Blanc

Eeker That's one expensive book!

1 Received a cheque for ÂĢ800
2 Received a DVD of a film I have trying to find for over 20 years (never been released in the UK on DVD)
So a good day.

yes what the hell sized book cost that!!!!!

1. gave instructions to husband on childcare
2. went off to alton towers for the day!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

had a man quote an extortionate price for a conservatory

Quote back:
To buy or not to buy; that is the question:
Whether tis better on the purse to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous prices
or to go else where and get a better deal.
(apologies to Will)

And now a question. Later on in that well known quotation there are the lines:
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life

Assuming that this is not referring to some deviant sexual practice Red Face , does anybody know what this means?
El Loro

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