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Firstly, I have a printer installed on this PC (which is in my home office), it's a networkable (is that a word) printer and I want to install it on several other PC's but I have lost the installation disk, how do I copy the printer driver from here, I have looked at the control panel and can't find where or how to copy it.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Secondly, my husband is an avid sky diver, and somehow he has persuaded me to do a tandem skydive with him.  I'll be attached to some other bloke while he dives out the plane shortly after.  (This is not a euphemism for a sexy 3 way, I really have agreed to skydive).  So my problem is, I hate heights, and I am crapping myself at the thought, do I still do it, or back out and let my husband think I am a wimp?

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Hi Cinds. You don't need to copy it, just download the driver installation files from the net. To do that, you need the make and model of your printer (which will be written on it) then google for the drivers using the make and model. Download and install on all machines you want to use the printer with.

Skydiving. I'm terrible with heights. I'd just wimp out and say no. If you really are scared of heights it will be terrifying for you.
Secondly, my husband is an avid sky diver, and somehow he has persuaded me to do a tandem skydive with him.  I'll be attached to some other bloke while he dives out the plane shortly after.  (This is not a euphemism for a sexy 3 way, I really have agreed to skydive).  So my problem is, I hate heights, and I am crapping myself at the thought, do I still do it, or back out and let my husband think I am a wimp?
How the hell did he get you to say yes to that??

My hubby is a airplane hopping freak as well!     He has tried to convince me that it is "an amazing feeling" , "one of the best things you could ever do" "you'd love it"  loads of times.

He. Is. Wrong!

Back out Cinds...     think about it...  imagine THAT point... the "are you ready then love, get read to just fall out of the airplane door" point...  

noooooo way!
So my problem is, I hate heights, and I am crapping myself at the thought, do I still do it, or back out and let my husband think I am a wimp?
If I had to admit to Mr G that I was terrified of doing something like that, he would think I was a wimp and would take the piss for a few days.  But if I crapped myself, I would never hear the end of it

I can't imagine anything that would make me consider doing something like skydiving- were you very drunk when you agreed to it?
Thank you all for the printer advice.  I should have known that about going to the website, I think my brain has shut down due to the possibility of the sky dive.

As for the sky dive, I did a static line jump 20 years ago and to be honest I loved it, but 20 years on I have a child and think about the 'what ifs' too much.  However, I am going to be 40 next year and really want to do something ultra mental for me.  This year has been really shit for me personally and I have crashed down to earth with a really hard bang, so I think I might as well end the year floating back down to earth after free falling for a while.  

Plus, I want my risk taking husband who has tried to convince me for 4 years to do this, that I am willing to open myself up to his more bizarre suggestions (and there isn't many of them I am not willing to participate in). 

So there we have it, I think I am going to do this thing.  He is going to video it, and if I don't die I promise to upload it for all of your merriment.
Growly, strangely enough I wasn't drunk when I agreed, but jesus h I wish they would let you do it after a few vodkas 

Since I posted this, I have just sat and talked more about it with Mr C, and after what he said I want to do it more (although he didn't take to kindly to my suggestion of whoever I was strapped to taking me up the  wrong un to distract my fear) he says he wants to look in to my eyes as I jump.

Gyps, Spinnaker Tower video, there isn't such a thing we were both floored.

I've done one. Tandem from 10,000 feet and it was AMAZING. I was scared of heights until then. Getting on the plane is the worst part. After that the instructor takes control and basically.....when he pushes you out you go 

Freefall is the best part. I got mine videod and I had Chicane - Saltwater as the soundtrack 

Freefall is the best part. I got mine videod and I had Chicane - Saltwater as the soundtrack
I'd never, ever do it in a million years. Don't even think I could do it if my life depended on it - I go all wobbly standing on a chair to change a light bulb. If I did though I'd have that soundtrack - great choice.

The weather today (where I am) is horrendous - bet you're glad it's been postponed - you could have ended up in Outer Mongolia of luck for when you do do it though
Soozy Woo

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