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Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

  Like I said, how can anyone who makes a sex tape with a boyfriend, POSSIBLY think that it will never ever get seen by anyone else?  I have no sympathy for the silly bint at all.


I'm sorry I don't buy that one. In fact I think that it should be made a criminal offence. It's one thing filming a bit of private intimate fun with your partner, but unless both parties agree to release it then that is where it should stay. It doesn't say much for the type of immature scratter males we have today does it?


Of course in my day it was restricted to a better class of person.


Well Strictly speaking, I don't disagree... But unfortunately, there IS no rule or law stopping people releasing private and intimate sex tapes ... and that is the main reason I would never do it.  Anyhoo, I am repeating myself again and again, so I shall STFU, and gracefully say Ta-ra for now.  I'm logging off for the night.  Once again, no offence intended to anyone... I appreciate everyone's responses and thanks to everyone for your contribution folks. See you soon.  


No offence taken whatsoever, as ever.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Regardless of whether or not Tulisa was naive to make a sex tape, I think her ex is a complete rat to betray her trust in this way. 

I agree with GJ, publishing this type of material without the consent of all parties involved, should be illegal.

you know the best selling/downloaded so called *sex tapes* were paris hilton and pam anderson, supposedly cos it bought them more recognition when fame had waned a bit

so i wouldnt feel too sorry for her

she's probably trying to sell her brand in USA


yeah probably lol

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Regardless of whether or not Tulisa was naive to make a sex tape, I think her ex is a complete rat to betray her trust in this way. 

I agree with GJ, publishing this type of material without the consent of all parties involved, should be illegal.

you know the best selling/downloaded so called *sex tapes* were paris hilton and pam anderson, supposedly cos it bought them more recognition when fame had waned a bit

so i wouldnt feel too sorry for her

she's probably trying to sell her brand in USA


yeah probably lol

Ya old cynic.

Originally Posted by Renton:

I'm just wondering if Tulisa can ever be taken as a judge seriously

I know she's there to judge singing etc

But ... if she ever question someone's professionalism, lifestyle related to the show ... i can really see some shooting back "well you're one to talk"

dunno Renton.. that's a bit like saying anyone who has children can't be taken seriously as a judge  cause there's evidence they've had sex 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Renton:

I'm just wondering if Tulisa can ever be taken as a judge seriously

I know she's there to judge singing etc

But ... if she ever question someone's professionalism, lifestyle related to the show ... i can really see some shooting back "well you're one to talk"

dunno Renton.. that's a bit like saying anyone who has children can't be taken seriously as a judge  cause there's evidence they've had sex 

God forbid 


Sex...I almost fainted, then I remembered the camera was running 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Renton:

I'm just wondering if Tulisa can ever be taken as a judge seriously

I know she's there to judge singing etc

But ... if she ever question someone's professionalism, lifestyle related to the show ... i can really see some shooting back "well you're one to talk"

dunno Renton.. that's a bit like saying anyone who has children can't be taken seriously as a judge  cause there's evidence they've had sex 

God forbid 


Sex...I almost fainted, then I remembered the camera was running 


Originally Posted by Renton:

I just watched the sex tape

OMG - how can she be "loud and proud" ever again?

Others "got away with it" cos they are brash and don't care.

Tilusa is devastated and has children as fans!!

I honestly think this will damage her career

Hopefully the kids wont watch it . Why shouldn't she still be loud and proud? Does it shock you that she's had sex or something? She has nothing to be ashamed of - she didn't know it was gonna be splashed over the internet, it was a private thing between two consenting adults - it's her scum bag boyfriend who should be hanging his head in shame!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Renton:

Its other people's attitudes to it that i'm alluding to

 . . . including her own attitude.

She hasn'st handled this well - denying it at first doesn't compare well to her loud n proud belief - some will see it as hypocritical

She is also devastated - so i know she is not going to weather the storm well at all.

He's the rat - she's the twit 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Firstly, I do think that she has talent.


Secondly, she's not the first and won't be the last person to put trust in a relationship. 


I'm not sure what the legal position is, but, if possible, I hope she sues his arse off and gets it on film.

i agree bliz' she has  really good voice.


the bloke's an arsehole, don't know how people think she's not a victim in this.

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Its other people's attitudes to it that i'm alluding to

 . . . including her own attitude.

She hasn'st handled this well - denying it at first doesn't compare well to her loud n proud belief - some will see it as hypocritical

She is also devastated - so i know she is not going to weather the storm well at all.

He's the rat - she's the twit 

I'm guessing she's devastated at the betrayal of trust .

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Renton:

AND she has a very young following - i doubt it will boost their respect for her

Hopefully, they'll have a more mature attitude to it than you! 

I don't have an attitude towards it - i can kinda see how things are gonna pan out and i don't think its gonna pan out well.

I think she's handled it poorly (denying it when she portrays herself as bolshy and upfront)

But i don't have an attitude - i more ambivalent than anything

Originally Posted by Renton:

I don't have an attitude towards it - i can kinda see how things are gonna pan out and i don't think its gonna pan out well.

I think she's handled it poorly (denying it when she portrays herself as bolshy and upfront)

But i don't have an attitude - i more ambivalent than anything

I think all of us commenting on it have an 'attitude' towards it. You have chosen to call her some rather nasty names and seem to be hoping that it will ruin her career. Apologies if that is not the case, but it is certainly how your attitude is coming across, to me.


Also, being 'bolshy and upfront' does not equate with being happy for private, sexual moments being aired in public and commented on by all and sundry.


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