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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Well on a so  called small scale...many recipes, Jamie oliver etc call for Palm sugar.This has led to a boom in poorer countries in trashing their native forrests where many creatures live to provide us in the west with Palm sugar plantations an okay yah! ingrediant,It's used in many commercial  products too...
All very relevant - but relevant to what is my question ?
How do you know we aren't meant to be here for X amount of years to pave the way for something/someone else ? 
Nobody knows ?
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Well on a so  called small scale...many recipes, Jamie oliver etc call for Palm sugar.This has led to a boom in poorer countries in trashing their native forrests where many creatures live to provide us in the west with Palm sugar plantations an okay yah! ingrediant,It's used in many commercial  products too...
All very relevant - but relevant to what is my question ?
How do you know we aren't meant to be here for X amount of years to pave the way for something/someone else ? 
Nobody knows ?
Is that why there's so many reports of UFO's/aliens   Are they the next to inhabit the earth?
Cags and Katty, I too understand your point, but in fairness people can only rely on experts or people qualified in their field (validated by research) to guide the way on what's right from wrong.

Where climate change is concerned, yep the planet was abused for years, and maybe all of us need to shoulder some responsibility for not listening to the warnings years ago (which were not highlighted enough in the media or education, either). But in fairness to us, everybody I know now recycles every week, people do make a conscious effort to try and improve where they can, companies are now making stuff that's more 'environmentally friendly', using sustainable equipment and trying to cut carbon emissions..etc. It may be too late to make a huge difference, but I say the blame lies with those who were in a position and had the platform to drive the message home and reach the audience in the first place (i.e., the media and the Government).

But when all's said and done, like I said on my FB today, no amount of money or political ignorance can prevent anyone being wiped out by a natural disaster.
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
We take ,take ,take the planets resources to fuel our greed for crap etc.So short sighted,our decendants will curse us...if they survive.
But we can only learn how to survive from our descendants. For sure, some are all about take, take, take and not giving a shit about anyone else but not everyone is like that. There are a lot of good people who make sacrifices, go without and there are those who do a lot of good and give up their time to help others, so not agreeing with the 'we' part of that, tbh. Bit of a generalisation.

It's our descendants (and us) who have done this though. All these recent events aren't just out of the blue. This is a build up of events which WE have contributed to (and probably accelerated) by "our" need to progress. As humans in the time we live now of course we feel the need to progress more but at what cost? We're at a stage now where we can do nothing about what "we" have done but we can try and minimise the damage
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
True Cagney..for  example the poor Orang Utangs that have been on the planet as long as us,are being driven out of their  forrests due to the deamand for palm sugar,,FACT!..We survived quite well  years ago without palm sugar,it's not an "essential " just trendy.
They happen to be my favourite animal on this planet - did you know that Orangutan means 'little old man of the forest' - beautiful creatures 
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
True Cagney..for  example the poor Orang Utangs that have been on the planet as long as us,are being driven out of their  forrests due to the deamand for palm sugar,,FACT!..We survived quite well  years ago without palm sugar,it's not an "essential " just trendy.
So sorry Katty.....didn't see your post earlier. 

Our NEED for everything is having a knock on effect on the world. I'm a total hypocrite because in the 90s I probably used enough hairspray for the whole of Scotland and in the past I've done whatever it takes to keep the cost of living down within my family life. It's only when you see what's going on that you realise what the cost of "cheap living" actually means.
I do understand where you are coming from katty x
I have a problem with sharks, O/T i know and maybe leave it for another thread/time, but sick of hearing these beautiful things being killed because they dare to bite people, stay out of the water then and leave them to their own environment !! "Mans" arrogance will destroy this planet, i agree x
It's truly shocking. Some of the video footage is really hard to come to grips with. It's almost like it's not real. The day we start building motorways and houses way above ground level can't come quick enough for countries constantly living with the threat of such horrible disasters.

I hope any of you on here who know people in affected areas get news soon that they are safe and sound.
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Slimfern I sad! They are gentle creatures,however we (humans) are decimating them and thier forrests...sigh.
I know what you are saying Katty about Human consumption & their thirst for more - but I do think Mother nature has a will of her own & is not swayed by us mere mortals - she has her own agenda imo ..

Always has done !
I watched that show about sharks,,,the bleedin' Japanese catch them,cut the upper dorsal fin off them then chuck them back into the die ,because they don't  need all their body parts ..surprisingly!
There is a horror show if you google Bay of blood.The Japanese slaughter bottlenosed  dolphins.It's horrific ,these beautiful intelligent animals are slashed and killed...
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
I watched that show about sharks,,,the bleedin' Japanese catch them,cut the upper dorsal fin off them then chuck them back into the die ,because they don't  need all their body parts ..surprisingly!
There is a horror show if you google Bay of blood.The Japanese slaughter bottlenosed  dolphins.It's horrific ,these beautiful intelligent animals are slashed and killed...
Must confess I don't watch stuff like that cos it upsets me terribly!
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
I do understand where you are coming from katty x
I have a problem with sharks, O/T i know and maybe leave it for another thread/time, but sick of hearing these beautiful things being killed because they dare to bite people, stay out of the water then and leave them to their own environment !! "Mans" arrogance will destroy this planet, i agree x
If mother nature had meant us to go underwater she'd have given us webbed feet and the ability to breath without snorkels

I have an irrational fear of sharks. Irrational because I've never seen one face to face and never plan to. Watched Jaws too many times  

What humans have never gotten into their heads are boundaries. We kill any animal that threatens us but for an animal to do the same is unthinkable.
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
I watched that show about sharks,,,the bleedin' Japanese catch them,cut the upper dorsal fin off them then chuck them back into the die ,because they don't  need all their body parts ..surprisingly!
There is a horror show if you google Bay of blood.The Japanese slaughter bottlenosed  dolphins.It's horrific ,these beautiful intelligent animals are slashed and killed...
Must confess I don't watch stuff like that cos it upsets me terribly!

I've just deleted my whole post. I do watch films like that. Not in enjoyment but in disgust. I don't feel I can comment otherwise. It's not like a human dying. It'll never be classed the same but to me it's just as bad. Again it comes down to ego and feeling superior.
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
I reckon this is going to be one of the worlds worst disasters. Such a small island to have risen so far economically then this. The clean up will be a horendous task.
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
I watched that show about sharks,,,the bleedin' Japanese catch them,cut the upper dorsal fin off them then chuck them back into the die ,because they don't  need all their body parts ..surprisingly!
There is a horror show if you google Bay of blood.The Japanese slaughter bottlenosed  dolphins.It's horrific ,these beautiful intelligent animals are slashed and killed...
Must confess I don't watch stuff like that cos it upsets me terribly!

I've just deleted my whole post. I do watch films like that. Not in enjoyment but in disgust. I don't feel I can comment otherwise. It's not like a human dying. It'll never be classed the same but to me it's just as bad. Again it comes down to ego and feeling superior.
Me too, but along also with trying to learn about what goes on elsewhere, even though I agree a lot of it is wrong 
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
I reckon this is going to be one of the worlds worst disasters. Such a small island to have risen so far economically then this. The clean up will be a horendous task.
Where on earth do you start though 
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
I reckon this is going to be one of the worlds worst disasters. Such a small island to have risen so far economically then this. The clean up will be a horendous task.
Where on earth do you start though 
Have no idea sproot. It will be a nightmare. Probably looking for survivors once all the water has gone, but what to do after this will be a logistical nightmare. I saw all the cars and boats being swept away on the newsfeed and wondered just how many people may be in them? For a country that survived 2 Atomic bombs they didnt deserve this.
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
I reckon this is going to be one of the worlds worst disasters. Such a small island to have risen so far economically then this. The clean up will be a horendous task.
Where on earth do you start though 
Have no idea sproot. It will be a nightmare. Probably looking for survivors once all the water has gone, but what to do after this will be a logistical nightmare. I saw all the cars and boats being swept away on the newsfeed and wondered just how many people may be in them? For a country that survived 2 Atomic bombs they didnt deserve this.
Nope. And the ship with 100 people on board.....swept away......where the hell has that gone?  
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Just pulled this off Yahoo live update thread.
2152 GMT: Radiation outside the damaged nuclear plant near where the monster quake hit Japan earlier Friday is 1,000 times above normal, Kyodo news agency says.

Looks like things could get even worse.
Yep, they've just said that things are looking bad at a second nuclear plant now.
I reckon this is going to be one of the worlds worst disasters. Such a small island to have risen so far economically then this. The clean up will be a horendous task.
Where on earth do you start though 
Have no idea sproot. It will be a nightmare. Probably looking for survivors once all the water has gone, but what to do after this will be a logistical nightmare. I saw all the cars and boats being swept away on the newsfeed and wondered just how many people may be in them? For a country that survived 2 Atomic bombs they didnt deserve this.
Nope. And the ship with 100 people on board.....swept away......where the hell has that gone?  
The death/missing toll that started off this morning at hundreds will rise into thousands i reckon Here is the link i am watching.

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