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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Just read back. 
My first reply and advice to Antiope was correct. Shut up. Unfortunately he didn`t.
What`s new?
are you a mod now? *deregs*
I`ll pretend to be if it gets you to de-reg Ray. 
Given this thread is not about you ,or me ,I shall treat your attempt to bait with the contempt it deserves & out of respect for the poor folk in japan who have bigger things to worry about than internet IDs
am amazed how anybody can think a joke about aftershocks in a continuing and still unfolding disaster is ok to place in a thread where some people contributing have family and friends in the region concerned and where it is still not safe...

am not naive enough to think 'jokes' don't circulate at times like this [personally not had any thank gawd] but there are times and places for those sorts of things. .this thread aint one of them.. shame on you who think it was ok

's to you all who have family and friends out there and here's hoping the situation wanes soon and there is no more loss of life
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Unless there is some good news from the Nuclear plants at Fukushima within the next few days,i can see this situation going on for ages. The people need time to grieve and come to terms with what has happened instead of having to be on their guard for what will come next.
The thing that really annoys me is the way they dramatise things and frighten people regarding the events at Fukushima.  Now there is no doubt that what has happened there is worrying but the media are taking it too far - the fact is that even the experts don't know what the outcome will be yet but the media insist on giving us all the worse case scenarios.  I watched a particular news report yesterday and the amount of time they said "could happen" or "may happen" was astounding yet people don't see that they purely see the fact that this explosions has happened and start worrying about what would happen if that happens over here.  We really are guven too much unhelful information these days - rather than worrying about what might happen we need to focus on facts regarding wht has happened.
The news channels are constantly repeating themselves because they are speaking to everyone & not everyone is watching at the same time ... so stands to reason really!
I too watched sky news last night & they were very good I thought at not over-reacting-just trying to keep us informed.

I haven't read any of the papers because they do have a reputation for being sensationalist - it's what sells unfortunately!
Originally Posted by pretty_p:
The thing that really annoys me is the way they dramatise things and frighten people regarding the events at Fukushima.  Now there is no doubt that what has happened there is worrying but the media are taking it too far - the fact is that even the experts don't know what the outcome will be yet but the media insist on giving us all the worse case scenarios.  I watched a particular news report yesterday and the amount of time they said "could happen" or "may happen" was astounding yet people don't see that they purely see the fact that this explosions has happened and start worrying about what would happen if that happens over here.  We really are guven too much unhelful information these days - rather than worrying about what might happen we need to focus on facts regarding wht has happened.
That annoys me too PP.  They have all these 'experts' on that drag the story out to try and make it last longer, when really they ain't got a clue what's in store.  I wish the news would just stick to the facts instead of guessing games.
Watching the news today and over the last few days, I don't agree that the media is sensationalising the Japan disaster. It sounds to me that they are doing a sterling job to keep us informed without telling us to run for the hills (not that there would be any point). The consequences of the infringing of the nuclear reactors isn't anything we've see on a day to day basis, so, obviously, the reporting will use 'could or would or might'. At least they're not scaring the population into thinking that anything like this will happen here. That, I would call over the top media.
Rawky, I'm glad you know all you're friends are ok, ditto gypsie, Lori, DID and PC.
cologne 1
I agree Cologne.  Although I do think that PP and Temps have a good point because the press/media often sensationalise stuff, in this case, i think that the coverage is adequate and isn't too much.  It's really only on the actual news channels that it's non stop.  The regular channels don't have much about it...only when the news is on of course....
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Watching the news today and over the last few days, I don't agree that the media is sensationalising the Japan disaster. It sounds to me that they are doing a sterling job to keep us informed without telling us to run for the hills (not that there would be any point). The consequences of the infringing of the nuclear reactors isn't anything we've see on a day to day basis, so, obviously, the reporting will use 'could or would or might'. At least they're not scaring the population into thinking that anything like this will happen here. That, I would call over the top media.
Rawky, I'm glad you know all you're friends are ok, ditto gypsie, Lori, DID and PC.
I agree ..............with something like leaking radiation of course there is speculation. It's a long term thing - you can't see it, you can't smell it but it may be there and causing long term damage. The people need to know every possible eventuality,
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
I agree ..............with something like leaking radiation of course there is speculation. It's a long term thing - you can't see it, you can't smell it but it may be there and causing long term damage. The people need to know every possible eventuality,
Yes and I think on the whole, the Japanese Government has been very good. I don't think they can tell every detail exactly because there's no point into scaring the population into a rampage, but most reports from Japanese are that they trust the Government to be straight with them, although I've heard 2 or 3 who felt they didn't believe them.
cologne 1
Originally Posted by sproooot:
I can see both sides of what you're saying Col, but if it was us don't you think we'd like to know where we stood - the full story?
Of course ............but there are people on here saying it's all being sensationalised.

From what I've seen of the Japanese (and I'm full of admiration) they take what is dealt and deal with it in a very calm and dignified manner. They should be kept informed and there should be honesty.

Can you imagine if it happened here - there'd be widespread looting all over.
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
I can see both sides of what you're saying Col, but if it was us don't you think we'd like to know where we stood - the full story?
Of course ............but there are people on here saying it's all being sensationalised.

From what I've seen of the Japanese (and I'm full of admiration) they take what is dealt and deal with it in a very calm and dignified manner. They should be kept informed and there should be honesty.

Can you imagine if it happened here - there'd be widespread looting all over.
That's more or less what I and others said last night Soozy. The plight of these people and they still seem to remain calm and thinking...we'll get on with it
I think the Japanese Government has done exactly the right thing. Where is the point of frightning people without reason. I've been listening to this from the start and they have been very open about which safety measures to take, without the country descending into an unmanagable mess. This is almost unprescedented, so I think they have done well not to paNIC PEOPLE, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, LOOK OUT FOR THEM. Sorry about the caps, I'm still on my daughter's laptop and the keyboard drives me nuts.
cologne 1
Originally Posted by sproooot:
What makes me worry is Britain is about to have new nuclear power stations by 2025. I'm not against them in theory and I agree we have to move on in the world , but can we really be sure that they're safe?
Babes we are as safe as houses 

Japan is sadly on a part of this planet that is unsecure - we have little chance of having anywhere near the troubles they have mother nature wise ....
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
What makes me worry is Britain is about to have new nuclear power stations by 2025. I'm not against them in theory and I agree we have to move on in the world , but can we really be sure that they're safe?
Babes we are as safe as houses 

Japan is sadly on a part of this planet that is unsecure - we have little chance of having anywhere near the troubles they have mother nature wise ....
You've got a point Slimmy, but I still keep thinking about the petro chemical area in Middlesborough...... and Sizewell and places like that
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
What makes me worry is Britain is about to have new nuclear power stations by 2025. I'm not against them in theory and I agree we have to move on in the world , but can we really be sure that they're safe?
Babes we are as safe as houses 

Japan is sadly on a part of this planet that is unsecure - we have little chance of having anywhere near the troubles they have mother nature wise ....
I agree and it's not even the earthquake that started the problem, it was the tsumani the reactors couldn't defend themselves against.
cologne 1
Originally Posted by sproooot:
What makes me worry is Britain is about to have new nuclear power stations by 2025. I'm not against them in theory and I agree we have to move on in the world , but can we really be sure that they're safe?
Reports that a lot of countries are reviewing their power policies- read somewhere that Germany was shutting down  some of its oldest plants while they rethink.

Get out of Tokyo now! Foreign Office tells all Britons to evacuate Japanese capital as French say stricken reactors are out of control


The UK government is urging all British nationals to leave Tokyo as soon as possible for their own safety. At least 17,000 UK citizens live in Japan, the vast majority of them in Tokyo. The order came as the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant in northeast Japan worsened. Earlier the French government launched an extraordinary attack accusing the Japanese of losing control of the situation and hiding the full scale of the disaster. Two more previously safe reactors have begun to heat up, military helicopters have unsuccessfully tried to drop water on the plant and police water cannons have even been called in.

Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by erinp:
The Guardian and the Telegraph are carrying similar stories,but I get what you say about the Daily Hail.
I've just looked at them. Depressing that they've got caught up in the drama too (though not quite as blatantly as the Fail). It's not what I'd call objective journalism.
They all do it to sell papers Peter. Dramatisation to the full- hence never believe what you read in the papers.
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
  Have you had any news on your friends from there?
Well, my boyf's aunt is going to inspect his parent's house today (Thursday). Then his parents are flying back from Italy on Saturday, even though he's tried to persuade them to stay put for a few more days. It's all very worrying.
But you can understand their concern to see first hand what lays ahead for them - I reckon I wud be just the same 

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