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I'd still rather receive verbal abuse than physical.  Are you seriously saying you'd prefer the contrary?  You'd rather face someone with a sharp sword than a sharp tongue?

I am just saying that mental abuse is hurtful and can incite people to feel awful and do dreadful things and therefore perpetrators should be punished .
Just saying glibly "it's only words on a screen"  shows a remarkable lack of insight into this horrible problem.
TBF, "Pen is mightier than the sword" is comparing them.  Word and physical.

I don't doubt the power of language.  Indeed on a macro scale the pen or, more specifically, notions and thought have been the catalyst for most (all) human suffering and death.  On a micro, one to one, level, no contest.  I know who/what I'd rather face.

I also watched some of the contretemps on the Jade pages that seems to have led to this and the behaviour of the defenders of her good name was, if anything, worse than the troll(s).
I wonder what kind of precedent this will set. It's the first case I've heard of. How are the judges going to gauge the degree of offence and set the punishment accordingly? I've never been on a forum that doesn't have its fair share of trolls. Obviously disrespecting the memory of dead people is highly offensive particularly on a site where the relatives are likely to see it but I just don't see how this kind of thing can effectively be policed. 

Sounds to me like this guy was made an example of, more a deterrent than a sign of things to come. It's a tricky one.
I am just saying that mental abuse is hurtful and can incite people to feel awful and do dreadful things and therefore perpetrators should be punished . Just saying glibly "it's only words on a screen"  shows a remarkable lack of insight into this horrible problem.
Why quote me and then talk about something totally different?
Crunchy  Nuts
I am just saying that mental abuse is hurtful and can incite people to feel awful and do dreadful things and therefore perpetrators should be punished . Just saying glibly "it's only words on a screen"  shows a remarkable lack of insight into this horrible problem.

Why quote me and then talk about something totally different?
You said it is only words on a screen. I was pointing out that mental abuse ( in this case words on a screen) can be very hurtful and people should not be allowed to get away with it. 

I realise that I am in a minority, but as so many others have said, it is only my opinion,
Okay fairy nuff, I thought you were trying to make out that I'd said 'words on a screen' about cases where cyber bullies have been abusing and abusing a victim via emails, facebook, text, msn etc so much so that they've committed suicide, which wasn't the case. This is a case about someone posting obscene messages such as 'I've had sex with her corpse' which yes is a minging thing to put, but friggin hell does it really warrant a prison sentence?

If you agree with this then you better hope they build more prisons, because if they start jailing people for posting anything offensive and obscene on the internet then a lottttttt of people are gonna be put inside.
Crunchy  Nuts
Okay fairy nuff, I thought you were trying to make out that I'd said 'words on a screen' about cases where cyber bullies have been abusing and abusing a victim via emails, facebook, text, msn etc so much so that they've committed suicide, which wasn't the case. This is a case about someone posting obscene messages such as 'I've had sex with her corpse' which yes is a minging thing to put, but friggin hell does it really warrant a prison sentence?
Crunchy - have you ever lost anyone close to you? Grief is a powerful emotion and the last thing you want to read  is some horrible oik getting on to a FB page you have set up in memory of a loved on and basically posting revolting stuff about them. One of the deceased was a child I believe.

Now maybe prison is a bit harsh - but on the other hand perhaps he is being made an example of.
Crunchy - have you ever lost anyone close to you? Grief is a powerful emotion and the last thing you want to read is some horrible oik getting on to a FB page you have set up in memory of a loved on and basically posting revolting stuff about them. One of the deceased was a child I believe. Now maybe prison is a bit harsh - but on the other hand perhaps he is being made an example of.

What's wrong with just banning them from the page?  Problem disappears. 

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