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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I've parked the car diagonally across the drive so that they can't get access.

It wouldn't be so bad if they played by the rules. Most people around here who want to partake show clear iconic symbols.

That wouldn't work for us GJ, cos our garden is open plan..... and they would just traipse across the lawn I don't actually mind the little ones (so long as they come with their parents)

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I've only had my great niece and nephew.   Their mum was telling me that her neighbour had a couple at the door earlier - she gave them sweets and they said 'ta.. but where's the feckin money...'     

.... If any of the kids that knocked on my door had said that they would have gone away with a flea in their ear.... and minus their sweets!!!


the best trick or treater i ever had  was 3 teenagers, one bloke( in  regulation hoodie) and two girls both done up in full slap, trying to look cool  and disinterested ,all at the same time.leaning,  in a studied casual pose against the porch wall. having convinced themselves that  it was all a bit beneath them and very uncool, but the  lure of some thing to do on a wet wednesday in wiltshire with sweets thrown in  was just too much.


it went some thing like this 'ring ring'

I open the door...

'yeah trick or treat' - this is said in unison,in a very bored voice,  and i suspect was part of the pact between them( i ain't sayin it unless we all say it together)




me '' whats the trick then?'


hoodie boy ' wut?'


''you said  trick or treat, so whats the trick then?'


-frowning  and much lookin at each other ensues-


 girl one


 'we dont really do any tricks or nuffin,do we aiysha?'


aiysha ' nah'


me,holds out sweetie box - ''have some sweets then''


'yeah cheers' says hoodie boy


'sniff'  go the girls in unison...









Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I've only had my great niece and nephew.   Their mum was telling me that her neighbour had a couple at the door earlier - she gave them sweets and they said 'ta.. but where's the feckin money...'     

.... If any of the kids that knocked on my door had said that they would have gone away with a flea in their ear.... and minus their sweets!!!

same here Baz




haven't had any,but it's been that way for the last few years,there's not many young kids around here and it's such a trek up a steep hill that no one can be bothered..


best one we did get was a good few years back..2 girls aged about 12 knocked on the door a week and a half before halloween..


'Trick or treat'


'It's not Halloween for another 10 days'


'Yeah but we're going on holiday so we'll miss it so we're doing it now'


I gave them some sweets for their inventiveness....


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