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It all started when nominations were revealed and some of the housemates took the result badly. Lisa didn't look happy that she was up at all...

Then Sophie and Rodrigo started having a go at Marcus for breaking the rules but Marcus and Freddie just laughed it off - the argument was silly. Lots of people in the house had said 'vote for me' and been chastised, Sophie being one of them.

Freddie was happy that everyone was up and thought it was fair. He thought some of the housemates reactions were "funny".

He smiled, "I find it funny, everyone's had game-plans."

David wasn't happy with that. "I've not broken one rule... What game-plan have I got? I came in here and made friends with people, that's it."

Freddie had to be honest, "well no, everyone but Marcus and Bea."

David interrupted, "Yeah, because I don't want to be friends with them." (But doesn't that defeat what you're saying Dave?)

Freddie continued, "you're special friends with Lisa and you know how she acted because you saw the show before hand."

David leaned back, "So you think I've got a gameplan just becasause I'm friends with someone?"

Freddie stuck to his guns, "No, I think it's a gameplan because you're isolating people specifically so they'll be nominated."

David smiled (wonder why?) "I've made genuine friends in here that I'll take out of the house." He started to look a little stressed and added, "I don't have to justify myself to you anyway because I don't give a s**t what you think!"

Freddie shook his head, "Arrr Dave... I'm sure some of your friendships are like that but.."

David interupts, "I've got a lot of friends on the outside, you can accuse me of having a gameplan you've said in many times to other people in the house and obviously I 'ant... and even if I did I wouldn't admit it to YOU anyway!" Fatal error David - You don't say that if you don't have a gameplan.

But Freddie remains calm...
"I'm not an idiot and the people watching this are not idiots either. It's very transparent, we're not all fools in ths house."

David shrugs it off, "That's alright 'mate' you're entitled to your opnion. I've not come in here with a gameplan at all, I've come in here to make genuine friends. If you can't see that then you are a very ery bad judge of character."

But Bea pulls him up and adds regretfully, "But we were geniune friends and then you accused me of saying something about you that I didn't say."

David snipes, "Because I've worked you out. I saw what you're like and that's not someone I want to be mates with."

Freddie adds, "Yea, 'cause your opinions are your own..." (Well said)

Dejected Bea asks, "How am I like?"
David ignores her...
She asks again, "how am I like..?"
She waits, "what am I like?"

David back-pedals, "Well I don't want to get into this again because 'you' take a small problem and..."

Thank God Marcus interupts, "Why you said it?" He won't let David dodge the question... "Come on spit it out! You can't start a situation... spit it out."

Bea says, "I geniunely don't know why you've started disliking me."

David snipes.."Where do you want me to start?"

Bea steps forward, "Start here, tell me..."

David says, "The secret mission... The accusations of stealing bread and cheese..."

Bea denies this, "I didn't 'accuse' you of stealing anything though."


David changes the subject.
Knowing that Lisa will have his back he tattles like a child to a teacher:

"HE'S (Freddie) accusing me and everybody of having a gameplan now.."

Freddie says, "No mainly you two but other people have gone along with it."

She explodes, "The public need to see that you're a ****. What do you think? What because people have come in and says to you, because people have come in here and says to you 'Halfwit you might be winnin' it' you're the cocky confident? You think you're so cocky. You think you're not going?"

I'm surprised that Big Brother didn't call Lisa to the Diary Room, she was shaking her finger right in Freddie's face. Even when the camera shot to a close-up you could still see her finger! At one point Bea looks concerned by this but Freddie tells her it's alright...

Freddie is sat down and Lisa stands over him and shouts, "Do you think you're not going? The public might turn around and say get you out! They're obviously a**eholes, they want to get you out - You're the idiot!"

Freddie laughs as he realises Lisa's just called the public 'a**eholes. "Oh I love it!"

Lisa is enraged by his reaction and shouts to David (as though she's his mother), "GET OUT! Just ignore him!"
"I'm coming!" David runs...

Lisa guides him out the door and shouts to Freddie, "You're such an idiot, go and have a w***!"

Later, Freddie talks to Siavash in the garden... "You open the gates of truth. Everyone's been exposed!"

David calmed down in the bedroom while Lisa raged to anyone who'd listen in the lounge. "I don't want anything to do with Halfwit. He's cocky. He's a little ****."

Lisa called the public arseholes Mad Laugh.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

so he wasnt laughing in her face just laughing when she said the public were a***holes.
he didnt go upto her and laugh in her face like was thought.
im glad he stuck to his guns, he said what alot of people have said about lisa in the house and here on the forum.
she knows shes not liked on the outside, she has got a real panic on.
she darnet go to the people what caused the whole house to be up for eviction freddies an easy option.
I saw the videos Freddie and Marcus laughing as soon as it was announced they were all up that is the reason Rodrigo had a go at Marcus,good on him, ,the other video of Freddie having a go at David with the back up of Marcus and Bea was horrible ,Lisa then had her say what she thought of Freddie I wont stick up for her ,Freddie was very smug sat there saying David had a game plan if he had a gameplan he would not have befriended Lisa knowing the public dont like her,they are no better than Lisa and co were to Freddie lisa is smug and obnoxious just like Freddie is now,Freddie was laughing and sneering at David I would have thought he would have known better after it was done to him by Lisa and co.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I saw the videos Freddie and Marcus laughing as soon as it was announced they were all up that is the reason Rodrigo had a go at Marcus,good on him, ,the other video of Freddie having a go at David with the back up of Marcus and Bea was horrible ,Lisa then had her say what she thought of Freddie I wont stick up for her ,Freddie was very smug sat there saying David had a game plan if he had a gameplan he would not have befriended Lisa knowing the public dont like her,they are no better than Lisa and co were to Freddie lisa is smug and obnoxious just like Freddie is now,Freddie was laughing and sneering at David I would have thought he would have known better after it was done to him by Lisa and co.

The asides are the writers own opinion but the transcript is correct.

Sweet innocent David? He`s as cute as a bag of monkeys. Laugh

Lisa without knowing what`s been going on,jumps at the chance to gun for Freddie. She detests his background and fears his popularity. That`s her real problem.

Freddie was laughing at her calling the GBP ****holes. So was I. Big Grin
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

Yeah because we all know what a sweetheart Lisa is Sick

Whether Lisa is the spawn of Satan or not, it doesn't change the fact that the transcript is biased.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I saw the videos Freddie and Marcus laughing as soon as it was announced they were all up that is the reason Rodrigo had a go at Marcus,good on him, ,the other video of Freddie having a go at David with the back up of Marcus and Bea was horrible ,Lisa then had her say what she thought of Freddie I wont stick up for her ,Freddie was very smug sat there saying David had a game plan if he had a gameplan he would not have befriended Lisa knowing the public dont like her,they are no better than Lisa and co were to Freddie lisa is smug and obnoxious just like Freddie is now,Freddie was laughing and sneering at David I would have thought he would have known better after it was done to him by Lisa and co.
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Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

Yeah because we all know what a sweetheart Lisa is Sick

Whether Lisa is the spawn of Satan or not, it doesn't change the fact that the transcript is biased.

The writer`s asides are but the transcript of the actual conversation is correct, word for word.
After the way Team Lisa treated Freddie at the beginning of BB, I don't blame him for having his revenge...Karma.

Everyone in there has a gameplan because the entire show is a game...not one of them is there for the experience, or any other old cliche.

Unfortunately, Lisa's lapdog couldn't hold his own and the mistress had to intervene....bad move for her...she signed her own eviction warrant
Originally posted by Kaytee:
After the way Team Lisa treated Freddie at the beginning of BB, I don't blame him for having his revenge...Karma.

Everyone in there has a gameplan because the entire show is a game...not one of them is there for the experience, or any other old cliche.

Unfortunately, Lisa's lapdog couldn't hold his own and the mistress had to intervene....bad move for her...she signed her own eviction warrant

I hope you're right, but I have a feeling she won't be going on Friday.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

Yeah because we all know what a sweetheart Lisa is Sick

Whether Lisa is the spawn of Satan or not, it doesn't change the fact that the transcript is biased.

Yep I agree. Very biased. Nod
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
After the way Team Lisa treated Freddie at the beginning of BB, I don't blame him for having his revenge...Karma.

Everyone in there has a gameplan because the entire show is a game...not one of them is there for the experience, or any other old cliche.

Unfortunately, Lisa's lapdog couldn't hold his own and the mistress had to intervene....bad move for her...she signed her own eviction warrant

I hope you're right, but I have a feeling she won't be going on Friday.

Well if calling the GBP names doesn't do it...nothing will LL Hug
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

I agree Moomin..... and the let's face it, the transcript is probably about as edited as the HL's we see. To the greater extent, we see and read exact what C4 want us to Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

Yeah because we all know what a sweetheart Lisa is Sick

Whether Lisa is the spawn of Satan or not, it doesn't change the fact that the transcript is biased.

And how do you make a transcript biased?
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

Yeah because we all know what a sweetheart Lisa is Sick

Whether Lisa is the spawn of Satan or not, it doesn't change the fact that the transcript is biased.

Yep I agree. Very biased. Nod

Errr it is a transcript of the conversation (with some added comments from the OP which are quite clearly marked). Therefore if its a transcript then it is accurate.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Don't really like any of them that were involved in this any more, but that transcript is definitely biased on the side of Freddie.

How can the transcript be biased? It's a transcript of what was said by whom.

Exactly Confused

Folk just want to see the worse in the Fredster Disappointed
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Freddie was very smug sat there saying David had a game plan if he had a gameplan he would not have befriended Lisa knowing the public dont like her

Not necessarily.

The public can only influence the show based on who the housemates nominate (unless there's a stupid twist).

As Lisa has avoided nomination until now, it could be said that sticking with her would see an increased chance of reaching the final, as well as getting rid of the truly popular housemates at the same time, whether we like it or not.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
well done Lisa....she's gone up in my estimation for taking Bea and her twatty twosome on Thumbs Up

and me, the arrogant smugs have goaded and goaded, knowing that Lisa and Freddie ar'nt articulate, do not have the paid for public schooling as the smug aholes have had the benefit of, we cant all be clever, we wer'nt all born with a silver spoon in our gobs and we are'nt all scheming, devious lying Beatch's
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
well done Lisa....she's gone up in my estimation for taking Bea and her twatty twosome on Thumbs Up

and me, the arrogant smugs have goaded and goaded, knowing that Lisa and Freddie ar'nt articulate, do not have the paid for public schooling as the smug aholes have had the benefit of, we cant all be clever, we wer'nt all born with a silver spoon in our gobs and we are'nt all scheming, devious lying Beatch's

Big Grin
I think you should edit that....
Last edited {1}

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