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What do you do which you know adversely affects you but is too much of a laugh to discontinue? 

Been pondering this as am recovering from knee reconstruction due entirely to biking and earlier skiing and skating.  With other knee primed and ready to pop any day now. 

I wouldn't mind starting skiing again and there's no way I'm stopping biking - but I'm a gonna pay big time for this later.

Any self destructive pleasures you'd care to 'fess up to? 

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Half of me thinks you are a total nutter with your flinging yourself off cliff faces and stuff (but I think that is more of a "I am a lazy get" judgement, rather than a "He should be more careful" type judgement)

I would be way slimmer if I drank less...but..and this is the trade off bit...I would have to take shed loads of meds which would equally knack my innards...but without the fun. So I choose drunk.

I still wear heels now and then and suffer the indignity of falling over just coz I like them...

I dye my hair brown (even though I have brown hair) so it will be a shade or two darker, knowing full well I have crap hair that will all fall out at some stage due to abuse

I spend far too long on the computer avoiding the shitty state my house is in...even though if I spent less time I could redecorate...but the thought of redecorating is a bit like hard work so I ignore it whilst simultaneously getting pissed off...massive vicious circle. 
Leccy now and repay later!  Big time.I'm 53 ,I thought all my bones joints etc were ace.Six months ago I got awful rib pain,turns out I have a few Gallstones tucked under the right ribcage.However I also have a vitamin D deficiency,,(pale celt in Scotland) Nae bleedin'sunshine!  VIT D is "made" helped by sunshine.Now on bleedin' big calcium/vit D tablets two  day...sigh.
I spend far too long on the computer avoiding the shitty state my house is in...even though if I spent less time I could redecorate...but the thought of redecorating is a bit like hard work so I ignore it whilst simultaneously getting pissed off...massive vicious circle.
Dinnae be daft woman! I know you have yur problems too.

Well,I'm a housing association flat and next year (maybe Feb) they are going to reconsruct the place,rip the place apart to the foundations and tear the innards out .The place now is damp etc,built in the 1920's'.heigh hoi!
I once broke my wrist - arm really - and the bone was sticking out and me hand was at 90 degrees.  Consultant brought in all his students and whilst holding onto me fingers and telling them what he was going to do, accidently pulled too hard and set it straight again.

He asked if I wouldn't mind if he 'broke' it again as some of the under-grads might have missed the money shot.

I declined.

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