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Right I hadn't watch many eps of this but ended up watching the last few eps of this series and then liked it so much that I had to go and watch it from the beginning!  I'm only only the 2nd series but already I hate Lauren G (such a smug bitch), Arg is getting on my nerves because he's moping around with a sad face all the time and what makes it worse is that he is STILL moping on the up-to-date eps!!! Looking forward to watching the rest now

Originally Posted by Ells:

Right I hadn't watch many eps of this but ended up watching the last few eps of this series and then liked it so much that I had to go and watch it from the beginning!  I'm only only the 2nd series but already I hate Lauren G (such a smug bitch), Arg is getting on my nerves because he's moping around with a sad face all the time and what makes it worse is that he is STILL moping on the up-to-date eps!!! Looking forward to watching the rest now

Ells I was the same - I only started at the end of series two and then had to go back and watch from the beginning. Weirdly addictive 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:


You think so ? .... I always have a soft spot for Lauren. I feel she was treated really badly by Mark & his family and after that row with Jessica Wright, I am definitely Team Lauren

I thought at first, Jess was alright, but I think she's quite "up heself" tbh.

I loved Arg to begin with but he's just getting on my nerves now. I'm glad Lydia split from him. It's time she was able to breathe, he was, and still wants to smother her all the time


I don't mind all the newbies. You just have to give it time to get to know then. Joey Essex is such a hansome young man ...... I'd miss the series if it was axed. I know it's only a bunch of rich essex wannabees but I take it for what it is ..... 45 mins of light hearted titillation, no more, no less


Angel I did kind of like her at the very beginning but nooooo not anymore lol.  I did feel sorry for her at the end of series 2 when Mark was having the pool party and banned her from going.  He treated her like shit but she stayed with him and gloated about how she now 'had' him as if he was some sort of prize!  Prize twat more like.


I'm only only series 3 now so might change my mind again

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Lauren was on Daybreak today and apparently her and Mark were still together till 3 weeks ago but have parted for good now, imo i think they will  always be together 

Yeah, I thought so too tbh. I think those two got together too young. If they had met a couple of years ago, I reckon they would have made it. There is alot going on in thier lives at the moment. Who knows, maybe one day they will get together again. I definitely think they were well suited ....  just too many  outside influences on them for it to work. Maybe in a few yrs Mark will mature & realise he needs to put Lauren before his mum, or any of his family for that matter.


Who is Andy, Soozy Woo ?

  and I always thought Kirk was gorgeous until he went into the CBB house .... omg!!! what a prat he turned out to be. I couldn't for the life of me understand how Lauren Pope put up with him for so long.


Joey Essex makes me laugh but the dress sense is shocking!!  I'm only on series 3 but he keeps wearing jeans that are too tight and tiny wee shorts and they make me laugh but I wouldn't be seen dead with him!  He's lovely looking though....but a bit too young looking.


Mark is shockingly handsome but becomes less attractive the more his personality comes through.  Arg does nothing for me and Mario is hot but has a big honker (nose....not the other )  I think Kirk was best looking out of them (lovely eyes) but then he turned out to be a twat too.


The girls are all a bit strange looking apart from Lucy and I think Joey Essex' sister is lovely aswell.  Chloe has ruined her face but I think she's a lovely girl.  Lauren G is strange looking and Jess Wright is pretty but there's something off about her that I can't put my finger on.  Sam is weird looking but kinda pretty and her sister Billie is better looking.


So ummm.... best looking boy for me would be Kirk and best looking girl would be Lucy.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Yep- he's nice too .....................I just wish him and Gemma would get it together!

I like Gemma but I think she's got a real dark side .... She's great whilst things are going her way but whoa betide if things aren't quite as she expected .... comes across as a bit of a bunny boiler if you ask me .... That new guy she met was supposed to be coming to that party to meet all her friends, but when he text to say he couldn't make it as something important had cropped up, she was like: "I mean I'm not being funny but what could be more important than me?" ..... Jeez !!!


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