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The "Touchy Music teachers" thread has set me think about touching more generally.
Are you a toucher?  By instinct do you touch?
Do you never touch?
Do you like or dislike being touched?
Do you have a sense of having a "personal space" and hate it when your space is invaded.
Are you a selective toucher? Do you have favoured touchers? Or do you have touchers you avoid?

I am more of a toucher than a non-toucher.  But I try to be sensitive to the feelings of the other person.

I have known a couple of quite mature people who said they had never been embraced or hugged, and hugging had never been a part of their lives.
I felt we were talking about a huge void. A joy which couldn't even be described.
A lack of love even.

Where do you stand on touching?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Im not a natural toucher. I also don't like being touched. I dont like hugs even in the odd occasions when friends have gone to give me one because i need one. Likewise im shit when someone cries in front of me and i think...'oh no i should hug now'

I absolutely hated it when i was pregnant if anyone thought they had the right to touch me.
I'm a toucher/hugger/kisser, 'twas the way I was brought up..... I became much more cautious about it as I grew up and learned that not everyone was comfortable with it and realised that there were certain folk who I absolutely didn't want to touch/kiss/hug me who seemed to think that it was somehow okay to do so without my 'permission.' BUT, with the right person(s), who I'm comfortable with....can't beat a good hug/snuggle
Reference: Karma
Think this thread would have been better entitled 'Are you a tactile person?' (IMO, obvs).
No doubt you are right Karma .
On the other hand that would have limited it to oneself only, whereas I wanted it to be opened out to people other than oneself and even other forms of touching, and to touching observed as well as participated in.
I'll hug family and most friends - I kind of know what friends to hug and those not to - it's an instinctive thing really. If I dont want to be hugged or touched I think I give out vibes by my body language.

I think it's sad that some people claim not to have been hugged - if it's reciprocated it's lovely. I love the hugs that I have with my grand sons.
Soozy Woo
I don't mind getting a hug from someone and I've mellowed a bit in my later years (believe it or not), where I'll actually offer someone a hug if they're upset or whatever. (Depending on who it is of course, sometimes I point and laugh).

What I don't like is people who will fling themselves on you when they've sunk a few pints (mainly fellas) and 'accidentally' try and cop a feel. It has been known that my knee has made contact with genitalia on more than one occasion in the past. Last year I was out a cage fighting event and a fella grabbed my arse when I was at the bar. I did my nut

(In hindsight, suppose I should have been grateful).
Im not a natural toucher. I also don't like being touched. I dont like hugs even in the odd occasions when friends have gone to give me one because i need one. Likewise im shit when someone cries in front of me and i think...'oh no i should hug now'  

I'm the same as you Gyps, I don't like people thinking they can be all up in my personal space I'm really not a fan of hugging and kissing as a greeting, whats wrong with just saying hello?!
I get very iritated (even to the point of issuing a "tut" or a stare ) when someone in a queue, invades my space. I mean those wish to breathe down your neck and bash you with their bags.

Agreed Brisket. I might be tactile with people I know and care for, but strangers invading my personal space is a different story.
I think touching is a very human instinct. Cuddling a baby is the best thing in the whole world.

I love it when my husband strokes my back while I am just drifting off to sleep, or the purring of my cat when I stroke him.

Hugs and kisses should be saved for those that know you, but sometimes someone just holding your hand gives so much comfort.
ooh, good one brisket! 
 I'm not very tactile .. rubbish at hugs except with those I'm close to ( I mean feel close to , not standing next to! ) The rare times I hug outwith that , I'm all awkward and elbows and clumsy and self-conscious .
Ironically,my work involves a LOT of touching - I'm a massage therapist /reflexologist , so I get paid to touch people It's completely different to " social" touch though . 
Your comment about  mature people who had never been hugged made me think of a massage client at an event I was working at - an elderly  woman. I was doing " taster" sessions of seated acupressure , and she decided to have a go. Afterwards she said she'd realised  that it was the first time in many years anyone but her doctor had touched her , as her family all lived overseas and she'd not seen them for along time.

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