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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

oh lets all go live in the 50's life was so much nicer then....

My mother got down on her hands and knees every morning scrubbing stairs, as a lot of women did then, no for some it wasnt so much nicer then 

Yeah, I remember walking round after my mam as she was cleaning floors and stuff reading to her.  


Well, skylark, I remember having fresh milk in one of those big milk troughs every morning, fresh rolls beside the gate too, my mum used to go to the deli and had a chair to sit on while she read out her shopping list, but she carried it home herself. When we had the first self serving store, she was very enthusiastic, even though there wasn't a chair. She managed to spread her needs between the deli, the shop and the apothecary.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Oh and ps. I've cleaned people's bottoms and their beds and rooms for next to nothing. It's not nice, but it's ok. Cleaning toilets with a pair of Marigolds is no problem.

This is where the pay scale needs to be looked at.............a person looking after me in a care home, need to be paid the same as a person telling me what is happening to Cheryl Cole.....

well..   yes.. 


in the world of rainbows, unicorns & singing woodland animals!

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

got no arguements with no-one

but in my eyes

the little shits did wrong

they have every advantage there, if they choose it, they dont, so

they robbed with violence to get what they wanted

no little f*cker broke into the libary or a book store to rob books to read to better themselves

they broke into electrical stores/phone shops/sports shops to get stuff to sell on or for themselves

they deserve everything thats coming to them and a bit more

and thats all i have to say

i dont 'do' bleeding hearts' or sympathisers

if its wrong its wrong

thats it

thank you if you read my rant

The little shits have parents....the little shits blocked the streets for the real criminals... 


The little shits don't stand a chance.............

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Oh and ps. I've cleaned people's bottoms and their beds and rooms for next to nothing. It's not nice, but it's ok. Cleaning toilets with a pair of Marigolds is no problem.

This is where the pay scale needs to be looked at.............a person looking after me in a care home, need to be paid the same as a person telling me what is happening to Cheryl Cole.....

well..   yes.. 


in the world of rainbows, unicorns & singing woodland animals!

What is your "Real World" answer ?

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

CHOICE NUMBER1 - over 10000 apprentice's available-only paying about a ton a week-but better than the dole and you learn a trade-come home feel satisfied that youve achieved something, feel a bit proud

CHOICE NUMBER 2 - rob, sell drugs, turn to crime-join a gang-the moneys a lot better and its easier

ANSWER-idle bastards, no ambition, no future,no idea of the way they are f*cking up the country that serves them so well

Think some of what you say is spot on pirate..

well-i know some people see me as a bit of a div-but this has hit home to me-nice country, lots of greenery, lovely castles and heritage not to mention free education, free health care, free homes, free benefits if needed and people go cranky and abuse the place that helps them-to me its total madness-i cant justify kicking in a shop to get what you want, i have to save like most others

When I was at primary school the local shop had a child size knitting machine. It was ÂĢ5.

Not a lot in today's terms, but quite a lot to a child who only got about 3 or 4 shillings for pocket money.

I saved my pocket money 'til I had that ÂĢ5 and so 'bought it myself. I was so pleased with it and so proud that I had effectively 'got it myself'. I was on tenterhooks all the time I was saving, in case it got sold before I had enough money saved up. I would have been very disappointed if it had, I may well have cried, but at no point would it have crossed my mind to either steal it or do some criminal damage if I hadn't got it.

Or like the year when my sister and I 'asked' Santa for roller skates.

Got up on Christmas morning and there were(among other things) two boxes the same size as each other that COULD have held roller skates. Turned out they held toy telephones that could be wired together but used in different room and you could actually talk to each other.

I suppose we were marginally disappointed that they weren't skates, but we were quite happy with them.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

got no arguements with no-one

but in my eyes

the little shits did wrong

they have every advantage there, if they choose it, they dont, so

they robbed with violence to get what they wanted

no little f*cker broke into the libary or a book store to rob books to read to better themselves

they broke into electrical stores/phone shops/sports shops to get stuff to sell on or for themselves

they deserve everything thats coming to them and a bit more

and thats all i have to say

i dont 'do' bleeding hearts' or sympathisers

if its wrong its wrong

thats it

thank you if you read my rant

The little shits have parents....the little shits blocked the streets for the real criminals... 


The little shits don't stand a chance.............

i really want to comment-but i wont


Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Well, skylark, I remember having fresh milk in one of those big milk troughs every morning, fresh rolls beside the gate too, my mum used to go to the deli and had a chair to sit on while she read out her shopping list, but she carried it home herself. When we had the first self serving store, she was very enthusiastic, even though there wasn't a chair. She managed to spread her needs between the deli, the shop and the apothecary.

Lucky you, my mother maybe would have lived longer had she not worked herself to the bone. we didnt have those luxuries 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Oh and ps. I've cleaned people's bottoms and their beds and rooms for next to nothing. It's not nice, but it's ok. Cleaning toilets with a pair of Marigolds is no problem.

This is where the pay scale needs to be looked at.............a person looking after me in a care home, need to be paid the same as a person telling me what is happening to Cheryl Cole.....

well..   yes.. 


in the world of rainbows, unicorns & singing woodland animals!

What is your "Real World" answer ?

its closer to it that you are

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

It all boils down torespect doesn't it.


oddly ducky thats the word that causes the most trouble!


Hahahaha! And when I saw that gobby teenage girl using it as an excuse to rob and steal a few days ago, I was sat here chuntering "you don't know the meaning of the bloody word"


She did have a point though.... it is important (still no need to smash windows and set fire to stuff just cos you're miffed that you don't get enough of it mind you).


But then in someways I kinda understand where she's coming neighbour has no respect for my rights as a cat owner....and I could quite willingly shove a burning paper plate or two through her letterbox at the mo..... (I'm not expecting many of you to understand this bit.....just ignore me)


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Ducky, maths is great.


I think I just feel it more because I had to learn the English language to be able to live here and now it seems to be bastardised and I just wish that school teachers wouldn't go along with it.

I'll get my coat.


No coat needed


Language evolves all the time Cologne....if it didn't we would all be talking like Shakespeare...and I'm very grateful we don't, cos I can't understand a word the man says! I don't have a problem with English not being technically correct in every situation, I happen to think language would be very boring if it was. For example, a lot of humour comes from bastardising language.


I use a lot a slang on here that I would never use at school, and in my experience the vast majority of teachers have a very good standard of English. None of us are perfect though. We're specialists in our own subject, that's the most important thing.


I have come across a Maths teacher whose English was appalling.... he gave me a lot of worksheets he had made himself electronically, and I gave up using them in the end because it was taking me ages to correct all the grammar.


BUT.... this man came from a very poor family with incredibly low aspirations. His Dad used to beat him regularly....his siblings are still jobless and have been to prison often. He worked his way through all that and aimed higher! And you know what....the kids in his class knew he didn't have the best language skills, but they didn't half respect him as a teacher!


Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Ditty, I agree. The funny thing was though that we all loved the job and loved the people in the home, even though they would get grumpy. It was a really good caring place, but had to close down due to lack of funds. Worse luck.

Actually working in a care home I think can be a rewarding job..   I don't put this in the loo cleaning category (its not poo I have an issue with...  I have worked with the poo of the public when I worked in the hospital lab)..  


And..  it really is a job I think needs to be paid alot more than it does at the moment..  its caring for old & vunerable people..   its an area I really believe needs a complete overhaul. 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

BUT.... this man came from a very poor family with incredibly low aspirations. His Dad used to beat him regularly....his siblings are still jobless and have been to prison often. He worked his way through all that and aimed higher! And you know what....the kids in his class knew he didn't have the best language skills, but they didn't half respect him as a teacher!


Awww..   I like that!


Ducky, I agree with you about language evolving. When I went back home 2 years ago, I was at a complete loss because the German language had marched on (mainly towards English ), but I still think that the basic grammatical structure of the lanuage should stay because without it, we might as well go back hundreds of years. Still, it's not the b all and end all. My kittens have discovered how to get out the window and it's mayhem in my house atm. Mother Mutley is trying to guard them and I'm half in and out of the front of the house, telling them to get back in. God help us when I fall asleep.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Ducky:



BUT.... this man came from a very poor family with incredibly low aspirations. His Dad used to beat him regularly....his siblings are still jobless and have been to prison often. He worked his way through all that and aimed higher! And you know what....the kids in his class knew he didn't have the best language skills, but they didn't half respect him as a teacher!


awwww that's nice Ducky - respecting a teacher for the ability in their specialised field is half the battle because then the little cherubs are more likely to engage with the subject and enjoy it in addition to becoming more proficient    imo anyway 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

awwww that's nice Ducky - respecting a teacher for the ability in their specialised field is half the battle because then the little cherubs are more likely to engage with the subject and enjoy it in addition to becoming more proficient    imo anyway 


They also believed the totally made up rumours he was a cage fighter in his spare time. That helped

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Ducky, maths is great.


I think I just feel it more because I had to learn the English language to be able to live here and now it seems to be bastardised and I just wish that school teachers wouldn't go along with it.

I'll get my coat.


No coat needed


Language evolves all the time Cologne....if it didn't we would all be talking like Shakespeare...and I'm very grateful we don't, cos I can't understand a word the man says! I don't have a problem with English not being technically correct in every situation, I happen to think language would be very boring if it was. For example, a lot of humour comes from bastardising language.


I use a lot a slang on here that I would never use at school, and in my experience the vast majority of teachers have a very good standard of English. None of us are perfect though. We're specialists in our own subject, that's the most important thing.


I have come across a Maths teacher whose English was appalling.... he gave me a lot of worksheets he had made himself electronically, and I gave up using them in the end because it was taking me ages to correct all the grammar.


BUT.... this man came from a very poor family with incredibly low aspirations. His Dad used to beat him regularly....his siblings are still jobless and have been to prison often. He worked his way through all that and aimed higher! And you know what....the kids in his class knew he didn't have the best language skills, but they didn't half respect him as a teacher!


So that teacher took advantage of what was on offer and pulled himself up by his bootstraps....something the *I want* generation are not prepared to do. They chose not to take advantage of the education on offer and ended up unable to string a coherent sentence together rendering themselves virtually unemployable.

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

awwww that's nice Ducky - respecting a teacher for the ability in their specialised field is half the battle because then the little cherubs are more likely to engage with the subject and enjoy it in addition to becoming more proficient    imo anyway 


They also believed the totally made up rumours he was a cage fighter in his spare time. That helped



reminds me of when I first started senior school in England - one of the teachers was horrible to me.  He was always taking the piddle out of both my names as he couldn't pronounce them properly.  It turned out that Giant Haystacks the Wrestler in the late 70s/early 80s had the same surname, so me being me I let him overhear a conversation where I said that my cousin Giant Haystacks (he wasn't a relation of mine) would be visiting Brum and anyone who upset me would have to answer to him.  As  my surname was very unusual at that time he must of believed it because he was nice to me after that 


What about helping kids that really want too better themselves, i'm on a very low budget and my daughter starts college in September, they want ÂĢ44 for a CRB check and ÂĢ85 for a tracksuit, not mentioning the cost of her getting there everyday and now they have stopped EMA i'm struggling too cover these cost's so she went out and got herself a job at the cinema  maybe the kid's that do try get some appreciation  not all teenagers are bad


My friend got a job in a grosers aged 13, went into Kwik saves at the age of 16 and ended up as an area manager..she left to have her baby and did'nt want to go back full time so she got a job cleaning the cells in the Birkenhead courts..she cleaned shit, blood and sick up and never moaned about it..she saved hard and opened her own buiseness which has been doing well for 4 years now....

So cleaning someone elses crap up does pay....

Originally Posted by Aimee:

What about helping kids that really want to better themselves, i'm on a very low budget and my daughter starts college in September, they want ÂĢ44 for a CRB check and ÂĢ85 for a tracksuit, not mentioning the cost of her getting there everyday and now they have stopped EMA i'm struggling too cover these cost's so she went out and got herself a job at the cinema  maybe the kid's that do try get some appreciation  not all teenagers are bad


Originally Posted by pirate1111:

education is there

its available-its up to you to use it to your advantage

i didnt

im like this


but i know right from wrong


i would never hurt someone

Read through the last two pages and ................................i'm really with you on this. Yes we have the clever bankers, the tax evaders, the politicians who fiddled and that is beyond a doubt wrong but ..............never mind the looting (I really couldnt care less about that ) - it's the physical violence, arson , mugging and general putting people in fear for their own safety that upset me more than the thieving TBH. I can sort of see how people connect the two but .........................arson and violence and disrespect for others is abominable to me. I'm surprised more people didn't die in the riots (thank God they didn't). 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:

What about helping kids that really want too better themselves, i'm on a very low budget and my daughter starts college in September, they want ÂĢ44 for a CRB check and ÂĢ85 for a tracksuit, not mentioning the cost of her getting there everyday and now they have stopped EMA i'm struggling too cover these cost's so she went out and got herself a job at the cinema  maybe the kid's that do try get some appreciation  not all teenagers are bad

she's a credit to you 


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