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Originally Posted by sprout:

No, its not Ditty, but everyone's got to start somewhere, and as I said it could spur people on to do better things 

Really Sprout?


what is the career path for that job then?    Seriously.. its more likely to put them off working for life!


In the wider context I am totally in agreement..    it was just that particular example of a job that I thought was naive

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Why?...don't you like your public toilets to be clean at all times?..........I know I would appreciate it and would expect the people "employed" to oversee it to be paid well (maybe a bonus because of our grossness)..


I agree with all that...    but you were implying that if this job was respected by people, & paid well, that this would be the kind of job to entice a young person from the life of benefit claiming or crime.


Its not the job I would use for the "lets motivate our young people" poster campaign!

No, its not Ditty, but everyone's got to start somewhere, and as I said it could spur people on to do better things 

And to take pride in their work and joy in climbing the ladder......

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by sprout:

No, its not Ditty, but everyone's got to start somewhere, and as I said it could spur people on to do better things 

Really Sprout?


what is the career path for that job then?    Seriously.. its more likely to put them off working for life!


In the wider context I am totally in agreement..    it was just that particular example of a job that I thought was naive

Isn't it said that its easier to get a job once you're in a job? 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by sprout:

No, its not Ditty, but everyone's got to start somewhere, and as I said it could spur people on to do better things 

Really Sprout?


what is the career path for that job then?    Seriously.. its more likely to put them off working for life!


In the wider context I am totally in agreement..    it was just that particular example of a job that I thought was naive

Isn't it said that its easier to get a job once you're in a job? 

Yep, and you can do the job, and maybe excel in the job.....

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

ANSWER-idle bastards, no ambition, no future,no idea of the way they are f*cking up the country that serves them so well


Only this country doesn't serve them well.

yes it does-go to another country and its hard to find the automatic, given rights that kids get in this country-its how you decide to use it that makes the difference

MP's blah-wankers-they robbed us and i didnt even realise it

because they didnt kick shops in

doesnt make it right what they did

still thieves

but without the violence

the kids were wrong to behave like they did

its shameful

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

CHOICE NUMBER1 - over 10000 apprentice's available-only paying about a ton a week-but better than the dole and you learn a trade-come home feel satisfied that youve achieved something, feel a bit proud

CHOICE NUMBER 2 - rob, sell drugs, turn to crime-join a gang-the moneys a lot better and its easier

ANSWER-idle bastards, no ambition, no future,no idea of the way they are f*cking up the country that serves them so well

choice number 3 - lie thru your teeth and get elected to ,ocal govt. lie a bit more and move on to national politics, lie thru your teeth and get your hand in the till and  laugh all the way to the bank.


-- choice number 4 .go for a job in a bank, gamble with other people's money, lose it all, get the very same people to bail you out  and pay  you a wedge for gettin them in the shit in the first place, laugh all the way to the bank.


 choice numer 4 . get to be a journalist, lie thru your teeth, bribe  a few politicains and police, hack murder victims phone, lie thru your teeth.. 

im on about the little shits that broke into shops, ruined peoples lives, opportunist idle bastard thieves

youre on about the other lot

different thread

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I'm sorry Syd, Sprout... with the greatest respect...  you are obviously convinced that you are right on this...   whereas I personally think you are a million miles from reality in terms of the loo cleaning job & its potential job satisfaction & possible prospects... 


I think we will have to agree to disagree

Ditty, I don't think I'm right. I'm just trying to put forward an opinion 


Cleaning toilets isnt the best of jobs, i would do it if i were hungry enough or my kids needed fed. 
The point really is, that getting up in the morning going to work, whatever it is, gets you into a routine and you can maybe feel part of the community, and have the satisfaction of earning your own money. It would be a start , and its easier to get a another job when you already have one, and future employers can see that you can be reliable and want to better yourself.

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

CHOICE NUMBER1 - over 10000 apprentice's available-only paying about a ton a week-but better than the dole and you learn a trade-come home feel satisfied that youve achieved something, feel a bit proud

CHOICE NUMBER 2 - rob, sell drugs, turn to crime-join a gang-the moneys a lot better and its easier

ANSWER-idle bastards, no ambition, no future,no idea of the way they are f*cking up the country that serves them so well

choice number 3 - lie thru your teeth and get elected to ,ocal govt. lie a bit more and move on to national politics, lie thru your teeth and get your hand in the till and  laugh all the way to the bank.


-- choice number 4 .go for a job in a bank, gamble with other people's money, lose it all, get the very same people to bail you out  and pay  you a wedge for gettin them in the shit in the first place, laugh all the way to the bank.


 choice numer 4 . get to be a journalist, lie thru your teeth, bribe  a few politicains and police, hack murder victims phone, lie thru your teeth.. 

im on about the little shits that broke into shops, ruined peoples lives, opportunist idle bastard thieves

youre on about the other lot

different thread

im on about people that theive and think they can get away with it.


 looters and  mp's  same  either way to me.

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

cleanin toilets isnt ever gonna get you on the  career path, sprout.


 i wouldnt do it, and i appreciate that others that do, do it.

But if that was the only thing that kept a roof over your head? 

Sprout...  if it came to any job being my only option to keep a roof over mine & my childrens head I would do it..   If it was prostitution or my kids being out on the streets & starving I would do it...  


thankfully...  its never gonna come to that

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

stop being ridiculous, that isnt the situation in this country and i thank god that it isnt, is that the best we can offer our kids? is that the  carrot we hold out to them after  12 years at school, ' be good and you can be a toilet cleaner' it wouldnt motivate me and it wont motivate them stop being naive.

Thats pretty much what I was trying to say 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cleaning toilets isnt the best of jobs, i would do it if i were hungry enough or my kids needed fed. 
The point really is, that getting up in the morning going to work, whatever it is, gets you into a routine and you can maybe feel part of the community, and have the satisfaction of earning your own money. It would be a start , and its easier to get a another job when you already have one, and future employers can see that you can be reliable and want to better yourself.

My thoughts too Sky 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Who would you expect to do the job then?

Don't twist this...     I have no idea why someone would do that job..   in fact they have my respect because they can do that job (there are a few jobs I personally feel like that about).. 


But that isn't what you were initially saying....  you were using that job in the context of getting unemployed & ambitionless young people into the workplace....   

I was saying that technology has taken away many jobs..............and I think that a lot of people in school led towards Media studies, are being led up the yellow brick road..............


If the kids on the streets are complaining they cannot get jobs.............I am saying take a job...(that makes me and the community happy), do it to the best of your ability......and climb the ladder....(with earned money in your pocket)..........  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

cleanin toilets isnt ever gonna get you on the  career path, sprout.


 i wouldnt do it, and i appreciate that others that do, do it.

But if that was the only thing that kept a roof over your head? 

Sprout...  if it came to any job being my only option to keep a roof over mine & my childrens head I would do it..   If it was prostitution or my kids being out on the streets & starving I would do it...  


thankfully...  its never gonna come to that

So why don't other people think that way too instead of robbing and stealing? 

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Pam, sorry, but my granddaughter is dyslexic and had no help until she entered mainstream education at the age of 11. Yes, it is the fault of the teachers because a teacher is supposed to teach. If it's down to the parents, lets close all the schools and let parents teach their children.

Sorry Col, there are an awful lot of people out there that just don't want to learn! 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

cleanin toilets isnt ever gonna get you on the  career path, sprout.


 i wouldnt do it, and i appreciate that others that do, do it.

But if that was the only thing that kept a roof over your head? 

Sprout...  if it came to any job being my only option to keep a roof over mine & my childrens head I would do it..   If it was prostitution or my kids being out on the streets & starving I would do it...  


thankfully...  its never gonna come to that

So why don't other people think that way too instead of robbing and stealing? 

ahh spout,  if you cant see  what  is so out of whack with  how are society is today then, there really sint any point in discussin  it.


got no arguements with no-one

but in my eyes

the little shits did wrong

they have every advantage there, if they choose it, they dont, so

they robbed with violence to get what they wanted

no little f*cker broke into the libary or a book store to rob books to read to better themselves

they broke into electrical stores/phone shops/sports shops to get stuff to sell on or for themselves

they deserve everything thats coming to them and a bit more

and thats all i have to say

i dont 'do' bleeding hearts' or sympathisers

if its wrong its wrong

thats it

thank you if you read my rant


Sorry Col, there are an awful lot of people out there that just don't want to learn!


The point I am making and have been for a week is, why not. Why don't they want to be part of the community they live in, what makes them different from the youngsters who don't go into gangs, who don't carry a knife or a gun. That is the question, not that they do.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Oh and ps. I've cleaned people's bottoms and their beds and rooms for next to nothing. It's not nice, but it's ok. Cleaning toilets with a pair of Marigolds is no problem.

This is where the pay scale needs to be looked at.............a person looking after me in a care home, need to be paid the same as a person telling me what is happening to Cheryl Cole.....

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Ducky, I know I'm going to get rocks for this, but if I understand rightly you are a teacher. Why do you say 'I was sat here' when that is so wrong, I can't even start. Have teachers just taken on their pupils language? Genuine question, no harm meant.


Sorry Cologne.....this thread is moving fast, I have only just seen this.


I've re-read my post and I can't see what was wrong with putting "I was sat here"?


If it is wrong, then maybe my English isn't perfect..... but I'm the dogs bollocks at Maths


Originally Posted by sprout:

So why don't other people think that way too instead of robbing and stealing? 

If any of them were faced with cleaning loos..   or not having a roof over their head, they probably would clean the loos.


If that were the only option they had..   and the other one being robbing & stealing..    well.. thats why they'd choose robbing & stealing.


you didn't give me the robbing & stealing option earlier..   I might have chosen that over the prostitution 


*nicks Jacksons wallet*

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Sorry Col, there are an awful lot of people out there that just don't want to learn!


The point I am making and have been for a week is, why not. Why don't they want to be part of the community they live in, what makes them different from the youngsters who don't go into gangs, who don't carry a knife or a gun. That is the question, not that they do.

Because they wan't it easy and life isn't like that so they take 

Originally Posted by Syd:

If the kids on the streets are complaining they cannot get jobs.............I am saying take a job...(that makes me and the community happy), do it to the best of your ability......and climb the ladder....(with earned money in your pocket)..........  

and... as I have said..  I totally agree with that.


But don't think the loo cleaning job was the best example


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