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Originally Posted by Cupcake:

On the BBC news tonight, the media have been tracking down the families of this pondscum; and you just HAVE to see the parents of the 11 year olds and teens/adolescents who have been caught looting and vandalising.  Total underclass chavscum.  (Them and their kids!)  Looking at these vile people whose children were looting; it comes as NO suprise whatsover, that their children did what they did...  They just seemed pissed off at having a camera shoved in their mush and at being asked about how they feel that their kids have done this...and they had NO kind of remorse whatsover for the appalling and abysmal way their children have behaved...  Like their kids, they are the type that thinks the country owes them a living and seemed irritated that they were being pulled away from their 50" LCD tv!


But hey, what can you expect from underclass chavscum who don't have a damn clue where their 11 year old is at 10 o clock at night?!    And this blaming society and the fact that the kids have 'nothing to do' and claiming that they behave like this because 'this country has failed them;' makes me not sure whether to laugh or cry or vomit.  ALL young people have the SAME problems, but do they all behave like this?  NO!  This is appalling parenting by people who should have had their kids taken away at birth.  Thank EFF that the majority of young folk are NOT like this.  Hope they send the little f**kers to jail and take the parents social housing tenancies away from them, like the councils have been threatening to do!  Pure unadulterated chavscum who give this country a bad name.

Isn't underclass/chavscum the way people such as yourself described them before and have been gleefully describing them in such a self satisfied superior way for many, many years?


I fail to see what this kind of stock vitriol achieves other than making you feel superior.  Boris Johnson used to like getting pissed up and he used to like vandalising restaurants in his youth but I don't hear anyone calling him 'chav scum'!  Did his pater know where he was at 10 o'clock at night?


Your posts is full of half arsed assumptions and the usual stock class hate claptrap about 50" TVs.  As for no remorse, we really have to get away from making one assumption after another. 


There will be no change in this country while the poor working class are despised with such vitriol.  All your vitriol achieves nothing!  What the country needs to do is look how it has created generational unemployment, a materialistic culture and how it has reduced social mobility.


A simple fact of life is that by and large, those with the least to lose and the most to gain by criminal behaviour (in their minds) are those who turn to crime.  Whether they be hoodie yobs or members of parliament.


Believe you me, it's not just the 'chav pondscum' who think the country owes them a living, it's the middle class, who love taking advantage of the state's facilities that benefit them while voting for cuts in funding of things they don't use.  Take interest rates, being held at 0.05% to prop up the over inflated property market and the BTL market. 


Question Time is due to start in a moment, sit back and enjoy the monied political classes vie with each other to outdo each other in their righteous condemnation of opportunistic greed, barely two years after most of them were found to be on take.







Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Isn't underclass/chavscum the way people such as yourself described them before and have been gleefully describing them in such a self satisfied superior way for many, many years?


I fail to see what this kind of stock vitriol achieves other than making you feel superior.  Boris Johnson used to like getting pissed up and he used to like vandalising restaurants in his youth but I don't hear anyone calling him 'chav scum'!  Did his pater know where he was at 10 o'clock at night?


Your posts is full of half arsed assumptions and the usual stock class hate claptrap about 50" TVs.  As for no remorse, we really have to get away from making one assumption after another. 


There will be no change in this country while the poor working class are despised with such vitriol.  All your vitriol achieves nothing!  What the country needs to do is look how it has created generational unemployment, a materialistic culture and how it has reduced social mobility.


A simple fact of life is that by and large, those with the least to lose and the most to gain by criminal behaviour (in their minds) are those who turn to crime.  Whether they be hoodie yobs or members of parliament.


Believe you me, it's not just the 'chav pondscum' who think the country owes them a living, it's the middle class, who love taking advantage of the state's facilities that benefit them while voting for cuts in funding of things they don't use.  Take interest rates, being held at 0.05% to prop up the over inflated property market and the BTL market. 


Question Time is due to start in a moment, sit back and enjoy the monied political classes vie with each other to outdo each other in their righteous condemnation of opportunistic greed, barely two years after most of them were found to be on take.









I have been struggling to find the words to describe my feelings on all of this since Monday...    you've pretty much done it for me there Carnelian!



Its difficult..   I sit here as horrified & disgusted as the next person at what has happened..   but I also know that none of it is a black & white as some think it is.  


Carnellian, spot on.

What about the banker's greed or the MP's greed or the greed of Mr. and Mrs. Jones who have to have what other people have? How can you expect underprivileged youngsters to understand that they can't have it when it's dangled in front of them every day? As for 'underclass', what is that supposed to mean?

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Isn't underclass/chavscum the way people such as yourself described them before and have been gleefully describing them in such a self satisfied superior way for many, many years?


I fail to see what this kind of stock vitriol achieves other than making you feel superior.  Boris Johnson used to like getting pissed up and he used to like vandalising restaurants in his youth but I don't hear anyone calling him 'chav scum'!  Did his pater know where he was at 10 o'clock at night?


Your posts is full of half arsed assumptions and the usual stock class hate claptrap about 50" TVs.  As for no remorse, we really have to get away from making one assumption after another. 


There will be no change in this country while the poor working class are despised with such vitriol.  All your vitriol achieves nothing!  What the country needs to do is look how it has created generational unemployment, a materialistic culture and how it has reduced social mobility.


A simple fact of life is that by and large, those with the least to lose and the most to gain by criminal behaviour (in their minds) are those who turn to crime.  Whether they be hoodie yobs or members of parliament.


Believe you me, it's not just the 'chav pondscum' who think the country owes them a living, it's the middle class, who love taking advantage of the state's facilities that benefit them while voting for cuts in funding of things they don't use.  Take interest rates, being held at 0.05% to prop up the over inflated property market and the BTL market. 


Question Time is due to start in a moment, sit back and enjoy the monied political classes vie with each other to outdo each other in their righteous condemnation of opportunistic greed, barely two years after most of them were found to be on take.









I have been struggling to find the words to describe my feelings on all of this since Monday...    you've pretty much done it for me there Carnelian!



Its difficult..   I sit here as horrified & disgusted as the next person at what has happened..   but I also know that none of it is a black & white as some think it is.  

Thanks, very much Dirtyprettygirlthing.  I can totally understand the anger, and I'm certainly not naive enough to say it's all about poverty and cuts.  There's a huge amount of thuggery and plain lack of empathy for fellow human beings, but anger alone isn't going to solve anything.  Getting all wound up about assumptions about large screen TVs and designer trainers won't solve anything.  I totally agree with you, it's not black and white and IMO Cameron's play to the gallery of water cannon and rubber bullets will reduce the nation to the ethics of a tinpot state.  When a twelve year old kid merely being antisocial gets killed with a plastic bullet those throwing around phrases like "chavscum" will have the blood on their hands and the scummy dictatorial society they wished for.

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Do they blow them AT you Ditty? Duds does ( tee hee that rhymes...kinda), usually when we've been to the drive through and I am hopeless to defend myself against passenger seat attacks.




I won't let who ever is co-piloting my drive through run start on their drink 


They are told to hold the egg box thing with the drinks in (& McFluffy's) in it...  & not spill anything til we get home.

Then they all blow their straw papers at each other & sometimes me...    and never pick them up! :shakefist::shakefist::shakefist::shakefist::shakefist:

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Sensible man on Question Time agreeing with what I was saying a few days ago - instead of sentences, give them community service whereby they fix the community they damage and the skills gained under an apprenticeship will help towards getting a job in the future 

I would totally agree with that kind of thing..  


The idiot leader of Salford Council has decided today to throw families out of their council homes if they prove that anybody in the family was involved in the riots. Oh, very good. The image of Britain abroad will get better and better with nightly news reels of families sleeping rough in London's, Manchester's and Birmingham's doorways. He was asked where they are supposed to live and he basically didn't give a hoot. Great governing.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

The idiot leader of Salford Council has decided today to throw families out of their council homes if they prove that anybody in the family was involved in the riots. Oh, very good. The image of Britain abroad will get better and better with nightly news reels of families sleeping rough in London's, Manchester's and Birmingham's doorways. He was asked where they are supposed to live and he basically didn't give a hoot. Great governing.

I'm not sure legally they can do that Cologne - they can threaten to evict you but actually doing so would prove very difficult and I'm not sure the Courts would grant an eviction order.


What they possibly could do is move those families to the crappiest area - I seem to remember when I came to Enland in the late 70s, in Birmingham they had areas known locally as 'Punishment Areas' for Council tenants who were troublesome or who didn't pay their rent.  Point is, they still had to be housed!! 


I'm not sure legally they can do that Cologne - they can threaten to evict you but actually doing so would prove very difficult and I'm not sure the Courts would grant an eviction order.


I thought that listening to him and the Breakfast guys on 5live asked him, but he thinks they are within the law. I still think it would take at least 6 months to come to court and then it would still be hard to dislodge families just for one misdemenour.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

The idiot leader of Salford Council has decided today to throw families out of their council homes if they prove that anybody in the family was involved in the riots. Oh, very good. The image of Britain abroad will get better and better with nightly news reels of families sleeping rough in London's, Manchester's and Birmingham's doorways. He was asked where they are supposed to live and he basically didn't give a hoot. Great governing.


A lot of unworkable, ill thought out ideas have been banded around over the last few days. Cutting their benefit being another......right, so no money to feed what do they do.....commit crime to get it. Great help that would be!


It doesn't surprise me that these things are being considered, and in my most angry moments over the past few days I have to admit to thinking and saying things that I knew deep down wouldn't solve the problem.


But once things start to calm down I do hope people are going to start looking for solutions that help us all (and prevent further riots) rather than just "revenge".

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
 in Birmingham they had areas known locally as 'Punishment Areas' for Council tenants who were troublesome or who didn't pay their rent.  Point is, they still had to be housed!! 

Seriously they did until the  late 80s - if Bush House (Old Council Department) sent  you to live in Nechells or Northfield you were considered very norty    thing is, the stigma from those days still resonates today for anyone who lives in those areas now 


But once things start to calm down I do hope people are going to start looking for solutions that help us all (and prevent further riots) rather than just "revenge".


It's a bit as I said the other day that we have to find a solution for the underbelly of the problem. I think we are into the third generation of this problem and it hasn't been addressed properly for decades. As much as I am a socialist, I know that so called New Labour did nothing to solve the problem.

cologne 1



someone has just posted on MrD's FB...    apparently this bloke got woken up at 4am Tues morning with banging coming from his kitchen.   He said he was already twitchy cos of the riots, and when he cautiously (& fearfully) got downstairs he found his cat looting his kitchen... batting a packet of Dreamys around the kitchen floor.   the Dreamys (I assume these are cat treats?) were on a shelf the cat has never paid the slightest bit of interest in before.. but for some reason, that night, the temptation was too much & the cat decided that night was the night go for it! 


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



someone has just posted on MrD's FB...    apparently this bloke got woken up at 4am Tues morning with banging coming from his kitchen.   He said he was already twitchy cos of the riots, and when he cautiously (& fearfully) got downstairs he found his cat looting his kitchen... batting a packet of Dreamys around the kitchen floor.   the Dreamys (I assume these are cat treats?) were on a shelf the cat has never paid the slightest bit of interest in before.. but for some reason, that night, the temptation was too much & the cat decided that night was the night go for it! 




Bandwagon jumping if ever I saw it!


A student has today been jailed for six months for looting a ÂĢ3.50 case of water from Lidl in Brixton, which seems to support the analysis provided by the Guardian datablog that magistrates appear to be taking a hard line with those convicted of riot-related offences.

Nicholas Robinson, 23, was walking back from his girlfriend's house in Brixton in the early hours of Monday morning when he saw the store on Acre Lane being looted.

Camberwell magistrates court heard the electrical engineering student took the opportunity to go in and help himself to a case of water because he was "thirsty".

But when the police came in, at around 2.40am, he discarded the bottles and attempted to flee the scene. He was caught and arrested by officers at the scene.

PA reports that there were gasps from the public gallery as district judge Alan Baldwin handed down the maximum penalty he could to Robinson, who has no previous convictions, for his part in the "chaos".

The judge said: "The burglary of commercial premises in circumstances such as this, where substantial and serious public disorder is or has taken place is commonly known as looting."

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

But once things start to calm down I do hope people are going to start looking for solutions that help us all (and prevent further riots) rather than just "revenge".


It's a bit as I said the other day that we have to find a solution for the underbelly of the problem. I think we are into the third generation of this problem and it hasn't been addressed properly for decades. As much as I am a socialist, I know that so called New Labour did nothing to solve the problem.

New Labour were Thatcherites with a red themed logo.  Yes, they certainly ran Thatcherism better than the Tories would, but ran Thatcherism they did.  To hear some of the right banging on you'd think Britian was a socialist state under New Labour. 


The same Labour party that cracked down on the disabled jobless, slavishly followed Bush's Republicans into a dubious war massively increased PFI, continued Tory deregulation of the banks with more fervour than the Tories themselves, cut CGT, abolished a low rate of tax that benefited the very low paid, retained almost all Tory anti-trade union legislation and Tory tax cuts for the rich.  Labour even reduced inheritance tax FCS!  Under New Labour, social mobility reduced and the wealth disparities widened.  So much for being socialists!


The Tory criticism of New Labour seems to be that they spent some of the fruits of the good times on the poor when in the Tory mindset, none of it should have gone to the poor.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

But once things start to calm down I do hope people are going to start looking for solutions that help us all (and prevent further riots) rather than just "revenge".


It's a bit as I said the other day that we have to find a solution for the underbelly of the problem. I think we are into the third generation of this problem and it hasn't been addressed properly for decades. As much as I am a socialist, I know that so called New Labour did nothing to solve the problem.

New Labour were Thatcherites with a red themed logo.  Yes, they certainly ran Thatcherism better than the Tories would, but ran Thatcherism they did.  To hear some of the right banging on you'd think Britian was a socialist state under New Labour. 


The same Labour party that cracked down on the disabled jobless, slavishly followed Bush's Republicans into a dubious war massively increased PFI, continued Tory deregulation of the banks with more fervour than the Tories themselves, cut CGT, abolished a low rate of tax that benefited the very low paid, retained almost all Tory anti-trade union legislation and Tory tax cuts for the rich.  Labour even reduced inheritance tax FCS!  Under New Labour, social mobility reduced and the wealth disparities widened.  So much for being socialists!


The Tory criticism of New Labour seems to be that they spent some of the fruits of the good times on the poor when in the Tory mindset, none of it should have gone to the poor.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I'm not sure legally they can do that Cologne - they can threaten to evict you but actually doing so would prove very difficult and I'm not sure the Courts would grant an eviction order.


I heard tell that they could because rioting/vandalism or being a willing party to such, broke the tennancy agreement.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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