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Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I see Baroness Warsi, the Tories' token Asian, spouting the usual lazy guff about a broken society and responsibility.


FFS, it's her party that wanted to cut sentences, cut police and have stoked all this up.  It's her party that is the most materialist of parties and the party that said there was no such thing as society.


She's now trying to blame Labour for a generation of rioters. Pathetic!


She's a bloody moron, she thinks (or rather would like the viewer to think) a politician wagging their finger about social responsibility is going to stop people rioting.

 politics.......they are all much of a muchness, those fighting for the title peeps..........

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

That is brilliant dignified - I hope it continues. I'm a bit of a pessimist and think they'll be some who jump on the bandwagon - just as they did with Paul Duggan - all this crap is supposedly about him ........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - I'm sure his family and close friends although devastated  really don't want all this pandemonium to be put down to him.


I'm happy that all is calm in Birmingham - hope it continues!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

That is brilliant dignified - I hope it continues. I'm a bit of a pessimist and think they'll be some who jump on the bandwagon - just as they did with Paul Duggan - all this crap is supposedly about him ........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - I'm sure his family and close friends although devastated  really don't want all this pandemonium to be put down to him.


I'm happy that all is calm in Birmingham - hope it continues!

I hope so to

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I see Baroness Warsi, the Tories' token Asian, spouting the usual lazy guff about a broken society and responsibility.


FFS, it's her party that wanted to cut sentences, cut police and have stoked all this up.  It's her party that is the most materialist of parties and the party that said there was no such thing as society.


She's now trying to blame Labour for a generation of rioters. Pathetic!


She's a bloody moron, she thinks (or rather would like the viewer to think) a politician wagging their finger about social responsibility is going to stop people rioting.

 politics.......they are all much of a muchness, those fighting for the title peeps..........

You're right Syd, but you can't spout materialism and the individual for 30 years and then expect the have nots to have ignored that message and just settle for their lot.


You can, but in essence, the Tory ideal is that it requires the target audience (the selfish, relatively powerful, upper middle class, affluent) to take in the message, and the non-target audience (the poor, low waged, unemployed) to ignore the message and just accept their lot, be salt-of-the-earth and just pick up the slack of government that's abdicating its responsibility - as in Cameron's 'big society'. 


The problem is, what if both socio economic groups take in the message?  What if 'every man for himself', resonates with poor kids who want a large flat screen TV as much as it resonates with the middle classes who buy up BTLs to keep others out of the market or make sure their kids get to go to the best funded state schools? 


There's no point ramming materialism down people's throats, as our politicians and media are absolutely guilty of, and expecting those who can't afford material things to not be materialist and plan to get those things through criminality.  Of course, I'm not saying everyone who can't afford things is going to turn to crime, but never the less, the message of every man for himself materialism inspires that behaviour in enough people to create riots.



The Guardian again:

In Toxteth, which has seen the worst of the violence in the past two nights, police cars and patrols can be seen every 20m or so.

The only other people on the streets are Toxteth residents in high visibility vests, making sure the streets are safe.

One member of the patrol team, which was also present last night and credited with preventing worse violence than Monday night, said the patrol were formed to address local parents' concerns.

"We are out to keep the streets clear and make sure there is no danger to our children. That is the most important thing here."

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

You're right Syd, but you can't spout materialism and the individual for 30 years and then expect the have nots to have ignored that message and just settle for their lot.


You can, but in essence, the Tory ideal is that it requires the target audience (the selfish, relatively powerful, upper middle class, affluent) to take in the message, and the non-target audience (the poor, low waged, unemployed) to ignore the message and just accept their lot, be salt-of-the-earth and just pick up the slack of government that's abdicating its responsibility - as in Cameron's 'big society'. 


The problem is, what if both socio economic groups take in the message?  What if 'every man for himself', resonates with poor kids who want a large flat screen TV as much as it resonates with the middle classes who buy up BTLs to keep others out of the market or make sure their kids get to go to the best funded state schools? 


There's no point ramming materialism down people's throats, as our politicians and media are absolutely guilty of, and expecting those who can't afford material things to not be materialist and plan to get those things through criminality.  Of course, I'm not saying everyone who can't afford things is going to turn to crime, but never the less, the message of every man for himself materialism inspires that behaviour in enough people to create riots.

Great post .


Haven't read back, just been popping in here and there and then off again. The media are not reporting a lot of stuff that is going on, have heard the BNP were in Catford now heading back to Eltham and what happened here wasn't on the news either. There has been lots of talk about this turning into a race war now, with the eye of the storm being scrotum faced Nick Griffin, but the more people talk about it the more it will breed. It's a horrible time at the moment, so many innocent people will get caught up in the aftershocks of this purely because of the colour of their skin or the way they dress. I am absolutely shitting myself for my teenage son who is mixed race and have no qualms admitting that.


I feel the only 'good' that has come out of this is the solidarity shown by people and I have so much respect for the Asian guy who lost his son, he called for peace between all races and just wanted it to stop. How he found the strength to not be raging with anger and wanting blood I don't know.

Last edited by Karma_
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by erinp:

The Telegraph reporting that the BBC have apologised for this report,I missed it when it aired.

That was a shocking " interview"! Not surprised they've apologised, she was a nightmare.

This was the most irresponsible thing I have ever seen from the BBC, the amount of chaos it could have (and still could) cause while there is so much anger is scary. The guy was not trying to justify the actions of the arseholes, just trying to explain where some of the anger has come from.


Doesn't surprise me that video with Darcus Howe, its exactly the same with all journalists... Kay Burley possibly being the worst. They ask for their opinons and they dismiss it midway through, then when they bring on a first hand witness and what they say is not to the journo's liking, they interrupt and say it's not true... if thats the case? Why bother asking them then if they know so much?

I won't go much into the one that happened yesterday as my opinion on it wouldn't go down well. But he was actually a 1st hand witness and Kay Burley was telling him what he had/hadnt seen.

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Doesn't surprise me that video with Darcus Howe, its exactly the same with all journalists... Kay Burley possibly being the worst. They ask for their opinons and they dismiss it midway through, then when they bring on a first hand witness and what they say is not to the journo's liking, they interrupt and say it's not true... if thats the case? Why bother asking them then if they know so much?

I won't go much into the one that happened yesterday as my opinion on it wouldn't go down well. But he was actually a 1st hand witness and Kay Burley was telling him what he had/hadnt seen.


Probably not on here, but it's worth watching! 


On the BBC news tonight, the media have been tracking down the families of this pondscum; and you just HAVE to see the parents of the 11 year olds and teens/adolescents who have been caught looting and vandalising.  Total underclass chavscum.  (Them and their kids!)  Looking at these vile people whose children were looting; it comes as NO suprise whatsover, that their children did what they did...  They just seemed pissed off at having a camera shoved in their mush and at being asked about how they feel that their kids have done this...and they had NO kind of remorse whatsover for the appalling and abysmal way their children have behaved...  Like their kids, they are the type that thinks the country owes them a living and seemed irritated that they were being pulled away from their 50" LCD tv!


But hey, what can you expect from underclass chavscum who don't have a damn clue where their 11 year old is at 10 o clock at night?!    And this blaming society and the fact that the kids have 'nothing to do' and claiming that they behave like this because 'this country has failed them;' makes me not sure whether to laugh or cry or vomit.  ALL young people have the SAME problems, but do they all behave like this?  NO!  This is appalling parenting by people who should have had their kids taken away at birth.  Thank EFF that the majority of young folk are NOT like this.  Hope they send the little f**kers to jail and take the parents social housing tenancies away from them, like the councils have been threatening to do!  Pure unadulterated chavscum who give this country a bad name.


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