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Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

actually just scrolled up again. .it really is HUGE never mind the squished uppiness..



I'll get me coat am embarrassed at my wordy, yet probably not saying much,  lengthy and probably badly thought out waffle


*maybe I should delete it..

You don't post lots of little posts throughout the day so I'd say that you're more than entitled to 'a big one' - I always enjoy reading your posts.

Soozy Woo

Ditty I find sometimes the reply box doesn't pout the cursor in the right place and would produce zebra posts... I just clsoe it and try again.. and other times tis fine. .


think this board has too much going on under the bonnet that often  the widgets that make things appear on screen don't fully load properly. .i know this forum over the yrs has made my FF run very slow as they continually update it..  it's way too complicated a template for just a simple forum hence all the problems people get with it from time to time. .simple is sometimes better 


*is still embarrassed and mahooosive post *

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Ducky:


Donn't you ninja me! My TV is four foot deep! No flat screen for me. 


Go back to work you.





yeah mine too!



And...  I am off to walk around the grounds now (lunch)..   see how many abandoned buildings we can find (& Mercs..   seems my boss doesn't get rid of his old cars when he buys a new one,  he just dumps the old one in a bush somewhere!)




Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Supes, I didn't see anyone advocating beating children.

IMO, children need discipline, boundaries and limitations as much as they do love and care. They need to understand that there are consequences for bad behaviour, and serious consequences for seriously bad behaviour - as well as rewards for good behaviour. Without discipline and guidance their moral compasses become skewed and we end up with feral children.

But you can have discipline, boundaries and limitations without smacking, or corporal punishment, Yogi. That's the point.


I was brought up with smacking (and plenty of it). My parents were very strict and both could lose their tempers quite easily. And yet, I can clearly remember repeating the behaviour that had brought on the smacking, over and over again. I don't think it made me better behaved, but I do think it made me more likely to hit out at others, leading to a cycle of violence. 


I was very much of the 'it never did me any harm' school of thinking and did use smacking with my first two kids. Having seen my SIL, who was never smacked, disciplining her kids in a non violent way, however, I made a decision to stop. Her kids were actually a lot better behaved than mine. Maybe they were just better kids, but my smacking certainly wasn't doing any good, and I finally thought about why I was doing it, thought about friends of mine at school, who were never smacked and didn't lash out at others, and I didn't want my kids to grow up repeating my behaviour.


Countries which have brought in anti-smacking legislation (and I think there are about 12 European countries which have) do not have problems with disciplining their kids.

Human beings have used violence since we first walked the earth and the one thing we should have learnt by now, is that using our brains causes less problems in the long term. 

Sorry Blizzie, I didn't explain myself very well.

The first line of my post was in response to Supes post " understand it beyond the theory that it's down to shite parents who don't give their kids a good hiding". I was saying I didn't see anyone advocating beating children.

The rest of my post was my opinion of the need for discipline and boundaries for kids, not about smacking..

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


*maybe I should delete it..

 Don't be daft!


I agree with your post, Olly.


Not making excuses, at all, but we should remember that teenagers have very strangely wired brains and behave in incredibly stupid ways, sometimes. We need to punish them without writing them off, because, hopefully, most of them will look back at this behaviour in years to come and see how wrong it was.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


And...  I am off to walk around the grounds now (lunch)..   see how many abandoned buildings we can find (& Mercs..   seems my boss doesn't get rid of his old cars when he buys a new one,  he just dumps the old one in a bush somewhere!)




I'm like that with hoovers.


And they say there are differences between the classes.


Blizzie I read your post. .won't quote it as we'll end up which huge nestled quotes and sore scrolling fingers


.I understand where you are coming from. .came from a  similar background myself and altho I never had kids I feel that and pray that I would have been different with them than my Mother was with me ..Father didn't do the smack thing he was the threat of last resort.


For me it worked tho ..I was not a saint but there was a line I knew I could not cross cos I feared the consequences too much. . so where others went off fighting/scrapping and all sorts I stepped back despite getting grief form peers fro being a goody two shoes. .my mother scared me more than they did. .tho sometimes I wish it had been different... wasn't nice being brought up in fear.. so I hoped I'd find a happy medium with my kids, sadly was never given the chance to find out if I could..  bot ho hum


bleeding eck!!!  can I not just do a short post once in a blue moon..


ps I know I've used the yoofs word instead of 'selfish greedy thieving bastards'. .probs cos the majority appeared to be yoofs. .but will try not to use that again ..tho the new description will make me posts even longer

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Not making excuses, at all, but we should remember that teenagers have very strangely wired brains and behave in incredibly stupid ways, sometimes. We need to punish them without writing them off, because, hopefully, most of them will look back at this behaviour in years to come and see how wrong it was.


Well said Blizz! The adults in the crowd (and there's quite a few of them if you look closely) disgust me far more. The parents sat at home knowing their sons and daughters were out there somewhere disgust me far more!


Though for the record the teenage selfish thieving greedy bastards disgust me too.


In fact, sod it, I'm disgusted with everyone. So stay back people.




Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Not making excuses, at all, but we should remember that teenagers have very strangely wired brains and behave in incredibly stupid ways, sometimes. We need to punish them without writing them off, because, hopefully, most of them will look back at this behaviour in years to come and see how wrong it was.


Well said Blizz! The adults in the crowd (and there plenty of them if you look closely) disgust me far more. The parents sat at home knowing their sons and daughters were out there somewhere disgust me far more!


Though for the record the teenage selfish thieving greedy bastards disgust me too.


In fact, sod it, I'm disgusted with everyone. So stay back people.




  *and runs*

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Ditty I find sometimes the reply box doesn't pout the cursor in the right place and would produce zebra posts... I just clsoe it and try again.. and other times tis fine. .


think this board has too much going on under the bonnet that often  the widgets that make things appear on screen don't fully load properly. .i know this forum over the yrs has made my FF run very slow as they continually update it..  it's way too complicated a template for just a simple forum hence all the problems people get with it from time to time. .simple is sometimes better 


*is still embarrassed and mahooosive post *

Works pooter obviously resents having to load forum & do work...   


its resents a multitask...


obviously male

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Blizzie I read your post. .won't quote it as we'll end up which huge nestled quotes and sore scrolling fingers


.I understand where you are coming from. .came from a  similar background myself and altho I never had kids I feel that and pray that I would have been different with them than my Mother was with me ..Father didn't do the smack thing he was the threat of last resort.


For me it worked tho ..I was not a saint but there was a line I knew I could not cross cos I feared the consequences too much. . so where others went off fighting/scrapping and all sorts I stepped back despite getting grief form peers fro being a goody two shoes. .my mother scared me more than they did. .tho sometimes I wish it had been different... wasn't nice being brought up in fear.. so I hoped I'd find a happy medium with my kids, sadly was never given the chance to find out if I could..  bot ho hum


bleeding eck!!!  can I not just do a short post once in a blue moon..


ps I know I've used the yoofs word instead of 'selfish greedy thieving bastards'. .probs cos the majority appeared to be yoofs. .but will try not to use that again ..tho the new description will make me posts even longer



I was one of six and we were all very different. I probably got the most smacks (or beatings, which is what it actually felt like - it's all very well saying that smacking should be used in a controlled way, but we all know that tempers flair and logic goes out of the window).


My closest sister could also be described as a 'goody-two-shoes' and hardly got any of it. In fact, she probably got more from me, because I would lash out, instead of using verbal argument. 


Anyway, I do think we can bring our kids up without the fear of physical chastisement. Sometimes it may seem harder and take longer, but I do believe that the results, in the long term, will be much better for the whole of society. 


hope you're right Blizzie


methinks some parents need to get used to the word NO a lot more and sod the excuse of ' but all the other kids at school have got xy or z. '. and not feel all guilty  just cos their poor little diddums gets upset cos they can't get what they want all  the time. .if you get enough of them saying no the have nots would then be the majority and the stoopid competition for having to have the latest stuff goes out the window .  



it'll never happen tho..


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

hope you're right Blizzie


methinks some parents need to get used to the word NO a lot more and sod the excuse of ' but all the other kids at school have got xy or z. '. and not feel all guilty  just cos their poor little diddums gets upset cos they can't get what they want all  the time. .if you get enough of them saying no the have nots would then be the majority and the stoopid competition for having to have the latest stuff goes out the window .  



it'll never happen tho..


*** smacks Olly, metaphorically ***  Stop being a pessimist!  


I do that with my kids.

My youngest was going away with the school, recently, and kept telling me that all his friends were getting new clothes for the trip, so I deliberately mentioned this to the other kids' parents, in front of him, who all said that they were sending them with all their old clothes, seeing as they'd be pond dipping and trudging through mud!


He does get grief from some kids about not having a mobile phone yet, but he knows I won't let him have one until he goes to secondary school, when it will actually be useful.

In fact, my kids know that they have to speak to their dad, if they want any chance of a 'yes' to most things! 


I can remember it being very much the same, when I was at school, but there was less stuff to buy, then, and it was far less affordable. Nowadays, you have to be very poor, in order to not be able to afford new clothes from places like Primark.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

One customer review, by Harry Fish in Bristol, says: "This bat is perfectly weighted and will suit any UK shop-owner looking to protect their property.

"Thanks to the ergonomic handle, one easy swing should be enough to shatter patellas, skulls or any other bone on your targeted looter. 

"Personally, I would recommend also investing in some fingerless gloves for extra grip."


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I remember when I use to whinge to my mum, saying:


"Awww, but Timmy's Mum lets him stay out till late"


And my Mum would always reply:


"Well I'm not Timmy's Mum am I?"


Although, whenever I use to moan that I was 'Thirsty' she would always reply with "Well I'm Friday". Bit weird. 

....wen mine used to say "Its not fair"..I used to say "I know there's no Ferris wheel"....

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I remember when I use to whinge to my mum, saying:


"Awww, but Timmy's Mum lets him stay out till late"


And my Mum would always reply:


"Well I'm not Timmy's Mum am I?"


Although, whenever I use to moan that I was 'Thirsty' she would always reply with "Well I'm Friday". Bit weird. 


When my kids say 'I'm hungry', for some reason, I always reply 'Pleased to meet you, I'm Germany' idea why Germany!! I asked my Mum if she said it to me and my sis, but nope, she didn't!!! 


When I was hungry I used to say "Mammy what have we got for dinner?"  she always replied "bees knees and spiders elbows"  


If I wanted to go into town with my friends but didn't have much money I'd ask her for some else how would I get there and she'd always say "grease your @rse and slide on a rainbow" 


my mammy was weird 


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