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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Au Contraire....this was the straw that broke this particular camels back

Well, indeed. 

I know the thread, and events, have moved on, but it will be interesting to see what the full facts are in this case.

Maybe the officer who fired was in fear for his life, if the gun was pulled on him, but they must have known that he hadn't fired and who leaked the information that an officer had been shot at?


As seems to happen too often, it stinks. 


Just seen that video of the riot police in Manchester... looked alot like Jutlands street. Seen that area before.


I can't post it as the youtube video in question has been made private but you can bet there would be uproar if it got out... "police brutality" if you would like to call it that.


What happened was an empty street, riot police were just coming up the road and some people (looked very young) were on their bikes coming up to a junction to turn left, the police met them in time and whacked a few off their bikes with the batons.. a few got away.


However, here is where it all kicks in...


One was already on the ground and the police kicked him. The other police hits one with his baton twice when he's already on the ground.

I understand hitting him while he's on the bike... by all means, do what you have to do to stop them. But whilst they are on the ground I don't agree with. Not unless they were really putting up a fight on the floor.

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
we have absolutely no idea what parenting experiences these people responsible for such abhorrent behaviour have had

They are obviously not afraid of their parents/families reactions of Disgust, Shame, Embarrassment, Disappointment..

The parents were probably the same, as far as I am concerned this is the second generation of dont give a sh*,t poor us mentality.  They dont want to work,they want everything from the state.Now if they dont get it ,they take it.

Been on the news tonight.......parents and kids in it together 

Yeah. Heard in areas people as ol;d as 47 have been seen amongst the rioters and looters!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Carnelian can't see where I was making a lorry load of assumptions. .I only have to turn the TV to the news and see what the yoofs are wearing live on screen to know they can afford way better gear than I can ever hope to.. 



as for the politics stuff, these sorts of riots have happened in the past under Labour and Tory rule...  those scu.mbags have no care for Politics they only care for what they can get their hands on. .and if I am am making generalisations it's because in all the video's and life feed I have seen so far I've not seen one single person say Oi put that back and leave that place alone we are protesting fro a serious cause here... I've only seen more people bundle in to grab stuff too once the first lot have broken in..


I seriously don't think it can be blamed on Politics all the time..  it's not like we are the only country in the world having to make serious cut backs.. I think that's just  another excuse for people to moan on about it all yet again..  and  once again the parents get let off for not teaching their kids moral values cos it's all someone else's fault never their own.. 

Really! You can see the individual labels and footwear from mostly night time TV footage? I seriously doubt that!  Relative expensive clothing tells you virtually nothing about poverty.  Kids (or their parents) buy labels, because kids have few other expenses.  A pair of expensive trainers is ÂĢ100+ a house is ÂĢ100,000+. Footwear is a realisable aspiration for the poor kids with no prospects, a home or career simply isn't!   Footwear is such an irrelevance that it's impossible to make any worthwhile judgements based on what shoes kids wear.


The fact remains there are still few jobs and those jobs are low paid with little or no prospect of breaking out of poverty.  What they're doing, in their nihilistic way, is taking advantage of a situation to get things. Of course it's selfish and yobbish, but the writing was on the wall.  Who said 'there's no such thing as society'?  Thatcher, who's policies have both Tory and Labour governments largely followed!  Thatcherite policies.  The chickens have come home to roost, this was totally predictable.


No, we aren't the only country facing cutbacks, but then neither are we the only country having riots. 

Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

5 Police stations and a college attacked in Nottingham last night, 100 people arrested  i could hear the helicoptor all night 

jue i went shopping at Bulwell yesterday at about 3

but all i could see was people running around trying to shut shops early it was unreal

I've got too go today, i'm going too check first though as Bulwell Police Station was one of them that was set on fire last night 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Syd:

You keep asking questions of peeps, do you have any answers?

As best I back, I did the best I could to try and explain/understand what I think may be happening

Mindless ,lawless,vandalism and they do it because they want to and they can. I dont think for one minute it's because of rising student fees,the lack of employment opportunities or youth facilities.

I  broadly agree..for some, but not far all......anyways I'm in a minority of one or so here, so I'll shutup now.....But, before I do so, let me make it absolutely clear, I don't condone or excuse what's happening in any way shape or form......Just trying to analyse/ understand it beyond the theory that it's down to shite parents who don't give their kids a good hiding

Supes, I didn't see anyone advocating beating children.

IMO, children need discipline, boundaries and limitations as much as they do love and care. They need to understand that there are consequences for bad behaviour, and serious consequences for seriously bad behaviour - as well as rewards for good behaviour. Without discipline and guidance their moral compasses become skewed and we end up with feral children.


In amongst the despair, look hard enough and there's always something to make you ROFL.....


Libyan foreign ministry spokesman Khalid Ka'im has called on world governments to take action over the unrest in the UK. David Cameron has lost legitimacy and "must go", Libya's official news agency Jana reports. Libya "demands that the international community not stand with arms folded in the face of this gross aggression against the rights of the British people, who are demanding its right to rule its country", the report said.


Originally Posted by sprout:

LOL Ducky     I'm just also reading that the first one in court this morning was 31 year old teacher who raided a Richer Sounds store in Croydon.  




We don't get paid much.


It's crazy isn't Sprout! It's part of the reason I object to people lumping all the rioters into the category "yoofs".....the category "greedy bastards" would be much more accurate.

Last edited by Ducky
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by sprout:

LOL Ducky     I'm just also reading that the first one in court this morning was 31 year old teacher who raided a Richer Sounds store in Croydon.  




We don't get paid much.


It's crazy isn't Sprout! It's part of the reason I object to people lumping all the rioters into the catergory "yoofs".....the catergory "greedy bastards" would be much more accurate.

I think you'll find that is 'thieving greedy bastards'

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by sprout:

LOL Ducky     I'm just also reading that the first one in court this morning was 31 year old teacher who raided a Richer Sounds store in Croydon.  




We don't get paid much.


It's crazy isn't Sprout! It's part of the reason I object to people lumping all the rioters into the catergory "yoofs".....the catergory "greedy bastards" would be much more accurate.

Yeah, I guess I have to admit to lumping people into the same category last night.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by sprout:

LOL Ducky     I'm just also reading that the first one in court this morning was 31 year old teacher who raided a Richer Sounds store in Croydon.  




We don't get paid much.


It's crazy isn't Sprout! It's part of the reason I object to people lumping all the rioters into the catergory "yoofs".....the catergory "greedy bastards" would be much more accurate.

I think you'll find that is 'thieving greedy bastards'

I've just gone for 'thieving scum' - that covers them all

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Supes, I didn't see anyone advocating beating children.

IMO, children need discipline, boundaries and limitations as much as they do love and care. They need to understand that there are consequences for bad behaviour, and serious consequences for seriously bad behaviour - as well as rewards for good behaviour. Without discipline and guidance their moral compasses become skewed and we end up with feral children.

But you can have discipline, boundaries and limitations without smacking, or corporal punishment, Yogi. That's the point.


I was brought up with smacking (and plenty of it). My parents were very strict and both could lose their tempers quite easily. And yet, I can clearly remember repeating the behaviour that had brought on the smacking, over and over again. I don't think it made me better behaved, but I do think it made me more likely to hit out at others, leading to a cycle of violence. 


I was very much of the 'it never did me any harm' school of thinking and did use smacking with my first two kids. Having seen my SIL, who was never smacked, disciplining her kids in a non violent way, however, I made a decision to stop. Her kids were actually a lot better behaved than mine. Maybe they were just better kids, but my smacking certainly wasn't doing any good, and I finally thought about why I was doing it, thought about friends of mine at school, who were never smacked and didn't lash out at others, and I didn't want my kids to grow up repeating my behaviour.


Countries which have brought in anti-smacking legislation (and I think there are about 12 European countries which have) do not have problems with disciplining their kids.

Human beings have used violence since we first walked the earth and the one thing we should have learnt by now, is that using our brains causes less problems in the long term. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Really! You can see the individual labels and footwear from mostly night time TV footage? I seriously doubt that!  Relative expensive clothing tells you virtually nothing about poverty.  Kids (or their parents) buy labels, because kids have few other expenses.  A pair of expensive trainers is ÂĢ100+ a house is ÂĢ100,000+. Footwear is a realisable aspiration for the poor kids with no prospects, a home or career simply isn't!   Footwear is such an irrelevance that it's impossible to make any worthwhile judgements based on what shoes kids wear.


The fact remains there are still few jobs and those jobs are low paid with little or no prospect of breaking out of poverty.  What they're doing, in their nihilistic way, is taking advantage of a situation to get things. Of course it's selfish and yobbish, but the writing was on the wall.  Who said 'there's no such thing as society'?  Thatcher, who's policies have both Tory and Labour governments largely followed!  Thatcherite policies.  The chickens have come home to roost, this was totally predictable.


No, we aren't the only country facing cutbacks, but then neither are we the only country having riots. 

ok as far as the clothes go there are close ups I see the nike tick etc.. but forget all that, yesterday I was so bluddy angry at the behaviour I lost all sense of reasoning and vented without thinking beyond my anger..cos am sitting here with a long list of things I would love to have and know I will never get but am not out there helping myself just because my situation is not that brilliant.. .. 


I understand all the socio economic problems that face some, not all, of these yoofs.. but by the same token systematically over the last 10-15 yrs or more a lot of the older generation have no hope for the future when they are made redundant from jobs by company's large and small, not just the public sector, downsizing and they are no longer employable cos they are too old or over qualified. .they may have been lucky and worked hard for a good few yrs and got themselves houses etc but then they lose all that when they lose their jobs and cannot maintain their commitments cos stacking shelves at B&Q doesn't quite pay the same..  but do we see them rioting on the streets thinking the world owes them a living ? No we don't, they re-adjust, downsize themselves and make do with their new situation as best they can. ., i know I have over the yrs and know others that have too..


these kids can get themselves to school and learn and make it so they are more of an employable prospect. .that's if their parents made sure they stuck to their studies.. .again I go back to discipline and the home.. . it's where it all starts.. 


yes the jobs are few and far between atm and for ALL ages but of those available some won't even consider them because they were not taught the very basics that you don't go into a job as a young un and earn the top salary you start at the bottom do as your told, work hard and you earn your salary increases .. so you may not be able to afford all the stuff you want or previously got given to you while living at home, you make do and get that stuff when you can or do without as everybody else does.. .


I may be being a bit simplistic here. .there are other problems that need sorting and no easy answers.. what is needed is a re-educating of people who live in this greedy, I want, I deserve I am owed,  I will take it if I want it society first.. and maybe some of the other stuff will get sorted along the way as attitudes and mindsets change..


I am not very good at expressing my self well nor very knowledgeable about many things so am sure all I have said will have much better arguments against.... am just speaking how I feel and without bringing Politics into it cos I think it is down to us as people and not Politicians to sort out what is happening at grass roots level..  and by that I again go back to discipline and teaching self worth, regardless of how rich or poor you are, self belief  and good values all of  which should begin at home and once those basic things are taught a lot of the other things will fall into place..  [arggh I know what I mean but can't think how to put it ]


I wish I knew the solution to it all. .I think there is more than one needed to solve everything. .but somebody has to start somewhere and for me it starts in the home.  the people setting the good examples should first and foremost be the parents.. .



so again I waffled but today no ranting..


 *goes to lie down with soothing towel on head.. *

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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