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Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

My theory is they wanted to be a voice heard, but unfortunately for them the thugs have took over and have negated everything they wanted to say.  But then, you can also look at it from the view point that just because you have a 'label' as in 'army recruit, graphic designer etc' does that make you exempt from thuggish behaviour?



That's very true Cinds and I'm not disagreeing, I was just stating that all are not uneducated, unemployed youths. I would gladly turn the water cannon on myself to stop all this anarchy, but it seems we have the same cycle every few years and similar sets of circumstances seem to be in place when it kicks off. 

I knmow what you mean, I keeop trying to repl, but I cannot see what I am typing as the video below keeps shadowing overmy reply box.  Whsat I meant was, thugs can come from all walks of life.

you only have to be old enough to remember the organised football violence in the 80's.......the 'big' leaders of 'the firms' all had respectable jobs......without doubt alot of these rioters are kids.....some aren't....makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with them

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Rioters being named and shamed on Twitter complete with pics.


What bit Veggie please?

Can't remember Kaytee, I'll have a trawl back and post the links.


You know things are bad when a piece of absolute scum like Joey Barton is condemning these scroats - pot and kettle methinks. Or maybe Joey just has a short memory - twunt!/Joey7Barton

Kaytee, do you know Kaz who used to post on C4 and maybe here? She has been retweeting some of the name and shame tweets, they are by different people so can't really post the links- sorry.

Follow @kazden37 and you'll see them xx

OK Thanks Veggie

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by erinp:

If your kid comes home at midnight with a 42in Plasma TV you would ask where the hell it came from.

That's what I don't understand Erin, while I know it's not all teens, if this was happening in my city I know I would not be allowing my teen out of the house.

That's where it breaks down Cinds. You and a whole load of other law abiding people wouldn't.....there are a hell of a lot of people that would/do though 

AND...they just don't give a crap, out of sight out of mind 


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I knmow what you mean, I keeop trying to repl, but I cannot see what I am typing as the video below keeps shadowing overmy reply box.  Whsat I meant was, thugs can come from all walks of life.

I know it's not a laughing matter, but my (not being able to see what I was typing reply) made me laugh.

And me Cinds


My son lives in Manchester - up until a couple of mo0nths ago he lived right bang in the centre of the City in a appartment block. He now lives just outside the centre (near Man City football ground - he says it's been bad but he feels relatively safe where he is.


It's not good is it? He also said Police have been sent to London from Manchester . Surely there's nothing left to nick - plus the fact that it has been reiterated over and over about the 16,000 police on duty - surely they'll all just move onto somewhere else won't they?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I knmow what you mean, I keeop trying to repl, but I cannot see what I am typing as the video below keeps shadowing overmy reply box.  Whsat I meant was, thugs can come from all walks of life.



I understood it all Cinds and with that I'm off to my bed...night everyone and be safe 

And with that too, I am also off to bed.  Sleep well everyone 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My son lives in Manchester - up until a couple of mo0nths ago he lived right bang in the centre of the City in a appartment block. He now lives just outside the centre (near Man City football ground - he says it's been bad but he feels relatively safe where he is.


It's not good is it? He also said Police have been sent to London from Manchester . Surely there's nothing left to nick - plus the fact that it has been reiterated over and over about the 16,000 police on duty - surely they'll all just move onto somewhere else won't they?

Maybe in doing that.dispersing a bit and dying out 

'Originally Posted by erinp:

I dont believe for a moment that any of the feral scum we see on our screens are or have ever been interested in any Youth projects in their area.Never.They opt out of school,they have no regard or respect for others .They are selfish ,thieving bastards and the majority of Britain have had enough.They are not out looting because of political climate,because they feel anger about "crimes of our politicians" They are doing this becaise in their words...THEY CAN.

The young people you speak off do exsist,they are not the ones on the street trashing their own community.

Mmmmm two wrongs don't make a right Erinp....Why, do you think, someone would 'opt out' of school or have no respect or regard for others? Why, do you think, those who  have had a privileged upbringing and the best education money can buy, still become 'selfish thieving bastards'......"because, in their words ...THEY CAN"

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i watched a clip earlier......been trying to find it again but can't.anyway there was a looting of a tesco's....and you clearly hear a woman shout from the street......'get febreeze....don't forget the febreeze'!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's wierd isn't it Spongey? 

beyond weird sprouty....i mean febreeze?!!

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i watched a clip earlier......been trying to find it again but can't.anyway there was a looting of a tesco's....and you clearly hear a woman shout from the street......'get febreeze....don't forget the febreeze'!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's wierd isn't it Spongey? 

beyond weird sprouty....i mean febreeze?!!

Must have a lot of smells to disguise....

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i watched a clip earlier......been trying to find it again but can't.anyway there was a looting of a tesco's....and you clearly hear a woman shout from the street......'get febreeze....don't forget the febreeze'!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's wierd isn't it Spongey? 

beyond weird sprouty....i mean febreeze?!!

Well, can you imagine how sweaty and smelly those hoodies are going to be? 



Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
'Originally Posted by erinp:

I dont believe for a moment that any of the feral scum we see on our screens are or have ever been interested in any Youth projects in their area.Never.They opt out of school,they have no regard or respect for others .They are selfish ,thieving bastards and the majority of Britain have had enough.They are not out looting because of political climate,because they feel anger about "crimes of our politicians" They are doing this becaise in their words...THEY CAN.

The young people you speak off do exsist,they are not the ones on the street trashing their own community.

Mmmmm two wrongs don't make a right Erinp....Why, do you think, someone would 'opt out' of school or have no respect or regard for others? Why, do you think, those who  have had a privileged upbringing and the best education money can buy, still become 'selfish thieving bastards'......"because, in their words ...THEY CAN"

You keep asking questions of peeps, do you have any answers?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
'Originally Posted by erinp:

I dont believe for a moment that any of the feral scum we see on our screens are or have ever been interested in any Youth projects in their area.Never.They opt out of school,they have no regard or respect for others .They are selfish ,thieving bastards and the majority of Britain have had enough.They are not out looting because of political climate,because they feel anger about "crimes of our politicians" They are doing this becaise in their words...THEY CAN.

The young people you speak off do exsist,they are not the ones on the street trashing their own community.

Mmmmm two wrongs don't make a right Erinp....Why, do you think, someone would 'opt out' of school or have no respect or regard for others? Why, do you think, those who  have had a privileged upbringing and the best education money can buy, still become 'selfish thieving bastards'......"because, in their words ...THEY CAN"

Because I do not believe that the people doing this are any of the above. 

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i watched a clip earlier......been trying to find it again but can't.anyway there was a looting of a tesco's....and you clearly hear a woman shout from the street......'get febreeze....don't forget the febreeze'!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's wierd isn't it Spongey? 

beyond weird sprouty....i mean febreeze?!!

Alan Davies tweeted yesterday that a coffee bar up the road from him in Islington had been attacked but all they had taken was all the biscuits.

The rioters obviously had the munchies


i think it's a given that some kids have no respect for anyone or anything.......i'm gonna sound like a bore but when i was at school the only kicking off was a bit of cheek to a teacher..nowadays teachers are repeatedly told to f off...assaulted and god knows what else


the school where i work some of the kids are a nightmare.....they think nothing of gobbing off at of the dinner ladies.her hubby has been a teacher for 30 odd years.....4 months ago some 15 year old lad had him up against the wall with his hands round his neck spitting in his face sneering 'you can't do nothing old man i know my rights'....and he did....he got excluded for a week and that was it

Bl Originally Posted by Cinds:

 My theory is they wanted to be a voice heard, but unfortunately for them the thugs have took over and have negated everything they wanted to say.  But then, you can also look at it from the view point that just because you have a 'label' as in 'army recruit, graphic designer etc' does that make you exempt from thuggish behaviour?

Bloody shame


And, well Cinds, 'white' football hooganalism has a fair ol' story to tell there

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i watched a clip earlier......been trying to find it again but can't.anyway there was a looting of a tesco's....and you clearly hear a woman shout from the street......'get febreeze....don't forget the febreeze'!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's wierd isn't it Spongey? 

beyond weird sprouty....i mean febreeze?!!

Alan Davies tweeted yesterday that a coffee bar up the road from him in Islington had been attacked but all they had taken was all the biscuits.

The rioters obviously had the munchies

veggieeeeeeeeeee ok in your neck of the woods matey?.....

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Anyone see the Sikhs from Southall? Looks like they mean business... don't think its a wise idea though.

Is it kicking off there?

No idea, looked like there were hundreds of them outside... apparently they were to stay there to protect the temple.



No idea why there is a little girl there

I can understand I cannot see why that child should be there either

I think she's just popped in when she saw the camera..females would not be allowed their with the men....

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

veggieeeeeeeeeee ok in your neck of the woods matey?.....

Sppoonnggeeyyyy *mwah* xx

Quiet as the grave here mate, mind you we are opposite the Hendon Police College and massive police station too so although we are a rough estate there is enough muscle around.

I was just saying on Rawky's thread that I've never known my estate so quiet. It's eerie really.

Hope it's quiet where you are too. One of the US Gooners I chat wih on an Arsenal forum posted that he hoped we were all ok and some wit said that it was fairly quiet in Bournemouth but someone had just set fire to a Stannah Stairlift so they were expecting trouble.

The US guy was concerned - he didn't get the humour

Spirit of the Blitz innit - you have to laugh at summat or else you'd cry

Originally Posted by erinp:

If your kid comes home at midnight with a 42in Plasma TV you would ask where the hell it came from.

Absobloodylutely and I'd march them/it back to where it came from.....BUT, don't you think that the lessons we are trying to teach them can be a bit complex when the people who are supposed to uphold the law are in the news, practically daily for doing the exact opposite...As I said earlier, just google the no. of v snr police officers who have been suspended/convicted the last couple of weeks alone

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

veggieeeeeeeeeee ok in your neck of the woods matey?.....

Sppoonnggeeyyyy *mwah* xx

Quiet as the grave here mate, mind you we are opposite the Hendon Police College and massive police station too so although we are a rough estate there is enough muscle around.

I was just saying on Rawky's thread that I've never known my estate so quiet. It's eerie really.

Hope it's quiet where you are too. One of the US Gooners I chat wih on an Arsenal forum posted that he hoped we were all ok and some wit said that it was fairly quiet in Bournemouth but someone had just set fire to a Stannah Stairlift so they were expecting trouble.

The US guy was concerned - he didn't get the humour

Spirit of the Blitz innit - you have to laugh at summat or else you'd cry

.......yep all quiet here.....rumours were flying earlier that b'mth town centre had been hit....but turned out to be false as far as i know...but some bloke was arrested today for trying to organise a riot in the town centre..


we're very protective of our stair lifts here you know!!


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