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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


Those charged today came from all walks of life, including a graphics designer, a undergraduate and a guy that's signed up for the army....  It's not all uneducated, unemployed thugs. 

So....what's their excuse/reason then? 



I don't know the answer Pam. but we had the same in the 80's and the politicians and media today say it's a different scenario's moved on a few years, but there's still no excuse for it, whatever walk of life you come from 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Ok, well, if you've posted anywhere else that I might have missed possibly, what would you put the rest of it down to?  

Sprouty, I'm struck by the no.of yp who have absolutely no 'previous' having become involved in this. So, why??? Leaving out those who are just jumping on the bandwagon/being opportunistic etc.... The socio-economic situation; a sense of hopelessness/helplessness; targeting of black youth by the police;  disrespect for those who they are 'supposed to respect, (look for e.g. at how many v snr. police officers have been suspended/ convicted of crimes in the last couple of weeks alone, not to mention the 'white collar' crimes of our politicians); assumption peddled in the media that just about every yp is inherently bad; removal of funding for youth projects etc. etc. etc.

I dont believe for a moment that any of the feral scum we see on our screens are or have ever been interested in any Youth projects in their area.Never.They opt out of school,they have no regard or respect for others .They are selfish ,thieving bastards and the majority of Britain have had enough.They are not out looting because of political climate,because they feel anger about "crimes of our politicians" They are doing this becaise in their words...THEY CAN.

The young people you speak off do exsist,they are not the ones on the street trashing their own community.


When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................


And to add...not that I was afraid of getting "Smacked".....

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

 I don't know the answer Pam. but we had the same in the 80's and the politicians and media today say it's a different scenario 

Dame, I really wonder what's so different Strikes me that it's definitely not the same, but v v similar



me too Super, I'm all confused  it is different, but maybe similar set of circumstances have caused it 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

They just interviewed a rioter on Sky News.


He sounded like the most uneducated person that I've ever heard.


"Why are you doing this?"

"To piss the police off innit!"

"Why do you want to anger the police?"

"I dunno".

Why do they interview these morons

Maybe it's to get a reaction from us public. A bit like the newspapers recently 

It got one from that worked

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


Those charged today came from all walks of life, including a graphics designer, a undergraduate and a guy that's signed up for the army....  It's not all uneducated, unemployed thugs. 

So....what's their excuse/reason then? 



I don't know the answer Pam. but we had the same in the 80's and the politicians and media today say it's a different scenario 

My theory is they wanted to be a voice heard, but unfortunately for them the thugs have took over and have negated everything they wanted to say.  But then, you can also look at it from the view point that just because you have a 'label' as in 'army recruit, graphic designer etc' does that make you exempt from thuggish behaviour?

Originally Posted by Syd:

When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................


And to add...not that I was afraid of getting "Smacked".....

Me too! 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Ok, well, if you've posted anywhere else that I might have missed possibly, what would you put the rest of it down to?  

Sprouty, I'm struck by the no.of yp who have absolutely no 'previous' having become involved in this. So, why??? Leaving out those who are just jumping on the bandwagon/being opportunistic etc.... The socio-economic situation; a sense of hopelessness/helplessness; targeting of black youth by the police;  disrespect for those who they are 'supposed to respect, (look for e.g. at how many v snr. police officers have been suspended/ convicted of crimes in the last couple of weeks alone, not to mention the 'white collar' crimes of our politicians); assumption peddled in the media that just about every yp is inherently bad; removal of funding for youth projects etc. etc. etc.

I dont believe for a moment that any of the feral scum we see on our screens are or have ever been interested in any Youth projects in their area.Never.They opt out of school,they have no regard or respect for others .They are selfish ,thieving bastards and the majority of Britain have had enough.They are not out looting because of political climate,because they feel anger about "crimes of our politicians" They are doing this becaise in their words...THEY CAN.

The young people you speak off do exsist,they are not the ones on the street trashing their own community.

Yeah, that's my take on it too Erin 

Originally Posted by Syd:

When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................

Same here Syd 

Originally Posted by Syd:

When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................


And to add...not that I was afraid of getting "Smacked".....


When I was a teenager and my mates dared me to knick a Mars Bar from the local shop I would say 'No'. And if they knicked one I would end up giving a lecture about it....they would then give me a 'dead leg'.


Originally Posted by Kaytee:

They just interviewed a rioter on Sky News.


He sounded like the most uneducated person that I've ever heard.


"Why are you doing this?"

"To piss the police off innit!"

"Why do you want to anger the police?"

"I dunno".

There was one on this mornings news, hiding behind his bandana mask, and he was asked 'Why are you doing this?', his reply was "You're asking me, I don't know, but someone said to me earlier......".  The arse didn't even know, he friggin jumped on the bandwagon of what someone had said to him.

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

They just interviewed a rioter on Sky News.


He sounded like the most uneducated person that I've ever heard.


"Why are you doing this?"

"To piss the police off innit!"

"Why do you want to anger the police?"

"I dunno".

Why do they interview these morons

Maybe it's to get a reaction from us public. A bit like the newspapers recently 

It got one from that worked

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Syd:

When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................

Same here Syd 

Gawd yes

Originally Posted by sprout:

Super, I'm not saying that every young person is bad.....there are some really nice young people out there, and probably some in the same situations as the looters/rioters - got no money etc. So why do the looters/rioters do this?   

I know! Bloody hell Sprouty, I'm not saying that I know all of the reasons/ answers, wish I did!... But, I have got into stuff about this before on here and some of the yp on here e.g. Darlo, get really pd off about how our 'yoof' are portrayed in the media. There's been a massive thrust towards 'parenting' /'early intervention' to solve the problems of our 'yoof'... I don't disagree with that, at all, but I do disagree with the fact that it's increasingly becoming the sole focus of our attention. Not all  of it, imo, is about that. There are loads of people out there, imo who have done their v best, and are at least good enough as parents but it still goes wrong. How many people for e.g. just in this v small GaGa community have done their v best, but have let us know that their kids have got into drugs/crime etc.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

When I was a teenager........with peers........did things wrong, maybe jumping over the fence into the park after the gates were closed, being dared to nick a lipstick from Woolworths......My fear was not of being caught by fear was of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents finding out.................


And to add...not that I was afraid of getting "Smacked".....


When I was a teenager and my mates dared me to knick a Mars Bar from the local shop I would say 'No'. And if they knicked one I would end up giving a lecture about it....they would then give me a 'dead leg'.



Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Rioters being named and shamed on Twitter complete with pics.


What bit Veggie please?

Can't remember Kaytee, I'll have a trawl back and post the links.


You know things are bad when a piece of absolute scum like Joey Barton is condemning these scroats - pot and kettle methinks. Or maybe Joey just has a short memory - twunt!/Joey7Barton

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Super, I'm not saying that every young person is bad.....there are some really nice young people out there, and probably some in the same situations as the looters/rioters - got no money etc. So why do the looters/rioters do this?   

I know! Bloody hell Sprouty, I'm not saying that I know all of the reasons/ answers, wish I did!... But, I have got into stuff about this before on here and some of the yp on here e.g. Darlo, get really pd off about how our 'yoof' are portrayed in the media. There's been a massive thrust towards 'parenting' /'early intervention' to solve the problems of our 'yoof'... I don't disagree with that, at all, but I do disagree with the fact that it's increasingly becoming the sole focus of our attention. Not all  of it, imo, is about that. There are loads of people out their, imo who have done there v best, and are at least good enough as parents but it still goes wrong. How many people for e.g. just in this v small GaGa community have done their v best, but have let us know that their kids have got into drugs/crime etc.

If your kid comes home at midnight with a 42in Plasma TV you would ask where the hell it came from.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

My theory is they wanted to be a voice heard, but unfortunately for them the thugs have took over and have negated everything they wanted to say.  But then, you can also look at it from the view point that just because you have a 'label' as in 'army recruit, graphic designer etc' does that make you exempt from thuggish behaviour?



That's very true Cinds and I'm not disagreeing, I was just stating that all are not uneducated, unemployed youths. I would gladly turn the water cannon on myself to stop all this anarchy, but it seems we have the same cycle every few years and similar sets of circumstances seem to be in place when it kicks off. 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


Those charged today came from all walks of life, including a graphics designer, a undergraduate and a guy that's signed up for the army....  It's not all uneducated, unemployed thugs. 

which completely destroys the theory that some mp's etc have banded about that these people took to the streets because of their helpless situations and feelings of jobs etc.....

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

This lad has already been identified... name is Sean Lawlor apparently.



Never seen so many rounded up simply by social networking... one by one a pic goes up on twitter and they all get named.


Its quite poetic really. Social networking helped create this rioting and now its getting the little sods arrested.


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by erinp:

If your kid comes home at midnight with a 42in Plasma TV you would ask where the hell it came from.

That's what I don't understand Erin, while I know it's not all teens, if this was happening in my city I know I would not be allowing my teen out of the house.

That's where it breaks down Cinds. You and a whole load of other law abiding people wouldn't.....there are a hell of a lot of people that would/do though 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

My theory is they wanted to be a voice heard, but unfortunately for them the thugs have took over and have negated everything they wanted to say.  But then, you can also look at it from the view point that just because you have a 'label' as in 'army recruit, graphic designer etc' does that make you exempt from thuggish behaviour?



That's very true Cinds and I'm not disagreeing, I was just stating that all are not uneducated, unemployed youths. I would gladly turn the water cannon on myself to stop all this anarchy, but it seems we have the same cycle every few years and similar sets of circumstances seem to be in place when it kicks off. 

I knmow what you mean, I keeop trying to repl, but I cannot see what I am typing as the video below keeps shadowing overmy reply box.  Whsat I meant was, thugs can come from all walks of life.

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by erinp:

If your kid comes home at midnight with a 42in Plasma TV you would ask where the hell it came from.

That's what I don't understand Erin, while I know it's not all teens, if this was happening in my city I know I would not be allowing my teen out of the house.

That's where it breaks down Cinds. You and a whole load of other law abiding people wouldn't.....there are a hell of a lot of people that would/do though 

AND...they just don't give a crap, out of sight out of mind 

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Rioters being named and shamed on Twitter complete with pics.


What bit Veggie please?

Can't remember Kaytee, I'll have a trawl back and post the links.


You know things are bad when a piece of absolute scum like Joey Barton is condemning these scroats - pot and kettle methinks. Or maybe Joey just has a short memory - twunt!/Joey7Barton

Kaytee, do you know Kaz who used to post on C4 and maybe here? She has been retweeting some of the name and shame tweets, they are by different people so can't really post the links- sorry.

Follow @kazden37 and you'll see them xx

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Rioters being named and shamed on Twitter complete with pics.


What bit Veggie please?

Can't remember Kaytee, I'll have a trawl back and post the links.


You know things are bad when a piece of absolute scum like Joey Barton is condemning these scroats - pot and kettle methinks. Or maybe Joey just has a short memory - twunt!/Joey7Barton

Thank you Veggie

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I knmow what you mean, I keeop trying to repl, but I cannot see what I am typing as the video below keeps shadowing overmy reply box.  Whsat I meant was, thugs can come from all walks of life.

I know it's not a laughing matter, but my (not being able to see what I was typing reply) made me laugh.


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