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Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into family's with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Couldn't agree more 


I pay no heed to things like that. If mine deserve a skelp they get one. 

I have never smacked my boys. I couldn't bring myself to - live with myself after it - nor did it feel like the appropriate action for any of their misdemeanours. I am all for tough discipline at home, in schools and within the law but I don't agree 100% with the correlation between this type of yobbish behaviour and smacking our children as a form of correction because I know, absolutely, that my sons would NEVER  be part of the lawless criminality I have seen in news reports.

I wasn't advocating going out and lumping kids left right and centre but more using it as part of the overall discipline, not beatings, side of things. .yrs ago just the fear of getting the cane  at school kept most of us in line. .those it didn't were hard nut cases anyway and nowt would work for them ..most ended up in borstal .


Knowing I'd get a clip around the ear from my mother if I misbehaved also made me stop and think a lot more before doing anything naughty. .being grounded or put on a naughty step would have no effect on me ..I liked reading  so would be just as happy to stay in with a good book doing my time.. but I was not so keen on a sharp slap tho.. . .if I still chose to carry on then I deserved my slap..


the current way of thinking now is just too fluffy and doesn't work.. all this respect for kids crap. .no sorry. .they do as we all did and start at the bottom of the respect ladder and work their way up earning their right to be respected as they show they can respect others around them,  they don't get it first. .


crikey I am sounding like a right ol harridan today am just sick of it all and the apologists trying to work out/explain away why all this is happening. .it's because the kids know they can do it and not suffer any real consequence that would bother them much is why it is happening.. . 

And do you - from my post - regard me as an apologist?   


Originally Posted by Cagney:

IMO opinion part of the reason for their behaviour is they've never had to work for anything. Never had to save to buy something they really want so have no respect for anyone elses property. I see what you mean Trigger but I'm not talking about beating my kids. They get warnings and if they ignore them and carry on regardless they get a skelp. They do learn from it. They also don't get anything for nothing. Whether it's doing chores or just keeping their own rooms tidy. They earn what they get and they end up taking care of whatever it is they buy. All kids are different though and smacking some does nothing to stop them misbehaving. That's why it gets right on my tits that the government can put a blanket rule in it's that easy.


I'm not saying every person involved in these riots have come from bad backgrounds....I'm not that naive....but...we as parents should have more rights over how we treat our own kids. Like Olly says....respect is earned and they have to start at the bottom....just as we probably did as kids. 

I share your ideology on the raising of your children the only bit we part ways is on the issue of 'skelping'    I have never had any behavioural problems or situations that I felt would be alleviated by a physical response from me, but as you say 'all kids are different' as I suppose are parents  


it's started to kick off in kent.... a couple of car fires, a few shops done over in a couple of towns, local to me...and bluewater is on high alert tonight...swarming with riot vans and my Nans town is meant to be "hit" tonight...


While it is all very devistating, and not good innocent people are getting hurt/killed..and i might be even more unpopular than normal for this opinion, but something needs to shake this country up

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by longcat:

Some of the stories I have read and seen this morning are heartbreaking. What is the matter with these people?


well if you are to believe some people it's all our Society's fault for these kids, [is it bollocks!]  and they are only kids so not responsible for their actions either apaprenlty,  with top of the range designer gear and fancy phones and no doubt all the puter gear at home they are then deciding it's time for an upgrade courtesy of the so called rich sods that employ the honest local people who pay their taxes so these kids can get a bit of pocket money on the side, ie benefits on top of the drug money that probably paid for their fancy stuff in the first place to pay for the little extra's in their poor downtrodden lives ..


and before anybody shouts at me for coming across all DM reader like, [used to read it yrs ago now just get it on Saturday for the TV mag and put the paper in the bin along with all the others ]  I am on benefits and am sooo grateful for the help I have received and still receive courtesy of the tax payers since I was no longer able to work.. as I am sure the majority of those receiving benefits all the yrs I was working and paying tax were grateful for the help too.. .there is a lot of stuff I'd love to have but know I cannot have and probably never will but I ain't gonna go rob anyone just cos others have what I don't.. 


what I find so sad is the people who had a genuine beef with policing etc will never get heard while these bluddy morons are doing their stuff and getting all the airtime. .


blimey I am still in ranty mode.. it just makes me so angry I go off on one 

But that's life isn't?  And it is indicative of this country.  Those who can get things, get things, those who can't or are salt of the earth get shat on, with crap subsistence wages, high taxation, little security.  The police don't give as shit about yobs running riot on estates up and down the land intimidating the elderly.  The young poor prey on the weaker poor, just as the rich and powerful prey on the poor and weak.


I wouldn't like to speculate on computer gear at home, but I do know this much, benefits are a pittance and are removed on pretty arbitrary terms that often leave people no other option than to turn to crime. 


A lorry load of negative assumptions in your post, which is probably so many feel they have sod all to lose as behave or misbehave, they'll still be labelled as scummy chavs.  And in truth, they haven't!


I posted a year ago that the Tories were creating a perfect storm with their police cutbacks and wealth redistributive class warfare but I'm surprised it's kicked off so quickly. 

Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

IMO opinion part of the reason for their behaviour is they've never had to work for anything. Never had to save to buy something they really want so have no respect for anyone elses property. I see what you mean Trigger but I'm not talking about beating my kids. They get warnings and if they ignore them and carry on regardless they get a skelp. They do learn from it. They also don't get anything for nothing. Whether it's doing chores or just keeping their own rooms tidy. They earn what they get and they end up taking care of whatever it is they buy. All kids are different though and smacking some does nothing to stop them misbehaving. That's why it gets right on my tits that the government can put a blanket rule in it's that easy.


I'm not saying every person involved in these riots have come from bad backgrounds....I'm not that naive....but...we as parents should have more rights over how we treat our own kids. Like Olly says....respect is earned and they have to start at the bottom....just as we probably did as kids. 

I share your ideology on the raising of your children the only bit we part ways is on the issue of 'skelping'    I have never had any behavioural problems or situations that I felt would be alleviated by a physical response from me, but as you say 'all kids are different' as I suppose are parents  

What's any of this got to do with whether children are smacked or not I have v strong views about smacking , (anti: imo all it does it teach children that the way to resolve problems is by 'bigger and stronger' people being violent towards them.) i could go on forever...I was never smacked, I have never hit anyone in my life, nor rioted/looted/committed arson etc. etc. and know many many people of many ages who weren't smacked and haven't either.....BUT how the heck does anyone know whether these yp have been smacked or not

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I wonder what Films/Games/Music the Daily Mail will blame this all on?

Got any suggestions??


Glee 3D?


Swagger Jagger getting to No 1?


There was a load of furniture set on fire, in a recent Stenders episode! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

someones just texted me and told me the maccy d's in bournemouth has been kicked true it is i don't know..

 My old workplace! 

well i didn't know that!!!.......


just found this so it could well be true......


1910 A 23-year-old man has been arrested in Bournemouth on suspicion of incitement to riot, Dorset Police said.

A force spokesman said he was arrested this afternoon 'following reports of information being forwarded by an electronic device regarding a potential planned disorder in the town centre'.


Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

well i didn't know that!!!.......


just found this so it could well be true......


1910 A 23-year-old man has been arrested in Bournemouth on suspicion of incitement to riot, Dorset Police said.

A force spokesman said he was arrested this afternoon 'following reports of information being forwarded by an electronic device regarding a potential planned disorder in the town centre'.


Yeah, back in the day I flipped a mean burger, innit! 


There was talk about shutting down BBM, but I don't know if it's happening. 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

IMO opinion part of the reason for their behaviour is they've never had to work for anything. Never had to save to buy something they really want so have no respect for anyone elses property. I see what you mean Trigger but I'm not talking about beating my kids. They get warnings and if they ignore them and carry on regardless they get a skelp. They do learn from it. They also don't get anything for nothing. Whether it's doing chores or just keeping their own rooms tidy. They earn what they get and they end up taking care of whatever it is they buy. All kids are different though and smacking some does nothing to stop them misbehaving. That's why it gets right on my tits that the government can put a blanket rule in it's that easy.


I'm not saying every person involved in these riots have come from bad backgrounds....I'm not that naive....but...we as parents should have more rights over how we treat our own kids. Like Olly says....respect is earned and they have to start at the bottom....just as we probably did as kids. 

I share your ideology on the raising of your children the only bit we part ways is on the issue of 'skelping'    I have never had any behavioural problems or situations that I felt would be alleviated by a physical response from me, but as you say 'all kids are different' as I suppose are parents  

What's any of this got to do with whether children are smacked or not I have v strong views about smacking , (anti: imo all it does it teach children that the way to resolve problems is by 'bigger and stronger' people being violent towards them.) i could go on forever...I was never smacked, I have never hit anyone in my life, nor rioted/looted/committed arson etc. etc. and know many many people of many ages who weren't smacked and haven't either.....BUT how the heck does anyone know whether these yp have been smacked or not

Whatever.....but they are certainly undisciplined and that should begin at home ergo they have never been reined in when it mattered


Carnelian can't see where I was making a lorry load of assumptions. .I only have to turn the TV to the news and see what the yoofs are wearing live on screen to know they can afford way better gear than I can ever hope to.. 



as for the politics stuff, these sorts of riots have happened in the past under Labour and Tory rule...  those scu.mbags have no care for Politics they only care for what they can get their hands on. .and if I am am making generalisations it's because in all the video's and life feed I have seen so far I've not seen one single person say Oi put that back and leave that place alone we are protesting fro a serious cause here... I've only seen more people bundle in to grab stuff too once the first lot have broken in..


I seriously don't think it can be blamed on Politics all the time..  it's not like we are the only country in the world having to make serious cut backs.. I think that's just  another excuse for people to moan on about it all yet again..  and  once again the parents get let off for not teaching their kids moral values cos it's all someone else's fault never their own.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

the rumour mill is flying now and my daughter has been told that beales.which is virtually opposite maccy's has been set on fire...again i'm not sure how true this is.

It's like that here.


My niece came here after work, as she'd heard that Loughton station was shut and that the high street was all smashed up.


The worst I could find out was that one police car slightly damaged and one shop had fire damage.


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