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Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into familys with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Couldn't agree more 


I pay no heed to things like that. If mine deserve a skelp they get one. 

I have never smacked my boys. I couldn't bring myself to - live with myself after it - nor did it feel like the appropriate action for any of their misdemeanours. I am all for tough discipline at home, in schools and within the law but I don't agree 100% with the correlation between this type of yobbish behaviour and smacking our children as a form of correction because I know, absolutely, that my sons would NEVER  be part of the lawless criminality I have seen in news reports.

Last edited by Triggers
Originally Posted by Aimee:

One of the shopping centres near me in Nottingham has been told to shut down, as kids are starting too gather, my sister in law works in the bank there 

Aimee, i was in Plymouth City Center today, getting my haircut in Tony and Guy (don't judge me ), and the police came in and said they may have to close early because of potential trouble.  Apparently they're starting at a Pound Land , I shouldn't laugh but it sounds typical of our local chavs.


But now they're are helicopters flying around, its madness.

Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into family's with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Couldn't agree more 


I pay no heed to things like that. If mine deserve a skelp they get one. 

I have never smacked my boys. I couldn't bring myself to - live with myself after it - nor did it feel like the appropriate action for any of their misdemeanours. I am all for tough discipline at home, in schools and within the law but I don't agree 100% with the correlation between this type of yobbish behaviour and smacking our children as a form of correction because I know, absolutely, that my sons would NEVER  be part of the lawless criminality I have seen in news reports.

I wasn't advocating going out and lumping kids left right and centre but more using it as part of the overall discipline, not beatings, side of things. .yrs ago just the fear of getting the cane  at school kept most of us in line. .those it didn't were hard nut cases anyway and nowt would work for them ..most ended up in borstal .


Knowing I'd get a clip around the ear from my mother if I misbehaved also made me stop and think a lot more before doing anything naughty. .being grounded or put on a naughty step would have no effect on me ..I liked reading  so would be just as happy to stay in with a good book doing my time.. but I was not so keen on a sharp slap tho.. . .if I still chose to carry on then I deserved my slap..


the current way of thinking now is just too fluffy and doesn't work.. all this respect for kids crap. .no sorry. .they do as we all did and start at the bottom of the respect ladder and work their way up earning their right to be respected as they show they can respect others around them,  they don't get it first. .


crikey I am sounding like a right ol harridan today am just sick of it all and the apologists trying to work out/explain away why all this is happening. .it's because the kids know they can do it and not suffer any real consequence that would bother them much is why it is happening.. . 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Roxan:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: 

Glee 3D?

 Sorry for being oT here but why in hell does glee need to be in 3D?  

Oh Roxanian,


Its because all the tweeny girls will think that when one of those blokes points at the screen, they will think he is pointing straight at them 

Who in their right minds would want to see this face in 3D?


Originally Posted by Carnelian:

The ConDems were warned this would happen and it has. 


Rioters want a slice of the unearned cake, just like all the other freeloading parasites in this country, politicians, benefit scroungers, PFI companies, government IT consultants, fatcats, bankers, royalty, the police taking bribes.


We as a nation have reaped what we've sowed, crap schools, shite jobs or no jobs, a vacuous celebrity culture dominated by materialism, popular anti-intellectualism, a sneering  contempt for the lower working class which has become the staple of reality shows, carrots for the rich- sticks for the poor, a feeling that things can only get worse for most while the rich only get richer

Yep. They were.


IMO opinion part of the reason for their behaviour is they've never had to work for anything. Never had to save to buy something they really want so have no respect for anyone elses property. I see what you mean Trigger but I'm not talking about beating my kids. They get warnings and if they ignore them and carry on regardless they get a skelp. They do learn from it. They also don't get anything for nothing. Whether it's doing chores or just keeping their own rooms tidy. They earn what they get and they end up taking care of whatever it is they buy. All kids are different though and smacking some does nothing to stop them misbehaving. That's why it gets right on my tits that the government can put a blanket rule in it's that easy.


I'm not saying every person involved in these riots have come from bad backgrounds....I'm not that naive....but...we as parents should have more rights over how we treat our own kids. Like Olly says....respect is earned and they have to start at the bottom....just as we probably did as kids. 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Karma_:


Everything ok over your side Cags?

Yep fine here. Kids are a bit worried but they're indoors and staying here until everything settles. How about you? 

Not sure how things will be here yet, was told earlier there was talk of something happening over this way so just keeping my eyes and ears open. It's bloody horrible for adults let alone how it's scaring the kids :s Stay safe mate xxx

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

its a disgrace innit!

youre from that way arent you pengy..or have i got you mixed up with someone else?

No - I'm North Birmingham  - Erdington. Lots of rumours that the High Street here and Star City (which I can see if I poke my head out of my bedroom window) had gone up last night but those proved to be false stories.  Although if it kicks off in Aston/Perry Barr then that isn't all that far away 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

its a disgrace innit!

youre from that way arent you pengy..or have i got you mixed up with someone else?

No - I'm North Birmingham  - Erdington. Lots of rumours that the High Street here and Star City (which I can see if I poke my head out of my bedroom window) had gone up last night but those proved to be false stories.  Although if it kicks off in Aston/Perry Barr then that isn't all that far away 

yeah-came through aston earlier-very moody there

footlocker in one-stop perry barr had their windows put through last night,im just up the road in great barr now

we keep hearing sirens..but that could be for anything i suppose

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

yeah-came through aston earlier-very moody there

footlocker in one-stop perry barr had their windows put through last night,im just up the road in great barr now

we keep hearing sirens..but that could be for anything i suppose

It's always moody in Aston    O/T  do you get the Evening Mail?  Can't get a copy tonight 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

yeah-came through aston earlier-very moody there

footlocker in one-stop perry barr had their windows put through last night,im just up the road in great barr now

we keep hearing sirens..but that could be for anything i suppose

It's always moody in Aston    O/T  do you get the Evening Mail?  Can't get a copy tonight 

yeah-i get mine at about 9am!

loadsa pics of town last night


Tbh, I'm a bit worried about vigilantism tonight. They've just said on the BBC news about a father and son who have acquired 6 dogs to help protect their business, and whilst Boris holding his broom aloft will make great front pages tomorrow it does kind of say that you are on your own and have to look after yourself.


I'm not decrying that - jeez if they ever tried attacking my house and family I would fight with my last breath ... but I am worried that people will get badly hurt tonight

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

One of the shopping centres near me in Nottingham has been told to shut down, as kids are starting too gather, my sister in law works in the bank there 

Aimee, i was in Plymouth City Center today, getting my haircut in Tony and Guy (don't judge me ), and the police came in and said they may have to close early because of potential trouble.  Apparently they're starting at a Pound Land , I shouldn't laugh but it sounds typical of our local chavs.


But now they're are helicopters flying around, its madness.

Town centre has now been shut down and shops are boarding all their windows. just can't see where this is going too end

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Tbh, I'm a bit worried about vigilantism tonight. They've just said on the BBC news about a father and son who have acquired 6 dogs to help protect their business, and whilst Boris holding his broom aloft will make great front pages tomorrow it does kind of say that you are on your own and have to look after yourself.


I'm not decrying that - jeez if they ever tried attacking my house and family I would fight with my last breath ... but I am worried that people will get badly hurt tonight

I was thinking the same myself'll be like civil war. I do think people will go all out to protect themselves - my sister hasn't gone home tonight (Meadway) her husband is away so she's gone straight from work to her daughters house - it's bad when it get likes that.

Soozy Woo

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