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Some of the stories I have read and seen this morning are heartbreaking. What is the matter with these people?


A 71-year-old man was pulled from his burning home after looters torched a newsagent below.

Police had to push back rioters and knocked down the pensioner's door as he pleaded for help.

Neighbour Andy Hutchins, 38, said; "He was out the window screaming for help. He came out crying his eyes out. It's dreadful. What has he done to deserve that?"

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

7) Cameron and Boris decide that they should maybe come home from holiday early. 

So that David can be all sympathetic and make a very stern speech.  


Still - an extra 10,000 police on the streets tonight and they're now saying they may be issued with plastic bullets.  



Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Oh dear Blizz. He's ok though? hopefully

Our friend hasn't managed to speak to him yet, but his sister said that he is very shaken up, but not seriously injured.

Jeeze, Blizz - that's awful.    I watched the video that Karms posted last night - and loved the first post after it 'the were white, brown and black... all united under the banner of scum' or wrods to that effect.

Originally Posted by longcat:

Some of the stories I have read and seen this morning are heartbreaking. What is the matter with these people?


A 71-year-old man was pulled from his burning home after looters torched a newsagent below.

Police had to push back rioters and knocked down the pensioner's door as he pleaded for help.

Neighbour Andy Hutchins, 38, said; "He was out the window screaming for help. He came out crying his eyes out. It's dreadful. What has he done to deserve that?"

That's just heartbreaking Poor man!! And he's more than likely just one of many who've had such a scare in the past few days.

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

It's not going on in daytime is it?



My Dad said yesterday that it will go on for two weeks Starts with one small area and then the younger generation jump on the bandwagon.

And two weeks will take it up to Carnival weekend I think, doesn't it? I can see there being trouble there as well


on the bbc newspage a reporter is interviewing 2 girls who took part in the riots in croydon.......they state 'we're showing the police and the rich we can do what we want'........and that's the trouble with these scum......they've been allowed to do what they want for far too long......any interference is a 'breach on their human rights'....and they and others blame everyone and everything apart from's always someone elses they'll be having their benefits increased cos it's not enough for them to buy nicer alcohol


i'm sick of hearing they're rebelling against poverty or that they're from poor backgrounds so can't afford flat screen tv's......well i work and haven't got one either....i've got a second hand tellybox an that's how it is....i'm sick of their 'want want want' attitude and the belief they should just get it by however they please

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

on the bbc newspage a reporter is interviewing 2 girls who took part in the riots in croydon.......they state 'we're showing the police and the rich we can do what we want'........and that's the trouble with these scum......they've been allowed to do what they want for far too long......any interference is a 'breach on their human rights'....and they and others blame everyone and everything apart from's always someone elses they'll be having their benefits increased cos it's not enough for them to buy nicer alcohol


i'm sick of hearing they're rebelling against poverty or that they're from poor backgrounds so can't afford flat screen tv's......well i work and haven't got one either....i've got a second hand tellybox an that's how it is....i'm sick of their 'want want want' attitude and the belief they should just get it by however they please


Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by longcat:

Some of the stories I have read and seen this morning are heartbreaking. What is the matter with these people?


well if you are to believe some people it's all our Society's fault for these kids, [is it bollocks!]  and they are only kids so not responsible for their actions either apaprenlty,  with top of the range designer gear and fancy phones and no doubt all the puter gear at home they are then deciding it's time for an upgrade courtesy of the so called rich sods that employ the honest local people who pay their taxes so these kids can get a bit of pocket money on the side, ie benefits on top of the drug money that probably paid for their fancy stuff in the first place to pay for the little extra's in their poor downtrodden lives ..


and before anybody shouts at me for coming across all DM reader like, [used to read it yrs ago now just get it on Saturday for the TV mag and put the paper in the bin along with all the others ]  I am on benefits and am sooo grateful for the help I have received and still receive courtesy of the tax payers since I was no longer able to work.. as I am sure the majority of those receiving benefits all the yrs I was working and paying tax were grateful for the help too.. .there is a lot of stuff I'd love to have but know I cannot have and probably never will but I ain't gonna go rob anyone just cos others have what I don't.. 


what I find so sad is the people who had a genuine beef with policing etc will never get heard while these bluddy morons are doing their stuff and getting all the airtime. .


blimey I am still in ranty mode.. it just makes me so angry I go off on one 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into familys with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Couldn't agree more 


I pay no heed to things like that. If mine deserve a skelp they get one. 


Can you imagine how much this is going to cost in terms of Policing, insurance, repairs to homes, property and vehicles 


It's gonna be the hard working tax payers that pick up the bill yet again while this lot sit back and count the profit from their nights thuggery and looting work   In order to pay for some of the council services, even more cuts will be necessary and then we'll have another row about how the disenfranchised yoof are even more disenfranchised cos there's no money in the pot to fix their communities or to put towards community projects 

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

on the bbc newspage a reporter is interviewing 2 girls who took part in the riots in croydon.......they state 'we're showing the police and the rich we can do what we want'........and that's the trouble with these scum......they've been allowed to do what they want for far too long......any interference is a 'breach on their human rights'....and they and others blame everyone and everything apart from's always someone elses they'll be having their benefits increased cos it's not enough for them to buy nicer alcohol


i'm sick of hearing they're rebelling against poverty or that they're from poor backgrounds so can't afford flat screen tv's......well i work and haven't got one either....i've got a second hand tellybox an that's how it is....i'm sick of their 'want want want' attitude and the belief they should just get it by however they please

Totally agree Speongebob Poverty is not an excuse Millions of people all over the world live in real poverty.... these kids don't know how lucky they are to live here!!!!!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Sky reporter's getting p'd off with Jaja - hip hop artist who's blaming the poor little petals whose mums work all day and dads' in prison.. Prat.

For once Kay Burley has been worth her wages - she made the point that she's a single mother from a council estate in Wigan with a young son who she'd never allow to behave like this.  Neither Jaja or any of the other 'yoof workers' have had any comeback to that 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Can you imagine how much this is going to cost in terms of Policing, insurance, repairs to homes, property and vehicles 


It's gonna be the hard working tax payers that pick up the bill yet again while this lot sit back and count the profit from their nights thuggery and looting work   In order to pay for some of the council services, even more cuts will be necessary and then we'll have another row about how the disenfranchised yoof are even more disenfranchised cos there's no money in the pot to fix their communities or to put towards community projects 

I know who I'd have out working to fix all the damage  If they do the crime they should pay the price and rebuilding what they destroyed should be part of that

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Can you imagine how much this is going to cost in terms of Policing, insurance, repairs to homes, property and vehicles 


It's gonna be the hard working tax payers that pick up the bill yet again while this lot sit back and count the profit from their nights thuggery and looting work   In order to pay for some of the council services, even more cuts will be necessary and then we'll have another row about how the disenfranchised yoof are even more disenfranchised cos there's no money in the pot to fix their communities or to put towards community projects 

I know who I'd have out working to fix all the damage  If they do the crime they should pay the price and rebuilding what they destroyed should be part of that

We'd be singing from the same hymn sheet Cagney 


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