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Flipping heck people


I was out last night till about 10 am, came back and got sucked into reading here (didn't have time to post!), FB, Twitter and watching the news.


Like you all, I am absolutely shocked and just a little bit scared about how this has started and, more importantly, allowed to continue.


Let's hope someone gets a grip on it today


Erin - big hugs for you today


The ConDems were warned this would happen and it has. 


Rioters want a slice of the unearned cake, just like all the other freeloading parasites in this country, politicians, benefit scroungers, PFI companies, government IT consultants, fatcats, bankers, royalty, the police taking bribes.


We as a nation have reaped what we've sowed, crap schools, shite jobs or no jobs, a vacuous celebrity culture dominated by materialism, popular anti-intellectualism, a sneering  contempt for the lower working class which has become the staple of reality shows, carrots for the rich- sticks for the poor, a feeling that things can only get worse for most while the rich only get richer

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I'm not talking about ideologies, I'm talking about ppl being fed up to the back of their teeth. They've lived in some ghetto all their lives, have no chance of bettering themselves, even if they wanted to, know nothing else than gang culture. Who is to blame? Them or the rest of society. I'm really disappointed that FMs whom I felt were reasonable, turning into the kind of 'hang em high' mob.

I'm only just catching up with this thread this morning so am way behind and am sure it has moved on but reading this I am utterly confused with your way of thinking and can't let it pass without comment.



No matter how poor and disenfranchised people are, or have been or will be, there is or always was a common sense of decency that could and should be taught to younger people in their informative yrs.... what sort of parents raise kids who think this sort of behaviour is ok just because they have it tougher than some..? if you wanna blame someone blame the parents of this minority of thugs that have managed to create mayhem for not teaching kids how to behave despite going thru hardships of life, if they believe they can't get out of their situation that can only come from having it instilled into them from their elders.. I'd say the majority are probably law abiding and just as horrified as the rest of us..


but  seriously, over the yrs there have been and still are always poorer sections of Society yet back in those days a good sense of what's right and what's wrong prevailed and the majority behaved leaving a much smaller minority who were unable to be disciplined despite all efforts. .but the fact they were very small meant they had less people to call on to rally around for this sort of present day behaviour. .


You say people wanna hang em. .well why not. .someone has to take over where their parents obviously didn't give a shit and instil some discipline into these thugs..  so yeah hang em. .albeit it metaphorically,  make their lives a misery as they are doing to the innocent people caught up in their their greedy ways are suffering..


I ain't going to be an apologist for these people as you seem to be Cologne, in fact am surprised at your views tbh.. 




blimey I did rant a bit there

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


blimey I did rant a bit there

In fairness Olly your avi does have the face for a good rant


I am still only halfway thru my catch up..  prepare for more rants..


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into familys with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


blimey I did rant a bit there

In fairness Olly your avi does have the face for a good rant


I am still only halfway thru my catch up..  prepare for more rants..

Ooooh dear - I've just re read - . Please excuse my language - I was a bit emotional last night 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think we all got heated last night Soozy  Don't worry about it

You're very understanding Veggie - I may go back and edit a bit!

noooooooo  don't. .it was an emotional night, you typed as you felt. .leave it, it's raw emotion and worthy of it's place.


plus I've not read it yet am only on page 7

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


blimey I did rant a bit there

In fairness Olly your avi does have the face for a good rant


I am still only halfway thru my catch up..  prepare for more rants..


Edited to add it that's sort of namby pamby liberal attitude that stopped corporal punishment in schools all those yrs ago and then it went into familys with people who said twasn't ok to slap a norty child ..  over the yrs that has now left us with a section of Society thatexpect respect but give none and don't understand the order of things ie respect your elders, your boss etc..  and they don't understand that they can't all be top dog yet feel they have the right to be. . we have an I want, I deserve  but am not prepared to even try to make it for myself society .. 


gawd I am in a right ranty mood. .I better stop posting cos can't formulate my arguments properly as am so incensed with it all

Don't stop posting, I'm with you all the way.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think we all got heated last night Soozy  Don't worry about it

You're very understanding Veggie - I may go back and edit a bit!

noooooooo  don't. .it was an emotional night, you typed as you felt. .leave it, it's raw emotion and worthy of it's place.


plus I've not read it yet am only on page 7

Sorry Ollie - I've just edited (a bit) - the sentiment is the same but I'm less likely to be hit with the ban stick 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think we all got heated last night Soozy  Don't worry about it

You're very understanding Veggie - I may go back and edit a bit!

noooooooo  don't. .it was an emotional night, you typed as you felt. .leave it, it's raw emotion and worthy of it's place.


plus I've not read it yet am only on page 7




Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think we all got heated last night Soozy  Don't worry about it

You're very understanding Veggie - I may go back and edit a bit!

don't you dare edit... I was reading all this last night as I watched the news but didn't post.   I really felt for you last night Soozy (and for Croc, Karms and everyone involved)    I'm lucky enough to be in a sleepy wee Scottish town, but it didn't stop me being horrified and I can only imagine how it felt watching your one time home like that.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I think we all got heated last night Soozy  Don't worry about it

You're very understanding Veggie - I may go back and edit a bit!

don't you dare edit... I was reading all this last night as I watched the news but didn't post.   I really felt for you last night Soozy (and for Croc, Karms and everyone involved)    I'm lucky enough to be in a sleepy wee Scottish town, but it didn't stop me being horrified and I can only imagine how it felt watching your one time home like that.

Awwww Kaffy - I have edited a wee bit. I'm lucky not to live there anymore and thank God we got my mum out some years ago. I now live in a relatively quiet village up North. My nephew was literally streets away from it last night though - haven't had chance to speak to him yet. It's shocking to think that these buildings survived the blitz and have now been destroyed. Very upsetting to see loved, local landmarks go up in smoke!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I have no idea what has gone on. didn't even know there were riots. this looks far too much to catch up on, can anyone explain in bullet points the jist

1) Man shot by police on Thursday, in Tottenham.

2) Police report that he shot at them first, but ballistic tests have not confirmed that yet.

3) Saturday, family and friends organise peaceful protest and vigil, outside police station. They claim that he would not have shot at armed police.

4) Local Yoofs decide that this is a good excuse for a riot and start throwing bricks at police, smashing police cars and burning local businesses.

5) They then decide that it is an ideal opportunity to go looting, as the police seem to have no control of the situation.

6) This idea spreads to every other borough in London and other large Cities then join in.

7) Cameron and Boris decide that they should maybe come home from holiday early. 


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