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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

there's more to it than the bloke that was shot earlier in the week..    its been brewing for quite a while...    I've seen stuff on my FB news feed for months, the community questioning police actions on various incidents, questionable events happening to people in police custody.... 


There certainly seems tension between the community and the police excuse for some of the behaviour...but, some questions need to be answered and pretty damned quick, for everyones sake, and not by faffing around with some long and protracted  IPCC enquiry

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

there's more to it than the bloke that was shot earlier in the week..    its been brewing for quite a while...    I've seen stuff on my FB news feed for months, the community questioning police actions on various incidents, questionable events happening to people in police custody.... 


There certainly seems tension between the community and the police excuse for some of the behaviour...but, some questions need to be answered and pretty damned quick, for everyones sake, and not by faffing around with some long and protracted  IPCC enquiry

Exactly Soops..   there was the rent a mob last night, who's actions now run the risk of devaluing the grievances of the genuine community...    

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

there's more to it than the bloke that was shot earlier in the week..    its been brewing for quite a while...    I've seen stuff on my FB news feed for months, the community questioning police actions on various incidents, questionable events happening to people in police custody.... 


There certainly seems tension between the community and the police excuse for some of the behaviour...but, some questions need to be answered and pretty damned quick, for everyones sake, and not by faffing around with some long and protracted  IPCC enquiry

I totally agree 



I don't know how true this is cos I've heard it from a friend of a friend if you know what I mean   but allegedly this is in response to gang activity and their links to Yardi gangs in Jamaica and the Police crack down on these gangs and again alleged mistreatment of these people while in custody.


As for the riots themselves, last night the Police were damned if they did and damned if they didn't in that if they'd have flooded the area with Police there would have been accusations of being heavy handed.  If they don't put enough Police in there, then they're accused of not protecting people and property 


It smacks of being pre-planned given the looting and damage that was caused.  I'm sure the family and friends of the man that was shot on Thursday only wanted to have a peaceful vigil for him but events like this always get hijacked and I'm incredulous that the Police didn't see this coming??? I'm also horrified at the lack of concern for peoples lives that were put at risk by the burning of buildings 



Said my bit 

I think the police didn't go anywhere near far enough last night. A few well placed plastic bullets to the main instigators,setting fires and attacking the police plus setting other fires and having no regard whatsoever for families who lives they were putting at risk in doing so, might have stopped it. If not real bullets certainly would. Kill a few of the scum before they can slink back to their rat holes ready to come out and hijack the next peaceful protest.
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
I think the police didn't go anywhere near far enough last night. A few well placed plastic bullets to the main instigators,setting fires and attacking the police plus setting other fires and having no regard whatsoever for families who lives they were putting at risk in doing so, might have stopped it. If not real bullets certainly would. Kill a few of the scum before they can slink back to their rat holes ready to come out and hijack the next peaceful protest.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
I think the police didn't go anywhere near far enough last night. A few well placed plastic bullets to the main instigators,setting fires and attacking the police plus setting other fires and having no regard whatsoever for families who lives they were putting at risk in doing so, might have stopped it. If not real bullets certainly would. Kill a few of the scum before they can slink back to their rat holes ready to come out and hijack the next peaceful protest.


Couldn't agree more.  What we saw was pure senseless violence and looting and the police having to stand by for fear of being called heavy handed.  Something radical has to be done to stop these thugs.

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm still trying to work out what 'justice' they are crying out is needed?  For whom or for what is it needed? 

They don't believe he would have pulled a gun on armed police.

Apparently he was 'into things' but not violent.


To be honest, the Met police haven't covered themselves in glory, in recent years - killing innocent Brazilians and newspaper vendors, and now the phone hacking scandal.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm still trying to work out what 'justice' they are crying out is needed?  For whom or for what is it needed? 

They don't believe he would have pulled a gun on armed police.

Apparently he was 'into things' but not violent.


To be honest, the Met police haven't covered themselves in glory, in recent years - killing innocent Brazilians and newspaper vendors, and now the phone hacking scandal.

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm still trying to work out what 'justice' they are crying out is needed?  For whom or for what is it needed? 

They don't believe he would have pulled a gun on armed police.

Apparently he was 'into things' but not violent.


To be honest, the Met police haven't covered themselves in glory, in recent years - killing innocent Brazilians and newspaper vendors, and now the phone hacking scandal.

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

exactly Stonks   showed a level of violence there.  There's always an amount of violence when you're involved in drugs and gangs  things.



But I agree with Blizz though that the Met haven't covered themselves in glory.  It seems strange that they tried to take him out when he was in the back of a taxi 


Some yoof leader was on the news earlier saying that they feel disenfranchised and this is largely due to poor education, lack of job opportunities and cuts in spending but silly me I thought that was happening around the country not just Tottenham 

Originally Posted by stonks:

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

Apparently, a bullet was found lodged in a police radio, but then, apparently the Brazilian was wearing a bulky jacket and running from the police, and, apparently, the newspaper vendor was part of the protest, and, apparently, the Met investigated the phone hacking thoroughly and found there was not enough evidence to bother going further...



You get me?  

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

Apparently, a bullet was found lodged in a police radio, but then, apparently the Brazilian was wearing a bulky jacket and running from the police, and, apparently, the newspaper vendor was part of the protest, and, apparently, the Met investigated the phone hacking thoroughly and found there was not enough evidence to bother going further...



You get me?  


Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm still trying to work out what 'justice' they are crying out is needed?  For whom or for what is it needed? 

They don't believe he would have pulled a gun on armed police.

Apparently he was 'into things' but not violent.


To be honest, the Met police haven't covered themselves in glory, in recent years - killing innocent Brazilians and newspaper vendors, and now the phone hacking scandal.

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

exactly Stonks   showed a level of violence there.  There's always an amount of violence when you're involved in drugs and gangs  things.



But I agree with Blizz though that the Met haven't covered themselves in glory.  It seems strange that they tried to take him out when he was in the back of a taxi 


Some yoof leader was on the news earlier saying that they feel disenfranchised and this is largely due to poor education, lack of job opportunities and cuts in spending but silly me I thought that was happening around the country not just Tottenham 

Exactly Peng..and As I aways look at it, people moan about the police but what would they do if the police said well stuff you all we're going on strike, if someone mugs or burgles you get on with it..They may not be perfect but they're better than alot of other countries police forces....

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

Apparently, a bullet was found lodged in a police radio, but then, apparently the Brazilian was wearing a bulky jacket and running from the police, and, apparently, the newspaper vendor was part of the protest, and, apparently, the Met investigated the phone hacking thoroughly and found there was not enough evidence to bother going further...



You get me?  

They make less mistakes than I would cos I'd arrest them all and those that ran I'd just blow their fecking heads off....

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Did he not shoot a copper or was that another story?....

Apparently, a bullet was found lodged in a police radio, but then, apparently the Brazilian was wearing a bulky jacket and running from the police, and, apparently, the newspaper vendor was part of the protest, and, apparently, the Met investigated the phone hacking thoroughly and found there was not enough evidence to bother going further...



You get me?  

innit though 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Some yoof leader was on the news earlier saying that they feel disenfranchised and this is largely due to poor education, lack of job opportunities and cuts in spending but silly me I thought that was happening around the country not just Tottenham 


I saw this too Pengy; that guy was making every excuse under the sun for this appalling behaviour and quite frankly, there IS no excuse.  Do these people (that youth worker AND the youths) think that the young people in Tottenham are the only ones in the country to be let down by society? (or that they are the only ones to ever have had any issues with the police ...)


I have two daughters in their mid teens, and they have lots of friends between them up to the age of 19/20, and my 2 best friends and my cousins have a dozen teenagers between them, so I get to see a lot of what teens/yoofs go through, and they are ALL suffering from this recession/spending cuts and so on.  Many can't find work, and can't get onto apprenticeships or anything, and they are all disillusioned with this country, but not one single young person I know personally would ever ever ever behave like this.  It's a completely different mentality, and I question the morals of people who display this behaviour, and what kind of upbringing they have had, and what values and morals have been instilled into them.  (If any!!!)


My daughters, and my 2 best friends 5 kids they have between them, are in several hobby groups, and several of them do voluntary work and have lots of hobbies and several of them do have part time jobs; and none of them blame anyone for their lot in life: they just make the most of what thye've got.  They are not all perfect, but none of them have ever behaved like this, and I truly believe they never would!  Blaming 'society' for this outrageous behaviour and using any excuse they can pull out of their arse to cause riots and to rebel against the police is total bollocks.  Lock the lot of them up is what I say.



Somebody took pot shots at two policeman.....the police took him out

Then rent a mob decided to have a good loot of JD Sports and cause  general mayhem....The police should have brought in water cannon and washed the beggars away

The Met was certainly guilty, of a wishy washy response....did they need to kill that bloke? Maybe and maybe not, nobody knows the full I care one way or another? Frankly no.


There is no excuse for what happened in Tottenham last night.....burning peoples houses and livelihoods, and stealing.  From what I have seen on the news it seems to have been carried out by a bunch of yobs, half of whom were too cowardly to even show their faces!!!   How no one died, especially  in those fires, is a miracle

Originally Posted by Baz:

There is no excuse for what happened in Tottenham last night.....burning peoples houses and livelihoods, and stealing.  From what I have seen on the news it seems to have been carried out by a bunch of yobs, half of whom were too cowardly to even show their faces!!!   How no one died, especially  in those fires, is a miracle

I'm in agreement here ^^^^^^^^. There will be an investigation into this mans death .......this wwas simply a free for all for robbing, angry barstards! Times are hard for everyone in the current climate ............going on a rampage achieves nothing (except for the greedy buggers who robbed) never mind about the poor sods who have had their buissenes razed to the ground. The guy who was shot (no doubt we will hear why) is no excuse at all to attack police, burn shops and rob IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Triggers:

I think the table leg was actually concealed in a plastic bag or something. God, imagine if the cops  thought a guy was concealing a weapon when he was actually just very pleased to see someone   



Yes, the table leg was wrapped up. I'm sure he didn't think he was concealing it, though! 


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