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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Guess you are not disabled or don't give a toss about them or you vote Tory. Or you just don;t like me. Well tough -i am here to stay with my opinions.  And on that note i am off to bed

Ohhh, that'll be the explanation, phewww thanks for that!

I think Tori is quite talented being able to read other FM's minds, knowing how we all vote and weather our health is good or not.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

one of the spokespeople for the disabled was on the news yesterday and they were saying that rather than using funds to build small factories in isolation to employ  some disabled people,funds would be better targeted  to get the disabled into mainstream jobs and allow them to become fully integrated in the work place.

There is that argument, and it does make sense , but there's also this :


Phil Brannan, convenor of shop stewards for Remploy factories in Scotland, slammed the announcement.

He said: "We are disappointed but not surprised that the Tory government is finishing the job that the Labour party started in 2008 when they made 3,000 Remploy workers redundant.

"There is no future for our workers. The vast majority of the disabled people who will lose their jobs will never work again.

"Our factories employ people who are deaf and have no speech, people who are blind, people who have learning difficulties and people with mental health problems.

"The government are making promises that there are jobs out there for disabled people but disabled people already have the highest unemployment rate.

"Putting over a hundred disabled people in Scotland on the dole isn't going to make it any easier."


We are only seeing what we expected after the election. I have been assessed this week and have to put money towards my morning and evening care now even though I have no savings and no hidden income. It needs an awful lot of people to arrange themselves in London for a weekend and let the Government know how much distance there is between them and us. We really are NOT in this together.


cologne 1
Originally Posted by Renton:

Although i have every sympathy and concern as i work with people who have disability ... i have also worked with the elderly

The elderly are treated like second class citizens in comparison ... in this country its better to have disability than age related needs

Doubly damned if you have both Renton .

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

one of the spokespeople for the disabled was on the news yesterday and they were saying that rather than using funds to build small factories in isolation to employ  some disabled people,funds would be better targeted  to get the disabled into mainstream jobs and allow them to become fully integrated in the work place.

There is that argument, and it does make sense , but there's also this :


Phil Brannan, convenor of shop stewards for Remploy factories in Scotland, slammed the announcement.

He said: "We are disappointed but not surprised that the Tory government is finishing the job that the Labour party started in 2008 when they made 3,000 Remploy workers redundant.

"There is no future for our workers. The vast majority of the disabled people who will lose their jobs will never work again.

"Our factories employ people who are deaf and have no speech, people who are blind, people who have learning difficulties and people with mental health problems.

"The government are making promises that there are jobs out there for disabled people but disabled people already have the highest unemployment rate.

"Putting over a hundred disabled people in Scotland on the dole isn't going to make it any easier."


Proving that whatever party you vote for, the government Tories always get in.  No wonder Labour are finding it so difficult to get their so-called message across, as they were little better than the Tories and also took from those they claimed they wanted to help. 


Personally, I feel sorry for Ed Miliband as he is being pilloried for trying to sell Labour as a party with a social conscience when it barely had one when it was in power.


I'm inclined to agree that it's all very well DM types bellyaching that only white, able bodied middle class men can be discriminated against, but that's a load of rubbish. The reality is totally different. Saying that factories and offices shouldn't discriminate and mustn't discriminate against the disabled is fine but the fact is that they do and they mostly get away with it.  Remploy don't discriminate by design,

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Guess you are not disabled or don't give a toss about them or you vote Tory. Or you just don;t like me. Well tough -i am here to stay with my opinions.  And on that note i am off to bed

Ohhh, that'll be the explanation, phewww thanks for that!

I think Tori is quite talented being able to read other FM's minds, knowing how we all vote and weather our health is good or not.

Agree.  I know sometime people get a bit irked when their thread gets no response, but holy shit  The attack on the FMs was out of order.

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Guess you are not disabled or don't give a toss about them or you vote Tory. Or you just don;t like me. Well tough -i am here to stay with my opinions.  And on that note i am off to bed

Ohhh, that'll be the explanation, phewww thanks for that!

I think Tori is quite talented being able to read other FM's minds, knowing how we all vote and weather our health is good or not.

Agree.  I know sometime people get a bit irked when their thread gets no response, but holy shit  The attack on the FMs was out of order.

But then it's been paid back with interest! 


The FMs, as a whole, have broad shoulders, I think!


Give the OP a break! it's frustrating when a thread looks like it's being ignored - especially if you feel passionately about something. 


Sorry for being a bit offensive against FM's last night but it riles me when i see all these cuts against the poor and disabled of this country in order to save money. My feelings are generated by by the amount of money being spent on wars abroad which amounts to billions- they are not working and costing thousands of lives on both sides for no reasonable outcome. Bring all our troops home and stop siding with the yanks on every whim they have on who to bomb next.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Personally, I feel sorry for Ed Miliband as he is being pilloried for trying to sell Labour as a party with a social conscience when it barely had one when it was in power.

Honestly, I have a lot of time for Ed, Slinki.  I don't care if he did 'stab his brother in the back'.  His brother deserved to be stabbed in the back for being a Blairite pretend socialist complicit in extraordinary extradition and other dubious Iraq-related stuff we probably won't hear the full extent of for another 25 years.  If Labour get rid of Ed I don't know who else they'd get who can turn the Labour Party back into a proper left of centre party instead of red rosetted Tories.


At the end of the day yes I agree it is very sad that these people are losing their jobs but it is a sign of the times - people from every section of society are losing their jobs therefore I think it is a little unfair to say that it is an attack on disabled people.  The fact is this country is in a mess and cuts need to be made and that is affecting everybody - in a perfect world everyone would have a job that is safe, well paid and fulfilling unfortunately we don't live in that world.  I appreciate what some are saying about these people not being able to find work elsewhere but unfortunately that is also the case for many non disabled people for a variety of reasons.  

Originally Posted by pretty_p:

At the end of the day yes I agree it is very sad that these people are losing their jobs but it is a sign of the times - people from every section of society are losing their jobs therefore I think it is a little unfair to say that it is an attack on disabled people.  The fact is this country is in a mess and cuts need to be made and that is affecting everybody - in a perfect world everyone would have a job that is safe, well paid and fulfilling unfortunately we don't live in that world.  I appreciate what some are saying about these people not being able to find work elsewhere but unfortunately that is also the case for many non disabled people for a variety of reasons.  

Yes but the non-disabled people will have a better chance in finding work than the disabled. IMO.

Originally Posted by pretty_p:

At the end of the day yes I agree it is very sad that these people are losing their jobs but it is a sign of the times - people from every section of society are losing their jobs therefore I think it is a little unfair to say that it is an attack on disabled people.  The fact is this country is in a mess and cuts need to be made and that is affecting everybody - in a perfect world everyone would have a job that is safe, well paid and fulfilling unfortunately we don't live in that world.  I appreciate what some are saying about these people not being able to find work elsewhere but unfortunately that is also the case for many non disabled people for a variety of reasons.  

It is an attack on disabled people.  Of course the country is in a 'mess' yet it can afford to chuck money at the Olympics, elected police commissioners, potentially cutting the 50% tax income rate, a top-down restructuring of the NHS, ÂĢ35bn on a white elephant rail line for rich businessmen, ÂĢ1bn on the dogma of free schools, flogging off Northern Rock to slimy Richard Branson for a fraction of what it cost the tax payer to bail out and a war in Libya.


I don't think you do appreciate what people are saying.  Remploy employ disabled people who would find it very difficult to find work elsewhere.  They are a beacon of hope and opportunity for the disabled. Mainstream employers DO discriminate and do get away with discrimination. 


Is it really affecting 'everybody'?  The bankers continue to enjoy their bonuses on the backs of the tax payer, MPs have clawed back most of their perks and the predatory buy to let market has never been stronger as the rich snap up repossessions to add to their property portfolios.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Personally, I feel sorry for Ed Miliband as he is being pilloried for trying to sell Labour as a party with a social conscience when it barely had one when it was in power.

Honestly, I have a lot of time for Ed, Slinki.  I don't care if he did 'stab his brother in the back'.  His brother deserved to be stabbed in the back for being a Blairite pretend socialist complicit in extraordinary extradition and other dubious Iraq-related stuff we probably won't hear the full extent of for another 25 years.  If Labour get rid of Ed I don't know who else they'd get who can turn the Labour Party back into a proper left of centre party instead of red rosetted Tories.

I agree..was pleased when he won the leadership contest, but I think he's in danger of being eaten alive : ( . I can't think of anyone within the party that could reverse the damage done by B.Liar . Depressing though it is, I wonder if Labour has been " modernised " (*spits*) so much there's no going back ?

Originally Posted by Tori:

Sorry for being a bit offensive against FM's last night but it riles me when i see all these cuts against the poor and disabled of this country in order to save money. My feelings are generated by by the amount of money being spent on wars abroad which amounts to billions- they are not working and costing thousands of lives on both sides for no reasonable outcome. Bring all our troops home and stop siding with the yanks on every whim they have on who to bomb next.

Totally agree!


What a success the legitimate war in Afghanistan against the oppressive Taliban has been when after years of British money and lives have been lost, president Karzai backs a law to make women practical prisoners in their homes and second class citizens.  The Taliban, for all their fatal flaws, managed to massively reduce opium production, Something our meddling has never managed to keep a lid on.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Personally, I feel sorry for Ed Miliband as he is being pilloried for trying to sell Labour as a party with a social conscience when it barely had one when it was in power.

Honestly, I have a lot of time for Ed, Slinki.  I don't care if he did 'stab his brother in the back'.  His brother deserved to be stabbed in the back for being a Blairite pretend socialist complicit in extraordinary extradition and other dubious Iraq-related stuff we probably won't hear the full extent of for another 25 years.  If Labour get rid of Ed I don't know who else they'd get who can turn the Labour Party back into a proper left of centre party instead of red rosetted Tories.

I agree..was pleased when he won the leadership contest, but I think he's in danger of being eaten alive : ( . I can't think of anyone within the party that could reverse the damage done by B.Liar . Depressing though it is, I wonder if Labour has been " modernised " (*spits*) so much there's no going back ?

I agree, that's my fear.  TBH, I'd rather Labour stay in opposition than a red rosetted Tory like David Miliband lead them to election victory.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The paradox mentioned last week concerned how important it was to throw money at the rich, so that they might be stimulated into making more wealth, and the importance that money was taken from the weak, so that they might be stimulated into making more wealth.

It's a busted flush but it will never be regarded as such because the self serving vociferous monied lobby have the means to direct public opinion. 


Look at the state of the country.  The Tories claimed Labour built a 'client state' but that 'client state' arose because of the widening inequalities of opportunity under firstly the Tories and then Labour following Tory prescriptions but with a bit more compassion. 


Twenty years of taxing the rich at 40% (mostly under Labour) and yet the private sector hardly created any jobs during the 13 years of Labour Govt.  Twenty years of reducing tax for the rich and the rich failed to deliver jobs or the enterprise that they claimed would drive the country forward.  Instead, what has happened is the rich have paid themselves more for doing the same thing while demanding efficiency savings from everyone else.


IMO, the rich need to be taxed more to make them work harder.  If they are as 'driven' as the right wing claims, it follows that taxing them more will make them get off their backsides and work harder.







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