Walkmans are a must. And podcasts without which I wouldn't get any housework done.
ooh... still got last week's Once Upon a Time podcast to listen to... beter get that done before they bring out the new one.
Don't know that one. I listen to Pat Kenny and Marian Finucane (RTE). Also lots of good stuff from Radio 4.
It's an american tv show, starts on channel5 in spring... no idea about rte. I âĨ it.
Rings a bell, think you might have told me about this before?
Glad you're enjoying it.
I'm on series 3 of Breaking Bad
I probably have. Robert Carlyle is in it.
Kate Humble is leaving Springwatch to do other stuff. Although I like Kate, Michaela is getting the job, which I'm pleased about. I notice Chris is a lot more cheeky with her
I don't particularly mind Kate or Michaela, doesn't really make a difference to me.
My father had surgery a couple of days ago to remove a tumour. I'm not close to him, and haven't seen him for years. Sent him over some stuff for going into hospital anyway.
My brother Owen said that he came through the op ok.
Oh... ((((Rosie)))) I hope things work out ok. Glad the surgery went well.. here's hoping that's the worst over.
Thanks Hitch. They got it early so the prospects are good
Was it wrong for me to wish James would write off Chris Evans' 5 million quid car?
Good. *fingers crossed*
Only in that James would be in the car, he may get hurt!
True. I got so nervous when he drove at the Nurburgring I could hardly watch.
Just a big scratch down the paintwork then. Honestly though paying 5 million for a car is obscene.
James can certainly key the car... slash the tires too.
it is indeed.
lol I concur.
Theres a programme about China on C4 at 8pm. It goes into the history a bit apparently. I found China hard to figure out, did you? So it could be interesting.
tended to find students lurking around museums to educate passing tourists... so, i know there's an islamic influence to the pottery. and... I don't know about figure out, might thoughts tended to focus on my next cup of tea and why you couldn't get the tour guides on to the topic of Tao... always swinging it back to buddism.
tended to find students lurking around museums to educate passing tourists... so, i know there's an islamic influence to the pottery. and... I don't know about figure out, might thoughts tended to focus on my next cup of tea and why you couldn't get the tour guides on to the topic of Tao... always swinging it back to buddism.
Islamic influence, really? I didn't know that. Trying to discuss Tao with tour guides?
*is doubly impressed*
there's borders in common... a lot of chinese muslims too.
a couple of us broached the subject... didn't go well.
Well... the Chinese don't really have our concept of politeness and maybe it was a touchy subject?
The C4 programme showed the terracota army. I really wish I'd seen that
No concept of queuing! On foot or behind the wheel!
Trust me, you were better off... 4 big warehouse/tent-like buildings, NO AIR CONDITIONING *Ahem*, a lot of pottery and that's pretty much it.
Was a nice wee teahouse on the grounds though... got to do the tea ceremony thing.