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Originally Posted by hh42:

The Lannisters? A lot happens to them... but I suspect you mean the Starks?


Never google until you've seen... actually, in this case read. A lot happens after what has been aired so far.


To paraphrase Melisandre "The internet is dark and full of spoilers".

It was the Lannisters as for some reason I couldn't remember Joffrey's name. Oh well things are always changing in G.O.T so its not that surprising!

Ya gotta watch your back in that place!


Lemon cakes oooh deeelish


My consultant did a home visit today with my nurse. Shifty dishonest little git he is. Absolutely the worst of the NHS  There were massive omissions in my notes - all that trauma with Mrs Madwoman and police involvement barely mentioned [ by strange coincidence she was also his patient ] and my distress and fear put down to not taking antipsychotic meds. The weight gain also omitted. 


I tore a strip off him. Oooh it felt brilliant 


Sorry to hear that Hitch  how awful. Must have been so distressing for your colleague to witness. Hope her Mum didn't suffer too much 



Sheesh... that puts things into perspective. I told the consultant I would stick with him, as I wanted him to learn lessons and gave him a list of things he had to do. They're all equally awful here - the local Psych hospital was in the news after a damning report in 2012 - the consultants didn't come out of it well.





 Very sad, poor lady. At least its a gentle enough death. 

My brother strongly suspects that's what the hospice did with our father. Don't know why there's such a fuss over assisted dying - its going on all the time on the sly.


On to happier things! Did you hear there's a new channel fronted by Jezza? BBC Brit.


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