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Really? maybe its just as well, too many pain meds are bad for you.


I have two short [3-4 mins] mp3s of a male psychotherapist telling you to sit back comfortably and then goes through your limbs, neck, fingers etc saying the tension is unwinding etc... and then to imagine a happy scene, and bring it to mind when you feel stressed etc.


There's another longer hypnotherapy recording which takes you to a desert island with a steel band playing etc  That one is fun. It gets you to slow your breathing down etc. His Belfast accent may be offputting to some though. Here he is: 


Yes the CBT is working well so far, thanks 


Hitch when you get it, could you please tell me what delivery it is... presumably if its from the US. when it gets here, it'll be Royal Mail? It says it ranges from DHL, UPS Express or local postal services


Such stuffs are important 


Owen prefers Royal Mail so he can re-arrange a Saturday delivery. He doesn't like CollectPlus from Amazon cos apparently they bash the boxes up 

Last edited by Former Member

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