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totally! he had me in stitches for this week's news.


ooh! I shall have to check him out then. Weirdly the double barrelled name sounds promising, like Martin Hughes-Games.


The concentration thing can be handy at times. Whenever SB picks up a 'lovely' *rolls eyes* bug, you tend to find me all "concentrate on Steve.... concentrate on Steve...".

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

TG wouldn't work without JM!


By the way I have a new telly crush. Gus Casely-Hayford who does the BBC4 series "Lost Kingdoms of Africa". Its a fascinating programme, although I find it hard to concentrate on what he's saying at times 

He got 18 months for robbing a pensionner 4 years ago.

Originally Posted by hh42:

totally! he had me in stitches for this week's news.


ooh! I shall have to check him out then. Weirdly the double barrelled name sounds promising, like Martin Hughes-Games.


The concentration thing can be handy at times. Whenever SB picks up a 'lovely' *rolls eyes* bug, you tend to find me all "concentrate on Steve.... concentrate on Steve...".

  [ Fans Hitch with Radio Times ].


Aww I can't catch watch the second episode of Last Explorers. Its supposed to be on iplayer series catch up but it isn't 


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