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 *admires Hitch's nerves of steel* Do you know if anything had happened there to cause the poltergeist?

Have you had other spooky experiences?


I only once sensed a place was haunted [Or more accurately felt a sense of evil there ]. It was a holiday cottage in Kerry. Some strange goings were witnessed by others in my family.


Will tell you more closer to Halloween

Originally Posted by hh42:

I have no idea, I'm not horribly familiar with the south side. I've seen ghosts... not interestingly, like you see on tv though.


York was similar? I remember you didn't like York for reasons.

 You can't just leave it at that... please go on 


York was more bad vibes. The cottage was much worse. A horrible sense that we were being watched and that something bad had taken place there. After creepy "events" we ended up leaving it in a hurry and finding alternative accommodation.


 Oh goodness - was the kid ok? Was it just you saw the wraith?


It was called Rose Cottage. I hated going on holiday there - a shabby little wooden house, overlooking the sea in Kerry. Horrible atmosphere. I was scared just going to the bathroom, as it meant I was alone.


One night Mum [who was a bit six sense-thy] saw or sensed something with wings swooshing past her down the hall, there was some sort of commotion + a general really bad supernatural atmosphere. We were all frightened + I was in tears I remember. We packed up + spent the night somewhere else.  Sounds pathetic describing it now, like it was hysteria  but it was awful *shudder*




He looks good in the first one... mean and moody. You really outdid yourself - thanks again I love em . Also I love that Don and Roger [Sterling] together gif  they're so cool together those two.


Its my Birthday on Sunday but started celebrating today. Some pressies came for me + was allowed to open them early  Got Sony Wireless headphones, candles, a rug, wicker baskets, mugs and more.



Last edited by Former Member

Aye looking very spiffy. Hope I don't see those false widows  even if they're deadly they'd probably hurt you though?


 Rather than section Mrs Madwoman when she was next door my consultant/nurse gave me more and more meds. My notes came back implying I was hysterical with virtually all mention of the cause [her disturbances] left out. No mention of the 6 disturbed letters. the cd put under my door, all the videos I took of the truly awful disturbances, the fact that police were concerned for my wellbeing, and recommended action be taken against her to the consultant. Needless to say she had previous and was well known to police.


I'm not that bothered as my emails and police records show what really happened. Disappointing though




Yes ta, going through 2 CBT books as well an online course.


Did I tell you Mrs Madwoman has escaped for the 2nd time from the local psychiatric hospital. I know I shouldn't call her that ... its not nice. But she really is bonkers. Theres another police/media bulletin out for her saying at the bottom to ring Crimestoppers. Gonna batten down the hatches til she's found again  


How was the rugby? Sounds like you need a hot drink


How you finding the course? Helping?


Oh heck... Someone got out our local one last year... She was hassling you, you get to call her whatever you want. *nods* Hopefully they'll catch her soon... the one up here didn't take too long.


It wasn't the best game... but we won. Our first Heineken cup win this season. Hot drinks sound nice right now.


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