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Hi Ruby and Hitch - thanks its lovely to see you too.
I'm ok thanks, but RL has gone weird - would you believe that I'm taking a complaint to the Police Complaints Commission? Me! Quiet old me who's never had so much as a parking ticket! They broke my door in and searched my flat looking for a non-existent missing man - can you believe that!!!

I'll be back soon - but thats why I've gone a bit quiet sorry. Its really shaken me.

At least we're reunited *hugs* xxx Hope you two are well?
Thanks *hugs*  glad youre both ok... apart from overdosing on Hershey bars ( never tried them - how did you get them? .

Yep Ruby it was scary... I'll tell you the full story in time, its one of those you couldn't make it up ones  apparently complaints against S Wales Police have gone up 50% in the past year. Not surprised...

Indeed Hitch, life without internet is scary.

Read yesterday RH describing when they were chased by rednecks in Alabama. Apparently with guns - but some of the commentators below the piece felt he was embellishing it hmmm.

Sorry I've not been around - RL gets madder and madder - I had to call the police on a rowdy neighbour. First time I've called the police since a burglary way back in 1991.


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