I saw! do we know who is up for friday yet?
They're all up Hitch except Gareth. It'll be a double eviction... I hope Denise and Kirk leave.
ah ok.... i can't remember who gareth is though?
The big Welsh rugby player
bald guy? all these famous people! so confusing! *ahem*
Yes thats the one. His nickname is Alfie as he resembles the puppet.
there's a puppet called alfie?
i... know... nothing... :'(
Well, the puppet is called Alf... not heard of him?
oh Alf! Alf I know... The Alfie threw me off there.
There is a distinct resemblance, its the nose and the eyes I think?
there is indeed... now that it's been pointed out.
Michael is going crrrrrazy lol.
Oh b.t.w. I saw Warhorse *online coff* brilliant film Quite proud of myself that I only cried once.
oh dear... hopefully everyone's ears are still attached?
I don't really fancy that one. war movies tend to bore me. :S except maybe the great escape, mainly because ilyria kuriyakin is in it.
I don't like War Movies either... Theres something about the first world war though. .
Aww Badgers have just been on Countryfile... starting about 13 mins in. Lots of shots of them snuggled up in their sets... and baby badgers... sweeeeet!
history did for me... they lure you in with vikings and stone age people... then stick you with 4 years of ww1 and ww2.
i wanted vikings and romans...
Ah I see, when you put it like that.
History was my favourite subject at school. I think a lot depends on the teacher, if they can bring it to life. I was lucky I had a couple of great ones - who gave me a lifelong love of the subject.
I think it was the syllabus. Everything was from a scottish view point. (except the arch duke Ferdinand, they couldn't put a scottish tint on that )
I'm getting back into the way of it with Horrible Histories. that's fun. (even if they can't decide which george died on the loo... pretty sure is was 2, not 1 though.)
I get all the Georges mixed up
Happy Burns Night Hitch will you be having anything special to celebrate it?
george 1 - german
george 2 - angry
george 3 - batty
george 4 - fat
that is how i keep them in check. *nods*
this helps too (apart from the whole wrong george dying on the loo thing) http://youtu.be/zPtYmq5qFVA
Thank you. they sent some haggis into us at work today... was lovely, but i substituted carrots for the neeps, as neeps are minging. *nods*