badgers are adorable... honey badgers and most mustelids are... except the north american badger... they just look weird.
Aww otters are mustelids too aren't they? They're so cute. I'd love to have a tame one, although they turn quite aggressive once they hit adolescence. Ask Terry Nutkins.
yeah they are. cute indeed.
yeah, go to neopets and adopt a lutari on lutari day... probably safer. *nods*
Definitely safer
Oh I googled american badger. I see what you mean. They look all wrong, closer to a skunk.
skunks are cute too. *nods*
decided during all the panda stuff yesterday that there's something about black and white animals.
panda, badger, skunk, honey badger, zebra and those white tigers.
Magpies, fresian cows border collies and dalmations
those too. i'll throw in tuxedo cats since they apparently out of fashion right now with prospective cat owners.
Yeah I heard that too, that they're the least popular. I love B+W cats, my Auntie used to have one called Beauty.
my aunt had one called Tashie, he had a tache.
Really? Our Whoose ( RIP ) was all black with a white dot on her chest.
i think they are pretty cats.
did you hear about hurricane bawbag? stv news website started to use that name too... but they chickened out during the 6 o'clock news. silly stv.
I did hear about it, someone of the comments on twitter were hilarious. Was it bad where you are Hitch?
it wasn't too bad... some structural damage up byres road and my dad got blew off his feet on the mini roundabout. (he's ok. just landed on his back and couldn't get back up... a wee wifie had to help him)
Wow that must have been scary for your dad
I got the Christmas Radio Times - the TG special is in India. Sounds really good.
His main concern was that no one mistook him for a junkie. There was one lying there a few months back shouting.
I saw, shall be interesting. *nods*
His main concern was that no one mistook him for a junkie. There was one lying there a few months back shouting.
I saw, shall be interesting. *nods*
Hope your Dad is none the worse for it. There are more storms on the way apparently.
He's ok... not even a scratch. *nods*
By the way, do you think the top gear special will still be on... they replaced friday's QI cause Jezza was on it. (there are methods to watch it.)
Oh no, I hope not. The furore should have died down by then. I can't believe they cut Jezza out of QI - total overreaction.
especially since what he said wasn't bad in context... of course the news shows kept airing it out of context.
it was a good episode of QI by the way... on youtube. *nods*