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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Me too. Wish there was a Summerwatch - and a Winterwatch for that matter. 


As far as I know they do a 'watch' for each season except summer.


They should leave the 'Nest and nestlings' cam on until all the chicks have fledged - even if they're not doing anymore actual programmes.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Don't worry about starting to dote, I tend to forget what I'm talking about half way through a word.


I'm not... not really keen on zombies (says the girl that watches Game of Thrones, which has zombies), unless they are Reg Shoe. I know they don't act zombie-ish... but still.


My parents brought me a present (or two, there's a flag too) from Wales. A little red dragon, guess what I've called him?  *obvious Colette, is obvious*


The woman in work that said about me watching Lost "Well, I don't watch shows just because everyone else does." is the one trying to get us all to watch... It's putting me right off.


Anyhow, I'm all caught up on A Song of Ice and Fire... planning to overtake HBO by a billion miles. I'm hoping to find out stuffs... like is this dude that dude? Why and how does this happen? Is Edmure going to escape? I shall find  out soon... Death to the Freys! *nods*

Originally Posted by hh42:

The woman in work that said about me watching Lost "Well, I don't watch shows just because everyone else does." is the one trying to get us all to watch... It's putting me right off.



Puts me off too. There's this film that hubby want's me to watch and I probably will watch it....eventually .... but his regular have you not watched it yet?" keeps delaying things.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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